No, Truthy, the point of the Clause in my post is that KHT has NO
responsibility for overseeing or administering the safeguarding of
Children, all responsibility falls upon the local Body of Elders. That
is why I Posted. Elders, or the Body of Elders may be Sued, and will get
no help financially from the KHT, which will say, " Sorry brothers, if
we help you out with this, we will be admitting liability, and you took
that liability upon yourselves, please see Clause 12, Goodbye".
In the US business world, the local congregations are basically becoming franchises of similar to Subway, Burger King, McDonald's, Starbucks, etc. That is exactly what is being outlined in that letter. If the local brothers in the local franchise botch something in a really bad way.......the global is basically off of the hook since each congregation is their own entity.