Posts by Splash
Western Decline is a Reality - 2015 Memorial Attendance
by berrygerry inas has been observed in western congos, the decline is real.. usa is 12.475 % less -2015 vs 2014.
Where are these WT figures from? -
August 2020 - Five Years Post RC - What Will Be Like?
by jw07 in1. will implement all / some of the recommended changes?.
2. will proudly refuse citing that they will "obey god as ruler rather than men"?.
3. will news about the rc goes viral, and how will the world at large respond?.
Why won't they simply change policy on sex offenders? Will they?
by punkofnice inwhy won't they (the wbt$ head honchos), simply change policy on sex offenders?
will they?..especially after the arc for eg?
it seems that with all the bad press and now the arc among other institutions that are exposing the wbt$ for a haven for paedophiles, why hasn't the wbt$ simply changed it's insane policy?.
By changing the policy to delete all abusers, they would lose many appointed men.
By becoming open and sharing the abusers names to protect the congregations, they would be liable for compensation claims.
By making any changes because the law says so, they demonstrate themselves to be less than the holy all knowing GB they try to portray.
By doing anything on a worldwide scale, they would expose their underlying problem to many who are unaware of it, and some would quit.
Expensive court cases would follow, bad publicity, loss of followers and ministry zeal, and loss of income.
If you could ask Geoffrey Jackson one question that he had to answer what would it be?
by jwleaks inwhat question would you ask geoffrey jackson, as a member of the governing body of jehovah's witnesses, to answer?
jw leaks.
Tornintwo I'm wound up now
Yes, outrage is an appropriate reaction
*** w10 9/1 p. 11 Guard Against Being Deceived ***
Satan began deceiving mankind at the very start of human history. . . What a delusion to believe that the right to choose between good and bad means the right to determine what is good and what is bad! Unfortunately, we imperfect humans easily fall into that trap..
*** w75 11/1 p. 651 Insight on the News ***
"A group of ten U.S. religions, including some major Lutheran, Episcopal, Methodist and Baptist denominations, have decided to try church collections by credit card. The experiment, sponsored by the National Council of Churches, will encourage participating church members to authorize credit-card transfers of a specified contribution to their church each month. The idea, a Council spokesman says, is that “this will provide the local church with regular income whether or not the local congregation is in attendance,” especially in “off-seasons,” like summer vacation time. The report on the experiment says that those joining the program will be “giving unto business what belongs to business—a profit.” How so? “Participating banks will charge 65 cents a transaction, and the credit card companies will rake off 3 percent of every donation.” Obviously someone benefits, but how much spiritual benefit is the modern churchgoer getting?"
The WT are now happy to use the same method as they used to condemn other churches for.
The WT have gone one step further in that it is the congregations which have had to pledge monthly contributions to provide the Society "with regular incomes whether or not the local congregation is in attendance".
Regarding not being viewed negatively when one fades.. An experiment?
by disposable hero of hypocrisy inin joe134cd's recent thread, he mentioned the myth that apparently one should be able to fade or become inactive without repercussions from the community.
he mentioned about the 'dropping-you-like-a-hot-potato' phenomenon from social media sites, even when you've not told anybody why you're not coming any more.. i propose that it may be good to record such a phenomenon when it occurs so that this lie can be readily rebuffed.
i'm not out yet, but when i do, i shall be only to willing to record the response on social media sites.
If they don't drop you they will hassle you to come back.
Better they cut and run.
by defender of truth inthe royal commissions public hearing into the jehovahs witnesses will recommence in sydney on friday 14 august 2015 at 11:00am.. it is anticipated that the hearing will hear from one witness, mr geoffrey jackson, a member of the governing body of jehovahs witnesses.. .
I don't believe that the principled men we've seen run the RC would succumb to bribery. If there is anything underhand being planned then it will be a sudden announcement that GJ's father has taken a bad turn and GJ has to leave immediately. However if this happens then I'd like to see proceedings suspended until another day in the near future.
As we speak GJ will be preparing his statement with the help of his lawyers (probably New York lawyers after Tooles performance) and will be briefed on get out phrases, how to limit his perceived involvement etc.
I'm not expecting any great revelations from GJ but it will be good to see him face questioning - it might just bring him back down to earth a bit, to be answerable to some who do not fawn at his every passing of gas.
I predict he will fend off the easy questions, and when cornered will say that he'll make sure things get reviewed. Of course this is a fob off since reviewing something means nothing will change..
For me it will just be good to make him acknowledge how harmful and inadequate his procedures are, realise that he is still accountable to the laws of the land, and that he isn't yet the all wise, all knowing, all powerful deity that he someday expects to become.
"And what happened next was simply unbelievable!"
by Terry ini always sit in the same spot, just outside starbucks in a vestibule area with a table in the air-conditioned space.
i say "always," but not today.. somebody with two laptops and a table filled with business ledgers was in "my" favorite spot!.
so, i took a tiny wooden table inside the coffee shop on a long padded bench next to 3 other identical tables.. as the clickbait banner ads like to say: "and what happened next was simply unbelievable!".
Captivating Terry, I was right there on the next table watching.
Don't feel bad, they were blasting Catholics.
It's their topic of conversation as they leave, and personal research later.
What is their official explanation for not allowing beards?
by keyser soze ini ask because my gf, who knows all about my jw upbringing, convinced me to grow a goatee, just to see how it looks.
we both decided it looked good so i decided to keep it.
i tried to explain to her that as a jw, i wasn't allowed to grow one, but then drew a blank when she asked me why.
Not just back in Rutherford's time either.
(1986) Worldwide Security under the Prince of Peace (picture) p.164:
What is their official explanation for not allowing beards?
by keyser soze ini ask because my gf, who knows all about my jw upbringing, convinced me to grow a goatee, just to see how it looks.
we both decided it looked good so i decided to keep it.
i tried to explain to her that as a jw, i wasn't allowed to grow one, but then drew a blank when she asked me why.
A study made great progress.
Over a period of years he came to all the meetings, joined the TMS, wanted to go out on the ministry.Elders took him in the back room and said he had to lose the well groomed and dignified beard.
Study quit associating - never seen again. True story.
To the elders, enforcing an unwritten rule beyond their jurisdiction was more important than saving a soul.
BTW, how many 1,000's of hours does it take to bring in just one convert?