The Borg argued that we don't have the originals manuscript and the available ones are written at least two centuries after the event, and that they have been manipulated.
If we do not have the original manuscripts, how do we know that later ones were manipulated?
This is a baseless claim with no evidence. It simply suits them to believe this.
If God's name is so important, why did God have it disappear both in print and audibly - it was never spoken.
*** si p. 305 par. 26 Study Number 4—The Bible
and Its Canon ***
Faith in the almighty God, who is the Inspirer and Preserver of his
Word, makes us confident that he is the one who has guided the gathering
together of its various parts.
*** si p. 11 par.
28 “All Scripture Is Inspired of God and Beneficial” ***
That which
has been recorded and preserved as the Holy Scriptures is not to be tampered
with. (Deut. 4:1, 2; Rev. 22:18, 19)
*** si pp. 316-317 par. 11 Study Number 6—The
Christian Greek Text of the Holy Scriptures ***
A Reservoir of Over 13,000 Manuscripts.
A tremendous fund of manuscript copies of all 27 [NT] canonical books is
available today. ... According to one calculation, there are over 5,000
manuscripts in the original Greek. In addition, there are over 8,000
manuscripts in various other languages—a total exceeding 13,000 manuscripts all
together. Dating from the 2nd century C.E. to the 16th century C.E.,
they all help in determining the true, original text. The oldest of these many
manuscripts is the papyrus fragment of the Gospel of John in the John Rylands
Library in Manchester, England, known by the number P52, which is
dated to the first half of the second century, possibly about 125 C.E.
Thus, this copy was written only a quarter of a century or so after the