Thanks Blondie, always read your analyses.
BTW, where's your avatar? I don't recognise this nondescript brown thing as I'm scanning posts.
wt publications (old).
united nations .
when pornography is mentioned by the wts they mean men, who obviously cant control their sexual desires, so that even a moment is too much.
Thanks Blondie, always read your analyses.
BTW, where's your avatar? I don't recognise this nondescript brown thing as I'm scanning posts.
justice mcclellen asked g.jackson about compensation for victims of child abuse , and mcclellan suggested it be by a consortium of groups , presumably religious and secular in nature as a pool to dispense approppiate compensation to all of the victims involved .. g.jackson hesitated and said they would have to look at the details of that proposal , before committing to it.. jehovah`s witnesses consider themselves as the only true religion and ,all others as false religion .. they take pains to separate themselves from from any association with other religions , not even being included in newspaper notices about church services.they want to keep themselves separate and distinct from false religion as they see them.. so how do you think they will handle this suggestion / requirement ?
will they join in aligning themselves with "babylon the great" in compensation .?.
didn`t they align themselves with another religion in the u.s.a. some years ago , that had to do with the w.t.
Everything they despise in one question.
Spending money, having to publicly acknowledge their guilt and being lumped in with Babylon the Great.
Oh please let it happen, and on a world wide scale!!
your going to enjoy the latest rumor i heard why i have not been to meeting for around nine months, i am a homosexual!
i was caught having a drink at one of the gay bars for business, yes people still talk business in bars.
revelation 17:4).and murderers, and fornicators (cf.
It is inconceivable for someone to leave the JW's unless they are doing something evil.
When someone quits, the JW mindset simply has to assign some bad character trait, otherwise it becomes too difficult and confusing to comprehend.
A genuine, warm, intelligent person leaves the JW's?
No way! They were actually a closet homosexual drug taker, who has an apostate blog.
under coodinators comitee pt63.
you can now request your personal records from the branch check it out.
@The Rebel
Yes, in the UK you can do both of those things.
If you think the Society will comply with either request then you are in for a surprise.
Clause 62.g. is something else that doesn't get mentioned when you're baptised:
"[...] all of Jehovah's Witnesses have consented by virtue of their free and willing decision to become Jehovah's Witnesses and identify themselves as such."
Is that one of the baptism questions?
"Do you agree that your personal data and any correspondence about you can be handled however the Society see's fit, retaining it forever and never allowing you to see it or remove it?"
"All say 'YES'!"
under coodinators comitee pt63.
you can now request your personal records from the branch check it out.
Talk about being two faced and double tongued!!!!
First it says that data correction and deletion can be granted (no doubt the clause they will repeat to anyone who asks about this), then the next two sections explain why this shouldn't be done!
63.a. "A data subject's right to the protection of personal and sensitive personal data and to the correction or deletion of personal and sensitive personal data is to be granted according to the practice of JW's as set forth in this policy".
63.c. "If a data subject requests access to, correction of, or deletion of personal data or sensitive personal data about himself, the organisation will fairly consider granting the request by balancing the interests of the individual [...] against the legitimate religious interests of the organisation [...]"
63.d. "The organisation has an interest in permanently retaining data regarding an individuals status as one of Jehovah's Witnesses. Deleting such information would unduly infringe on the organisations religious beliefs and practices."
i can't help thinking that there is something essentially wrong with gj's new description of the role of the gibbering biddies as guardians of the doctrines..
guardians immediately take on a role of authority, (dont ever forget who is in charge!
) guardians outside of the legal sense of adoptive parent has another resonance, it sounds like the inhuman bullies in some dystopian novel about oppressive religious politics.
A guardian is someone who defends or protects something.
They are doing a very bad job as guardians then, since doctrine is being constantly revised.
A better description would be Fiddlers Of Doctrine.,-july-2015,-sydney.
select aug 14..
A: I guess that's a broad question, because sometimes those who make these accusations make many other accusations as well. But let me assure you, the person making the accusation is not the main thing. The main thing is: is there some basis to the accusation. And if there is some way that we could improve, the Governing Body is always interested in seeing how we can refine our policies.
I like that this statement was recorded.
It is an admission that the policies are the GB's, and that they alone are responsible for creating and improving them. Finally we know, this is where the buck stops.
i used to visit this site about ten years ago.
i haven't come her in a long time.
i have just recently started talking to a family member who is leaving the jws and i wanted to know what are the best sites available these days for finding out all the topics of information - failed prophecy, 1975, rutherford's drinking, russells tombstone - you know all of that kind of stuff.. back in the day there used to be a site run by a norwegian i think called kent.
been researching the mormons a little since they are quite similar to the jws.
they have a similar webpage and many videos to "help" the mormons in their faith.
i found this video done by abc4 news:.
JW growth in western countries is almost entirely born ins.
Perpetuating your faith down to your children is why the WT has been able to survive. If parents realised that the teachings today are nothing like the teachings that first persuaded them (or their parents perhaps) then this nonsense would soon come to an end.
I'm a 3rd generation JW and when I step back I realise that if a JW called on my house today there's no way I would accept their easily disprovable nonsense.
So my take on it is that if the cycle of inheriting your parents beliefs could be broken, the decline would be abrupt.
The good news is that western kids today do not blindly accept as much as my generation did, and are more empowered to challenge hand-me-down religion.
The WT may spend billions of hours recruiting but the writing is on the wall. Within our generation we will see the decline begin to set in, and even more so as the WT is held to the light regarding their abusive policies, ever changing unscriptural teachings and blatant money grabbing coersions.
hey all,.
have you seen the new video on ?.
isn't this too much of a coincidence?
According to a recent elders training video, if she was feeling suicidal all she needs to do is repeat out loud "I am an integrity keeper!"
All better.
I tried this when I once got a broken arm, and it healed up almost immediately.
I have no doubt that it would also work for a fractured mind.
Buffoon elders actually think they are qualified to help.