The WT completely miss the point of this account.
Both versions of the needy widow in Lu 21 and Ma 12 start with Jesus giving a warning to his disciples who are about to witness the widow making herself destitute. Jesus says "Beware of the scribes... they devour the houses of the widows".
Continuing, he sits his disciples down near the treasury chests to demonstrate what he means.
The poor widow comes by and puts in everything she has - "she, out of her want, put in everything she had, all she had to live on".
How can this be commendable?
She is the centre of Jesus lesson on how not to be like the scribes who demand too much, even from those who can least afford it. We know how Jesus felt about the self-important, self serving scribes and pharisees. The GB are just the modern day equivalent, equal in their delusion and cruelty.