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Posts by Splash
Evolution is a Fact - Index of Parts 1 - 40
by cofty in#1 protein functional redundancy comparing the sequences of amino acids in ubiquitous proteins confirms the relationship between all living things..
#2 dna functional redundancy comparison of the dna that codes for the amino acids of ubiquitous proteins predicts the tree of life with an astonishing degree of accuracy..
#3 ervs endogenous retroviruses that infected our ancestors are found in the same place of the genome of our closest primate cousins..
Can JWs vote?
by NikL ini finally found the questions from readers i was looking for.. from nov 1, 1999 wt .
it says.... questions from readershow do jehovah’s witnesses view voting?there are clear principles set out in the bible that enable servants of god to take a proper view of this matter.
however, there appears to be no principle against the practice of voting itself.
w99 11/1 those who have a part in voting a person into office may become responsible for what he does. (Compare 1 Timothy 5:22, The New English Bible.) Christians have to consider carefully whether they want to shoulder that responsibility.
By this Bible backed reasoning (?), when the elders appoint a MS and he uses his position to abuse children, the elders may be responsible for what that MS does.
What about when the GB or holy spirit appoint an elder who abuses children. Who may be responsible for what that abuser does?
Who would want to be an elder with this ridiculous level of reasoning?
Mohammad Will Style Your Hair — And Slit Your Throat
by Hecce inmohammad will style your hair — and slit your throat.
posted on june 29, 2017 by baron bodissey.
mohammad hussain rashwani is a syrian “refugee” who came to germany for a better life.
If he cut his own finger in the process he will seek (and probably get) industrial injury compensation.
JW Properties in Russia - 1.9 billion rubles
by OrphanCrow inaccording to victor yarofeyev, who publishes a blog for a radio station in moscow, echo of moscow, the total value of the jw properties in russia is 1.9 billion rubles.
which converts to $31,956,955 us.
almost 32 million dollars.. yarofeyev speculates that, if the supreme court refuses the org's appeal on july 17, some of the jw's properties may prove difficult for the russian government to seize.
So WT started transferring away all of their Kingdom Interests when they learned of the Russian court case against them.
Maybe this is why they lost the case - they did not put their trust in Jehovah.
"If the prosecutor proves that the transactions were concluded in order to avoid enforcement of the judgment, and not for gratuitous gift, the State will be able to assign the property."
The WT gave buildings and land away as gifts?
The WT don't give anything away as gifts, let alone its core business interests! -
UN Budget Cuts
by Finally Left ini just read this on the news.
it shows president trump wants to make deep cuts to the un.
JeffT According to the Watchtower the League of Nations morphed into the UN after World War II.
Yes, WT say this and link it to the scarlet coloured wild beast of Revelation 17:8 "The wild beast that you saw was, but is not, and yet is about to ascend out of the abyss" as a proof text.
In fact as recently as 2015 the WT confirmed this teaching (w15 7/15 p. 15 par. 4) “...present political powers that give support to the United Nations, an organization pictured by the 'scarlet-colored wild beast.' ”
But look at the facts.
League of Nations: Started Jan 10th 1920 - Ended 20th April 1946
United Nations: Started 24th Oct 1945In other words the UN officially began 6 months before the League was formerly concluded. This was necessary to transfer the assets and governance from the old to the new organisation.
How then is it possible for this beast to fit the description of "but is not" when there was not a moment in time when there was no League or United nations?
Where was John in the stream of time when we visioned this event?
If WT is so keen on overlapping events, then why not reveal this one which has basis in fact and history?
Simply put, the scarlet coloured wild beast cannot represent the UN because the description is an impossible fit. -
Today's Watchtower Study 25 June " Do You Share Jehovah's Sense of Justice?" April 2017 issue
by BluesBrother insame theme scripture as last week deut 32.
3/4 "a god... who is never unjust".
do i share that spirit ?
"Wait on Jehovah". "Wait on Jesus".
Where are they getting these convenient phrases from?
In their example Paul didn't wait on Jehovah, he got straight to it and corrected Peter? He saw an elder doing wrong and addressed it. Fancy trying to twist this example to suit the WT agenda of "just do as you're told"!
Jehu, bald headed Elisha, Jael and countless others didn't wait on Jehovah. These things were written for our instruction.
Of course it is completely different if a non-elder does something wrong. Now the instruction is to 'fess up, humble yourself and take your punishment.
The elders really are untouchable lords over the congregation.
Does anyone know how many partook of the emblems last memorial ?
by Chook ini think this is the only growth area in jw land..
WT - Study Ed, October 2017 - The Truth Brings, “Not Peace, But a Sword”
by Sanchy inanother article analyzing how bad poor jw's have it when it comes to opposition from family.
few interesting quotes:.
parr 2:.
For example, Jehovah instructs us to “stop keeping company” with unrepentant wrongdoers. Despite our pain of heart, we must avoid normal contact with a disfellowshipped family member
Here the WT equate unrepentant wrongdoers with disfellowshipped ones.
It's extremely common to find thoroughly repentant ones who are df'd as a punishment or because their wrongdoing was common knowledge.
WT cleverly redefine "unrepentant" to mean "declared unrepentant by the elders" and the flock dutifully nod along, adding further anguish to an already crushed spirit.
What Happens If the JW Beard Policy Stumbles a Person
by Cold Steel insome of the videos on youtube really make the beard policy look ridiculous.
i wondered what would happen if the jw beard policy caused someone to stumble?
jesus most likely wore a beard, and charles taze russell had a beard.
JW's are stumbled when a man in the congregation grows a beard, because they are told to be stumbled when they see a beard.
If tomorrow they were told not to be stumbled by beards then tomorrow none would be stumbled.
Even the term "stumbled" is an exaggeration used to coerce and control.
If you are stumbled then you stop going to the hall or on the ministry.
The worst that happens in the congregation is that some are "surprised".
JW hospitality toward those not in the org.
by Chook inlet's here some stories of good samaritan conduct , i asked an elder so called friend once could my son sleep on garage floor for a couple of days due to work , the answer was no due to son not believing..
An elder was telling me about a sister who had just stopped pioneering.
His exact words were "she's no use to us now".