Posts by Splash
News item in Sweden on Child abuse Royal commission Australia
by InquiryMan inalready on its first day of hearing, this case makes headlines on the other side of the globe.
swedish regional newspaper carries this coverage:.
The Australian Royal Commission hearings on the JWs handling of child abuse begins here in the US later today. It will be streamed.
by AndersonsInfo inthe royal commission hearing starting on monday, july 27, 2015 - australian day and date - (and it could go on until august 7th depending on how many witnesses testify) regarding jehovah's witnesses handling of child abuse is supposed to be streamed.. it could be that the hearing will only be audio not video although we were informed it will be streamed.
we'll find out in a few hours.. i live in the central time zone of the us and right now here it is sunday, 3: 45 pm.
in sydney, australia, it is 15 hours ahead of us.
I hope the UK Charity Commission are aware of these proceedings and are watching.
The WT are displaying a pattern of behaviour around the world which falls under a clause in their elder book:Shepherd Book p. 58 "Offense Requiring Judicial Decisions"
They should consider the extent and nature of the misconduct, intent and motive, frequency or practice, and so forth.Going by this measure they have a worldwide problem which they have sought to cover up for decades.
The Report - BBC Radio 4 about Jehovah's Witnesses and Child Sexual Abuse can now be heard
by AndersonsInfo in
the report about child abuse and jehovah's witnesses is now live.. jehovah's witnesses handle child abuse cases.
jehovah's witnesses and child sexual abuse, the report - bbc radio 4 .
'dont believe everything you hear in the news' and you know there is a saying among journalists 'don't let the truth get in the way of a good story'.
These aren't stories, and this isn't the media.
A JW can log on and watch each elder testify in person. This is the source of the information being reported, not apostates.
The WT are being systematically exposed world wide in the way they most feared, and even with the opportunity to defend themselves they are further confirming their own guilt.
The evidence is irrefutable. No GB sermon can hide this any longer. Every JW will have to face this reality.Jesus put it best in Matthew 10:26 "So do not fear them, for there is nothing covered over that will not become uncovered, and nothing secret that will not become known."
Media headline:Jehovah's Witnesses did not report 1006 alleged sex abusers to police, royal commission told
by fulltimestudent incheck it for yourself: .
not a good look!.
These elders are just now getting a taste of what it's like to be sat in front of a JC.
The difference is that there are sound rules in place here, and not just the whim of untrained men.
The Australian Royal Commission hearings on the JWs handling of child abuse begins here in the US later today. It will be streamed.
by AndersonsInfo inthe royal commission hearing starting on monday, july 27, 2015 - australian day and date - (and it could go on until august 7th depending on how many witnesses testify) regarding jehovah's witnesses handling of child abuse is supposed to be streamed.. it could be that the hearing will only be audio not video although we were informed it will be streamed.
we'll find out in a few hours.. i live in the central time zone of the us and right now here it is sunday, 3: 45 pm.
in sydney, australia, it is 15 hours ahead of us.
The video streaming widget is up!
40 mins to go...
The Australian Royal Commission hearings on the JWs handling of child abuse begins here in the US later today. It will be streamed.
by AndersonsInfo inthe royal commission hearing starting on monday, july 27, 2015 - australian day and date - (and it could go on until august 7th depending on how many witnesses testify) regarding jehovah's witnesses handling of child abuse is supposed to be streamed.. it could be that the hearing will only be audio not video although we were informed it will be streamed.
we'll find out in a few hours.. i live in the central time zone of the us and right now here it is sunday, 3: 45 pm.
in sydney, australia, it is 15 hours ahead of us.
WT Flip-Flops on JesusÂ’ InspectionÂ… Was it in 1918 or 1919?... Did the WT PASS or FAIL?
by Alfred inthis is utterly ridiculous.... .
the more i research this particular subject, the more flip-flops i uncover.
it seems the fds cant even make up their minds regarding what happened in 1918 (or should i say 1919?).
I think there have been two more since that first page:
Inspection year: 1919 Result: Failed Inspection Watchtower Sept 15, 2012 page 25
Inspection year: 1914 Result: Failed Inspection Watchtower July 15, 2013 page 23
"Don't you love Jehovah anymore then ?"
by Phizzy inmrs phizzy ran into a jw lady from a neighbouring congo who has known us since we were teenagers, before we married, sometime in the pleistocene era lol.. during the conversation said lady asked if mrs phizzy was going to the r.c, to which mrs phizzy replied, "oh you haven't heard, we no longer go to meetings".. the jw lady then came back with the question in the thread title, which mrs phizzy handled well.. the point of this is though, what a god-awful, stupid, cult-minded question to ask !.
did she think we woke up one morning and thought "we don't love god anymore" ??
would that happen to anyone ?.
I'm pleased Mrs Phizzy handled it well.
I would probably have said that I still love God but the WT's constantly changing teachings and repeated demands for more money show that they no longer represent God. They have become televangelists which we were always told to stay clear of.
Recent Observation: "Even if it's true..."
by freemindfade inhas anyone else heard this said more frequently lately?
"even if it's true..." i have seen it said on here a few times in quotes from in family or friends responding the negative things about the org.. i heard it tuesday night again.
in a pioneer sisters comment.
Excellent Blondie. Same verse, different translations:
(GNB) Sin offerings are required in the following cases. If you are officially summoned to give evidence in court and do not give information about something you have seen or heard, you must suffer the consequences.
(GW) The LORD continued, "Now, if you are a witness under oath and won't tell what you saw or what you know, you are sinning and will be punished. "
(ISV) "If someone sins because he has fails to testify after receiving notice to testify as a witness regarding what he has observed or learned, he is to be held responsible."
Did the society official track each member of the 144,000?
by Bob Loblaw inwhen i left witness land in the early 90's, i remember hearing that out of 144,000 anointed members that there were only 8 to 9 thousand left and then the end will come.. i'm suddenly curious.
the jw organization is one that puts emphasis on tracking, i.e., regular meeting attendance, current standing, field service hours, territory tracking, return visits, etc.
therefore, did the society ever try to track each and every member of the 144,000?
The simple get-out clause is that not everyone partaking are truly anointed.
They do not keep track because they can only know the number who partook, not who are truly anointed.