I know JWs who tip so badly, they wait for everyone to pitch in for the bill first, then see how much is left to pay thereby claiming everyone else's tips as their meal subsidy.
Appalling money grubbing behaviour.
the witnesses are really challenged socially.
in their own little world, they seem oblivious to the niceties of saying thank you or that they are sorry for some minor wrong.
these things help life go more smoothly in the real world, like a social lubricant.. i'm simply appalled at the fact that an elder's son, who was married more than a year ago, has never sent out thank you notes for all of the gifts that the congregation gave him for his wedding.
I know JWs who tip so badly, they wait for everyone to pitch in for the bill first, then see how much is left to pay thereby claiming everyone else's tips as their meal subsidy.
Appalling money grubbing behaviour.
just returned from a funeral service for the (non-jw) husband of a jw in a funeral home.
it was rather crowded.
no jw discourse.
From mentalhelp.net
Constant Counting Disorder
This counting behavior may be nothing to speak of (clinical-wise), or possibly it could be an outward manifestation of an anxiety disorder, such as Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD), or possibly a neurological problem...
Counting things is a common behavioral theme, a sort of compulsion for some with OCD.
A compulsion is a behavior that is acted out in an attempt to quiet down the obsessive thoughts.
As such, it is typically an anxiety reducing behavior and that is why it is repeated so frequently. I’m not sure what obsession a counting compulsion might be compensating for... but the general pattern is that by acting out the behavior, people feel safer/better.
Well they were right about one thing.
*** w85 8/15 p. 10 Insight on the News ***
Young minds are impressionable and tend to imitate the actions and views of celebrities that they watch. Certainly it would be the prudent course to monitor carefully what is watched on TV.
Spot the difference between the real CTRussell and the WT's version of CTRussell.
short cliphttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=faru4hjj7rc
There is more evidence for Gods kingdom ruling for 100 years than there is for gravity, electricity and wind.
Well if Lett says it, it must be true.
SecretSlaveClass you also forgot 'get a small cut, get it infected and die', or 'have appendicitis or gall bladder problems and die', or 'drink dirty water and die'.
yes, last week the number of bethel layoffs was confirmed from 90 to 125. .
and those going in thinking they may be there for some time have been told.
that they may be there for two months rather than 3 years depending on .
I understand the Sri Lanka bethel is now releasing 50% of their bethelites.
It's only a satellite bethel doing translations, so it has around 60 bethelites there.
Well, it used to...
there is no end to their madness.
the co gave a talk on inspired error.
i have never heard of it.
If everything about JW's in the newspapers is demonic, why do the Society quote from them in their publications?
*** w13 7/1 p. 6 Can You Trust Religion Regarding Morals? ***
Jehovah’s Witnesses “promote strong family ties and develop productive and honest citizens,” states The Deseret News of Salt Lake City, Utah, U.S.A. The newspaper added: “Members believe in a strong moral code. They believe smoking, overdrinking, drug misuse, gambling, sexual promiscuity and homosexuality are spiritually damaging practices.”
someone named john free popped in on one of my posts at exmormon[dot]com and mentioned this website.
i have a lot of questions.
i never knew much about about the jw church.
Hey CD, nice to see you here.
When I was growing up I had a next door neighbour family who were Mormon. I thought them a little bit odd for not drinking the same drinks as I did, after all, what's wrong with a cup of tea?
Then my neighbour had some work done on his driveway and his Mormon friends came to help. I was actually very impressed. They were friendly to me, competent, and just doing this thing for their friend made an impression on me.
Later in life you can't believe how superior I felt when some Mormons called on my door.
There were three witness families in my street and these two men had randomly called on every one.
When they told me that I asked "What do you think God is trying to tell you?" How arrogant and pompous!
1914 is THE key date for JW's. All of the 'the end is coming soooon' fear mongering and all of the 'you must obey the Governing Body (the top 7 men in New York)' manipulation come from this date.
The trouble is for them, it's looking more and more distant and irrelevant.
a pair of devout jehovah's witnesses have been ordered by a b.c.
provincial court judge not to talk about religion in front of their four-year-old granddaughter.. the couple lost their bid for unsupervised access to the girl because they insisted on taking her to worship at their faith's kingdom hall despite the repeated objections of the child's mother.. the girl is identified only as a.w.