Part 4, a transexual has a reversal operation and is now an elder.
Posts by Splash
LEAK: 2016 Hong Kong Branch Dedication [1 to 9]
by Fay Dehr in2016 hong kong branch meeting [1 of 9].
2016 hong kong branch meeting [2 of 9].
LEAK: 3000 buildings to liquidate. How to choose? (Watchtower propaganda video)
by Fay Dehr in
as the leaked financial meetings show, watchtower (by it's own admission) has to liquidate 3000+ properties quickly.
how do they choose?
The video information is from 2 to 3 years ago. They set themselves a target of 4 - 5 years to get their finances "back on track", so how are they doing now they are half way through their plan?
The selling of halls continues, as expected, but there are more and more public calls and references for money. It's almost every week now!
It's as if they are just starting to realize that their great idea of hall selling is not the solution they naively hoped it would be. If the hall selling is not bringing in enough (and they would have known this earlier if they understood forecasting) then maybe their other costs have increased (litigation?) and their other incomes are reduced (donations/investments?).
Whatever the cause it seems they need to find yet more liquid cash.
Expect the property selling to accelerate and the call for donations to become louder. These are the two most obvious ways of addressing the deficit. There may even be new ideas to shame people into donating more, ways of cutting the already miserly publications, or further cuts to their payroll.
LEAK: 3000 buildings to liquidate. How to choose? (Watchtower propaganda video)
by Fay Dehr in
as the leaked financial meetings show, watchtower (by it's own admission) has to liquidate 3000+ properties quickly.
how do they choose?
The second video starts:
"For the organisation's finances to get back on track...", and then he says this will take 4 or 5 years.
I don't think they have the skills to know it will take 4 or 5 years, but only recognise this is a long task. Depending on how much they are fined over the coming years and what the donation levels drop to, this could easily take 9 or 10 years to get back to where they want to be.
Saying they need to sell 3,000 properties when just a few years ago they wanted tithes to support building 10,000 halls, is quite revealing, as is the fact that they had a $25 million contingency which he smiling tells us "we've pretty much spent that already".
They lack basic business skills. Watch them react rather than plan, sell capital assets to pay operating costs, and squander millions after millions of dollars. These clowns pretend to be CEO's but will bury themselves.
Leaked videos - Why?
by NewYork44M inthank you to those that have passed on "leaked" videos.
one point that i have not seen discussed is "why" apostates are getting these videos.. are videos getting out because of a lack of internal controls, or are there more than a few disloyal insiders that are more than happy to pass on inside information.
or, is there a strategic intent of releasing leaked videos?.
The leaks come from various methods.
Technologically illiterate elders asking PIMO appointed brothers for help, giving up their website login info and access to documents.
PIMO elders and bethelites passing on info they come across.
Hackers accessing and sharing info.
I personally know first hand of instances of all of these happening.
Has the Governing Body ever been right?
by Jules Saturn ini asked this question to a relative after mentioning several situations where teachings were changed or readjusted (new light) and they have two reasons.
yes, they are correct because look at how the preaching work has grown through the decades and the advancements in witnessing and the second reason was the doctrine of the trinity and how the society opposes that.
i didn’t really have a response, especially for the trinity doctrine.. does the governing body have the rejection of the trinity belief correct?.
Two things to mention about the JW trinity teaching. Firstly, they cannot decide when the trinity teaching started:
4th CENTURY - w61 2/15 p. 104
'A "Holy Trinity" of three Gods in one God is also worshiped by most Catholic and Protestant sects, this having first been adopted as Catholic doctrine at the Nicene Council of A.D. 325.'
5th CENTURY - w69 7/15 p. 421
'Thus the Trinity was unknown to early churchmen. Actually it was some 400 years or more after the death of Christ that the concept of 'three persons in one God' was finally formulated by men and introduced into the church.'
2nd CENTURY - w78 5/15 p. 27
'The vast majority of the churches of Christendom still teach such doctrines as immortal soul, Trinity and others, which filtered into apostate Christianity from the second century C.E. from Greek philosophy.'
3rd CENTURY - w2000 6/1 p. 5
'But by the third century, certain influential clerics, enamored of the trinitarian teaching of pagan Greek philosopher Plato, began recasting God to fit the Trinitarian formula.'
Next, the JW teaching of the Trinity was first stated in a WT of 1882. This was before the JW's were chosen by Christ and before the GB came into being.
Basically, the WT organisation got more things right before their famous 1918/19 selection and appointing than they have done since.
Praying for apostates
by BubbaBoBobBrain ini had heard that jehovah's witnesses cannot pray for disfellowshipped individuals or apostates.
is this true?.
No - w71 6/15 p. 384 Questions From Readers
Would it be proper to pray for him? In loyalty to Jehovah and his arrangements the Christian would refrain from praying for him.
Only if it's not a 'deadly' sin - w79 10/15 p. 31 Questions From Readers
So he may conclude that it seems she has not committed 'deadly sin' and he may be moved to pray for her.
Only if they are repentant - w01 10/1 p. 17 par. 15 How Can You Help a "Prodigal" Child?
If a disfellowshipped youth gives evidence of repentance but does not have "freeness of speech toward God," the parents might pray that if God finds a basis for pardoning the child's error, that His will be done.
Yes, but not publicly - w01 12/1 p. 31 Questions From Readers
While some may be in a position to observe sufficient evidence to believe that the sinner has repented, this may not be the case with the congregation in general. They would be puzzled, troubled, even stumbled if they were to hear someone praying publicly about the erring one. For this reason, those who feel moved to pray about the sinner should do so only in private.
Not if they are unrepentant - jr (2013) chap.11 p.139 par.20 "Shepherds in Agreement With My Heart"
In that case, elders do not pray publicly for one who is expelled and is pursuing a sinful course; it would be pointless to do so.
Research help needed: knowledge of Knights Templar and Masonic history vital
by Fay Dehr ini am in conversation with a uk historian regarding some knights templar locations, where jws have built buildings.
*** this is serious research - not a joke *** .
i am not - and do not wish to be - a conspiracy theorist, but something has come to light in the uk and i lack the knowledge of knights templar + masons.
LEAKED: WHQ Accounts: 2016-2020 Budget
by Fay Dehr inleaked: whq accounts: 2016-2020 budget [part 1 of 5]
leaked: whq accounts: 2016-2020 budget [part 2 of 5]
leaked: whq accounts: 2016-2020 budget [part 3 of 5]
cofty The GB introduced a 'simplified' model where mags were to be given away for free but expected JWs to contribute
I well remember the transition to a 'simplified' model.
The WT clearly underestimated your average JWs love of free stuff however because they had to follow up with repeated reminders that "literature is not free, it is without cost", and that the idea wasn't to allow every JW to suddenly order themselves a full theocratic library at the expense of the WT society.
I wonder what that unplanned consequence cost them as every JW promptly ordered Insight volumes for themselves and their friends.
Upcoming Tidal Wave of Media Onslaught targeting Jehovah's Witnesses ahead...
by TerryWalstrom inat least three media venues have undertaken the daunting task of unpacking the insidious dark side of jehovah's witnesses' organization.1.
douglas quenqua is a writer based in new york.
his work has appeared in the new york times, wired, redbook, and cnbc.
Vidiot if any dyed-in-the-wool JW starts decrying this stuff as "apostate-driven lies"
Just show them the clip of Jackson at the ARC
In this clip Jackson admits:
There have been problems in the JW organization, just like other organizations.
These child abuse problems have existed for 20-30 years within the organization.
The JW organization and it's elders are not immune from the problems of child sexual abuse.
Those highlighting these issues are not attacking JW's or their beliefs.
The person making the accusations do not matter, only if the accusation has a basis.
They want to treat victims in a loving way
They are increasingly appealing to emotion
by cookiemaster inthey always have but lately, they've taken it to a whole new level.
the new convention video about the end, the many videos at conventions and meetings, the new songs, all highly emotionally manipulative.
and they're working.
These extreme videos will wake some up.
It will dawn on some that sci-fi movies have no place in religion because religion should be more than superficial special effects set to a dramatic and emotional soundtrack.
They will realise that there's nothing of substance left anymore.