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Posts by Splash
Whoa ! maybe it's not as good here in Oz as I thought!
by wozza infound this on my facebook page that someone had posted , just a joke i hope .
My 67 Year Old Elder Brother Is Depressed Because The Younger Elders Are Taking Over
by minimus inhe was the school overseer but they relieved him of that to allow younger elders the privilege of the job.
now he is depressed and actually shed tears, believing his worth has diminished.
If it was felt that he has struggled lately with that job, organising the school or counselling the students, he might have been relieved of that responsibility.
I've seen capable men just get old and tired, and their responsibilities become harder and harder to fulfill.
Maybe it was for this reason, in which case he should try to see it as a relief, though I can understand how he would feel like it is a demotion.
Remind him how the CO's are dropped once they reach 70, or bethelites are retired from bethel when they reach a certain point. This might show him that it is an organisational procedure and he shouldn't take it personally.
How are you spreading TTATT?
by vinman injust wondering if anyone has used any underhanded ways of spreading ttatt.
i mean, has anyone made up business cards or tracts and spread them far and wide?
i would love to engage in this "alternative witnessing".
I talk about what's in the news about JW's - typically abuse court cases, TV programs and now the Royal Commission.
I challenge statements that are taken as given such as Armageddon is soon or the world is getting worse.
I toss out ideas to discuss which are easily disprovable such as New scrolls, the Generation teaching etc.
I also ask why the WT includes certain scriptures at the end of a paragraph that actually has no relevance whatsoever to do with the statements just made in the paragraph. They do this a lot.
UK TV--next monday 24th aug---channel 5-----9 pm--escaping the witnesses
by stan livedeath injust see it advertised on tv--with photo of our friend from south wales
punkofnice It's a shame they let the WBT$ have the final say without those crafty words being critiqued and put into perspective.
Immediately prior to this statement they broadcast a similar one from the Scientologists.
Having the very obviously dishonest statement by Scientology followed by the WT statement made a point.It said that Scientology tells lies. The WT are like Scientology. The WT cannot be trusted either.
UK TV--next monday 24th aug---channel 5-----9 pm--escaping the witnesses
by stan livedeath injust see it advertised on tv--with photo of our friend from south wales
"If a family member has been shunned or disfellowshipped, that does not sever the family ties and normal day to day dealings may continue"
Any active JW hearing this will know it's a lie, the rules on treating DF'd persons are well known and understood.
Their blatant lies may yet cause some to pause for thought.
Was lett's video about child abuse claims as apostate lies removed??
by EndofMysteries ini saw the original video months ago but forgot which video it was, but i read in another thread somebody claiming that video was removed.
is that true?
i couldn't find a thread talking about this.
Is Tomo's video about child abuse still up as well? -
Geoffrey Jackson on "corporal punishment"
by opusdei1972 inhere is another jackson's misleading answer, from the transcript of august 14 :.
25 q. do you accept corporal punishment?
29 a. not not personally, no, and not as an organisation 30 we don't encourage it.
g72 9/22 p. 29 Watching the World - "Religious 'Credibility Gap'"
♦ Politicians have reputations for distorting truth. The 'Pentagon papers' affair in 1971 highlighted their 'credibility gap.' Journalists and advertisers are also guilty of deception. And the clergy? Veteran United Press International writer Louis Cassels says: "Time and again, as a reporter covering religious news, I have found church spokesmen resorting to deliberate obfuscations [confusions] and torturing the truth in an effort to keep the public in the dark about what actually happened in a particular situation."
Sister attendants not able to give directions to a brother..Misogyny
by Theburstbubble inat our recent rc i was advised by a sister who was an attendant that they have been advised not to be able to give brothers directions as this should be dealt with by the brothers.
apparently at the pre-convention attendants meeting, the sisters were asked to stay behind.
this was when they were given the news that the brothers should deal with brothers.
OneEyedJoe Women can be attendants?
Well, sort of.
They are not allowed to have an attendants badge and aren't allowed to wear an attendants hi-vis jacket, they have to wear a different coloured one.
They do have to have all the same training however.
The Organization's Incredible Growth?
by James Smith infor those who have attended the 2015 district/regional convention (or know someone who has), could you please provide the location, and attendance for one session (preferably the highest for the entire assembly), and the number of newly baptized?
i am wishing to do a brief statistical analysis of potential changes in the size of the org.
thank you in advance for the data provided.
Kingdom Hall Upgrades
by stuckinlimbo inhi all :) been a looooong time since i've been around.
anyways, i was wondering if the kingdom hall reno/upgrade scam is going on in australia as well?
the hall where i live apparently needs a complete gut and redo (admittedly the decor was horrid).
Further to travel, more inconvenient meeting times, but the WT get a pay day.