DOC If you vote (for anything), you're violating your neutrality
Yes, you're correct. That will be the reaction.
So if I vote for "in" or "out", who am I aligning myself with? How am I no longer neutral?
jw's are not allowed to vote for political parties etc, but what about the vote, probably during 2016, to decide if the uk should leave the eu?.
the w99 11/1 qfr on voting saysthere are clear principles set out in the bible that enable servants of god to take a proper view of this matter.
however, there appears to be no principle against the practice of voting itself...what, though, of voting in political elections?
DOC If you vote (for anything), you're violating your neutrality
Yes, you're correct. That will be the reaction.
So if I vote for "in" or "out", who am I aligning myself with? How am I no longer neutral?
a day in the life.
i took a hot bath this morning.
then, after making my bed and saying "good morning" to my roommate, sana--i jumped on my bike and headed off to breakfast.sound exciting enough for you yet?
Seven days later, I owed eighty-three thousand dollars. I was wiped out.
I will never complain about the UK health service ever again.
there is no end to their madness.
the co gave a talk on inspired error.
i have never heard of it.
I'm assuming it was taken from Revelation
(Revelation 16:13, 14) And I saw three unclean inspired expressions that looked like frogs come out of the mouth of the dragon and out of the mouth of the wild beast and out of the mouth of the false prophet. 14 They are, in fact, expressions inspired by demons ...
jw's are not allowed to vote for political parties etc, but what about the vote, probably during 2016, to decide if the uk should leave the eu?.
the w99 11/1 qfr on voting saysthere are clear principles set out in the bible that enable servants of god to take a proper view of this matter.
however, there appears to be no principle against the practice of voting itself...what, though, of voting in political elections?
A more recent directive comes from the God's Love (2014) book:
*** lv pp. 213-214 Flag Salute, Voting, and Civilian Service *** Voting in political elections.
True Christians respect the right of others to vote. They do not campaign against elections, and they cooperate with elected authorities. However, they remain resolutely neutral with regard to the political affairs of the nations. What should a Christian do in lands where voting is compulsory or in a situation where feelings run high against those who do not go to the voting booth? Remembering that Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego went as far as the plain of Dura, a Christian, under similar circumstances, may decide to go to the booth if his conscience permits. However, he will take care not to violate his neutrality. He should take into account the following six principles:
1. Jesus’ followers are “no part of the world.”
2. Christians represent Christ and his Kingdom.
3. The Christian congregation is united in belief, and its members are bound together by Christlike love.
4. Those who elect a certain official share responsibility for what he does.
5. Jehovah viewed Israel’s desire for a visible ruler as a sign that they had rejected Him.
6. Christians must have freeness of speech when speaking to people of all political persuasions about God’s Kingdom government.
Some JW's will freak out just at the mention of the word "vote" and have no ability to reason on it, but do any of the above criteria relate to the forthcoming EU election?
jw's are not allowed to vote for political parties etc, but what about the vote, probably during 2016, to decide if the uk should leave the eu?.
the w99 11/1 qfr on voting saysthere are clear principles set out in the bible that enable servants of god to take a proper view of this matter.
however, there appears to be no principle against the practice of voting itself...what, though, of voting in political elections?
JW's are not allowed to vote for political parties etc, but what about the vote, probably during 2016, to decide if the UK should leave the EU?
The w99 11/1 QFR on voting says
There are clear principles set out in the Bible that enable servants of God to take a proper view of this matter. However, there appears to be no principle against the practice of voting itself...
What, though, of voting in political elections? ... As to whether they will personally vote for someone running in an election, each one of Jehovah’s Witnesses makes a decision based on his Bible-trained conscience and an understanding of his responsibility to God and to the State. (Matthew 22:21; 1 Peter 3:16) In making this personal decision, the Witnesses consider a number of factors.
the photo-drama of creation (1912) says that god directed the evolution of animals into their current "fixed" forms, but that humans were created directed.
the divine plan of the ages said the same thing.
(various editions late 1800s to early 1900s) the 1898 booklet on evolution opposes the evolution of man but doesn't discuss animal evolution.
there is no end to their madness.
the co gave a talk on inspired error.
i have never heard of it.
For those who already use the internet, this rant won't stop them.
For the older ones who never use the internet, this won't make any difference.
For as long as they look to recruit highly educated/trained people for bethel and their projects, this restriction is easily shown to be hypocritical. This is like telling someone that they must never have a birthday party, but it's ok to go to one if bethel invite you.
To answer the last point, my parents said it wasn't going to be in their lifetime, and they were right. If we follow Jesus then we won't try to guess when it is because there's no way we can know.
I think they are picking up that more and more are waking up to fact that 1914 was a looooong time ago and JW's have been waiting their whole lives, hearing the same old thing.
Only the willfully blind are now choosing to ignore this, and even then the undercurrents of quiet gossip and complaint are pulling them towards reality.
how many of you would return to jehovah, wt?
better yet, how many jws would walk???.
i do believe it will happen one day....
freddo But let's say India and Pakistan square up to each other
I think this is more likely.
If the superpowers initiated an attack on each other, there would be enough remaining to strike back.
When it comes to India/Pakistan, neither of these could survive a first strike so would have to strike first.
Either way, running to the Kingdom Hall with an out of date grab bag would not increase your chances of survival.
Waiting in the main auditorium for directions from the Slave would be a long wait.
Who would demonstrate a lack of faith first, by leaving and going back home?
a vomit inducing comment.. i asked why do they have to specify 'meetings'?
they never miss us in tesco or the showcase cinema bar.. in their defence, a friend of mine said: 'that's because the meeting is where they normally would see you.'.
well, if they want to see you they can arrange a meal out or something.
"We missed you at the meetings"
1. What did you learn at the last meeting? Yes, that's why I wasn't there.
2. I find they are so repetitive these days, I only need to come to one each month.
3. I was here, you just were too busy to notice me.
4. So you didn't hear? Oh, no matter...
5. I tend to dial in these days.
just saw this on the public area of jwtalk (i am not a member).
here is the link..
such a shame - i do feel for these ones - i just don't know what to say.... wgo.
I joined for a while and to start with I couldn't tell who was being serious and who was being extremely sarcastic.
It turned out that they were all being serious in their total subservience and devotion to the GB.
The hardest comments to read were the ones which attacked WT victims who were looking for support or redress - these were, to a man, seen as satanic.
There's a tremendous amount of fear, denial and mental health issues on those forums.