Hey CD, nice to see you here.
When I was growing up I had a next door neighbour family who were Mormon. I thought them a little bit odd for not drinking the same drinks as I did, after all, what's wrong with a cup of tea?
Then my neighbour had some work done on his driveway and his Mormon friends came to help. I was actually very impressed. They were friendly to me, competent, and just doing this thing for their friend made an impression on me.
Later in life you can't believe how superior I felt when some Mormons called on my door.
There were three witness families in my street and these two men had randomly called on every one.
When they told me that I asked "What do you think God is trying to tell you?" How arrogant and pompous!
1914 is THE key date for JW's. All of the 'the end is coming soooon' fear mongering and all of the 'you must obey the Governing Body (the top 7 men in New York)' manipulation come from this date.
The trouble is for them, it's looking more and more distant and irrelevant.