Posts by Splash
The Oesophagus of the whale shark and the story of Jonah
by purrpurr inin the wt's literature it is often theorised that the "great fish" that swallowed jonah was a whale shark.
indeed looking at whale sharks with their wide huge mouths it seems reasonable to think that a human could fit in there.... ... until that is you do any research on it.
while the whales mouth is huge, it's oesophagus however is only a few inches wide.
*** w93 8/15 p. 32 Did It Swallow Jonah? ***Some say, ‘Impossible! No creature in the sea could swallow a man.’ But either a sperm whale or a great white shark could. National Geographic (December 1992) offered another possibility—the whale shark. The largest known shark, it can grow to 70 feet [20 m] in length and weigh 70 tons. “The whale shark’s unusual digestive anatomy lends itself to Jonah stories. It is easy to imagine yourself being inadvertently sucked into a whale shark’s mouth, which is huge . . . The cavernous mouth of even a small adult whale shark could easily accommodate a pair of Jonahs.” -
The Oesophagus of the whale shark and the story of Jonah
by purrpurr inin the wt's literature it is often theorised that the "great fish" that swallowed jonah was a whale shark.
indeed looking at whale sharks with their wide huge mouths it seems reasonable to think that a human could fit in there.... ... until that is you do any research on it.
while the whales mouth is huge, it's oesophagus however is only a few inches wide.
*** w96 5/15 p. 25 Jonah Learns About Jehovah’s Mercy ***
At that the sailors throw Jonah overboard. As he sinks into the churning sea, its raging begins to cease.As the water closes over Jonah, he is doubtless praying. Then he feels himself slipping along a soft channel as he slides into a larger cavity. Surprisingly, he can still breathe! Unwrapping seaweed from around his head, Jonah finds himself in a truly unique place. This is because “Jehovah appointed a great fish to swallow Jonah, so that Jonah came to be in the inward parts of the fish three days and three nights.”
My Book Of Bible Stories (Chap 70)
Today's meeting & WT 7/2015 study "Work to enhance the spiritual paradise"
by Mrs. Eden inso, much against my inclination, i went to the meeting this sunday morning.
just starting to fade, but i needed to do it so that it doesn't look like my hubby turned my head during last week's vacations.
since i'm not just disappearing cold turkey, i went.
prologos par. 12, privileged older ones have seen the org's transformation
We had a lot of hands listing the changes we all were aware of.
In my time in the Org we have had new teachings on when the end is coming, new teachings on blood, on 1914 and on the 'generation', different requirements for pioneers, new Faithful Slave, new donation arrangements, different assemblies, different headquarters, a different and prominent Governing Body, new videos, cartoons and online TV shows, different ministry, new branding (, different weekly meetings, different Sunday talks, everything tablet based, new elder and DO arrangements, smaller magazines, different Kingdom Halls, new songs, new music and a different Bible,
It's a new religion.
London Bethelites Are Agitated!
by The Searcher ina source has informed me that a relative who's in london bethel has said that a number of bethelites there are very uncomfortable and embarrassed because the branch has received "quite a few letters" querying why members of the governing body were wearing flashy rings and jewellery on some of the monthly broadcasts, but on the broadcast when the g.b.
asked for more money from the congregations - their gold and jewellery was not on display!.
will probably emerge one day wearing sackcloth, begging for yet more donations..
The GB are such clueless clowns.
They are so far removed from sense and reality that they piously have no idea how to conduct themselves.
They flaunt their wealth, openly lie, consider themselves faultless and immune from the world's courts.
Even the hardcore fans are starting to wake up to their immense and public stupidity.
Is it worth making a JW Talk profile?
by Lemonp ini have looked at the jw talk forums every now and again.
is it any use making a profile to get in?
mainly just to laugh at the pathetic discussion that they carry on with.
Some parts are quite interesting but it's not a discussion forum, it's a worship forum for the GB.
I couldn't stomach the adulation and juvenile reasoning, so got banned for pointing out an obvious but irrefutable problem with their teachings.
They talk of love, but it's actually a very hateful and suspicious forum.
Anybody have any "REAL" experiences of spirit/demon activity? I'll explain.
by runForever ini know there is a lot of people on here that will say it is pure make believe but i am interested if anybody has had any real concrete things happen such as something moving or something appearing in the mirror etc.. anything just post it up here even if it wasn't much.
please give a little context as to the situation..
I once called out Satan's name, and an evil presence descended on both myself and my friend to the degree we both instantaneously ducked for cover.
We looked at each other to say What The Hell?????
It was a flesh crawling, terror inducing moment of fear that had us both drop to the floor instinctively.
Neither of us were expecting it or could explain it.
Crisis Of Conscience.
The new release will be at the start of the convention so all can follow along.
Money, Money, Money...and Money, Money, Money
by The Rebel ini made a post of this, but feel it warrants a thread.
in central london ( paddington) the " property management company" we refer to as jehovers witnesses, bought a church building, which is now a kingdom hall, but with the outside appearance of a church.. i got an explanation from bethel " it's just a building".
well let's give the organisation credit for its business sence.
Money, Money, Money...and Money, Money, Money
by The Rebel ini made a post of this, but feel it warrants a thread.
in central london ( paddington) the " property management company" we refer to as jehovers witnesses, bought a church building, which is now a kingdom hall, but with the outside appearance of a church.. i got an explanation from bethel " it's just a building".
well let's give the organisation credit for its business sence.
I found it on google maps.
It's less than one mile from Kensington Palace!
To put valuations into perspective, individual flats in that cul-de-sac go for around £1million each.
Kingdom hall in a church complex
by StephaneLaliberte incheck out this kingdom hall right in a church complex!!
google map!
Tut tut, the 1999 WT writers would not have approved!
w99 3/15 p. 24 Building on Pagan Foundation
AMONG the many impressive monuments that are visited by tourists to Rome, Italy, is the Pantheon. The Pantheon was originally a pagan temple, a "place for all gods," which is the meaning of the original Greek word. Today, it is still considered a Roman Catholic church.
It ought to be obvious, however, that changing the dedication of a temple or the name of a celebration is not sufficient to transform the 'worship of devils into the service of the true God.' "What agreement does God's temple have with idols?" asked the apostle Paul. "'Get out from among them, and separate yourselves,' says Jehovah, 'and quit touching the unclean thing'