click here and look for Watch Tower Society under the list of investors.
click here and look for Watch Tower Society under the list of investors.
can anyone please provide a scan of the following reference?.
vertroosting (consolation), september 1945 p. 29, "wanneer wij ons leven verliezen, doordat wij weigeren, inspuitingen te laten maken, dient zulks niet tot een getuigenis ter rechtvaardiging van jehova's naam.
god heeft nooit bepalingen uitgevaardigd die het gebruik van medicijnen, inspuitingen of bloedtransfusie verbiedt.
We may have been here before...
i found an interesting resource, some charts dated to the early 20th century by theologian clarence larkin.. reading through his charts you would think they were drawn by c.t.
russell as they have the exact same style as found in studies in the scriptures, use the name jehovah, and according to the linked chart below, use 606bce as the date for the fall of jerusalem.. i could spend hours looking at these, and if you have a jw background you will see many familiar teachings.
there's also an e-sword module with them all in if anyone's interested.
Seems there's more similarities.
Notice the central image here:
i found an interesting resource, some charts dated to the early 20th century by theologian clarence larkin.. reading through his charts you would think they were drawn by c.t.
russell as they have the exact same style as found in studies in the scriptures, use the name jehovah, and according to the linked chart below, use 606bce as the date for the fall of jerusalem.. i could spend hours looking at these, and if you have a jw background you will see many familiar teachings.
there's also an e-sword module with them all in if anyone's interested.
I found an interesting resource, some charts dated to the early 20th Century by theologian Clarence Larkin.
Reading through his charts you would think they were drawn by C.T. Russell as they have the exact same style as found in Studies in the Scriptures, use the name Jehovah, and according to the linked chart below, use 606BCE as the date for the fall of Jerusalem.
I could spend hours looking at these, and if you have a JW background you will see many familiar teachings. There's also an e-sword module with them all in if anyone's interested. That's where I'm viewing the complete set of 58 diagrams.
He included these in his book called "God's Plan and Purpose in the Ages". Sound vaguely familiar?
i was after any advice or suggestions about how to support a friend who was born and raised in the truth, my friend is now 22 and has tried to fade out but his parents are having a hard time accepting this, don't get me wrong i understand why they are, but the stress and pressure he is under is taking it's toll on him.. i have tried to be there for him as i use to study with the jehovah witness's some years ago but i don't think i can or will ever truly understand what it's like to be born into a family of jehovah witness, i understand why his parents are shunning him and they only talk to him when they think they have come up with away to get him to go back to truth.. .
i would like to hear any real life exsperances and how you where there and helped a friend deal with leavign the truth and accepting that your family will most likely never going to talk to you again.. .
Help him reason that he isn't leaving the org, the org has left him.
The teachings he orignally accepted have changed so much that it's now a different religion.
If his parents persist, get them to answer one or two key problem doctrines, not taking 'Wait on Jehovah" as an answer.
Maybe they don't see the problems so cannot understand why he is leaving.
BTW, Welcome Caswinchester!
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i've been lurking around here for a while, so i feel like i know most of you already.
its been a rough 20 years getting here, but now here i am.
Greetings, Roosty, from the UK!
(2 john 9,10) 9 everyone that pushes ahead and does not remain in the teaching of the christ does not have god.
he that does remain in this teaching is the one that has both the father and the son.
10 if anyone comes to you and does not bring this teaching, never receive him into your homes or say a greeting to him.. .
Transhuman68 - i enjoyed reading that, thank you. I could read stuff like that all day.
Metatron, it DOES say "never speak to them", it just doesn't use those four words. It was written to the congregation and its members.
I wonder if there are any scriptural instances of shunning, i cant think of any at the moment.
(2 john 9,10) 9 everyone that pushes ahead and does not remain in the teaching of the christ does not have god.
he that does remain in this teaching is the one that has both the father and the son.
10 if anyone comes to you and does not bring this teaching, never receive him into your homes or say a greeting to him.. .
Wearing my WT hat i'd just say: Read it, it speaks for itself. There's nothing complicated and shouldn't be reasoned around.
I guess one area it does NOT apply is if someone is df'd for eg smoking, but still comes to the khall.
(2 john 9,10) 9 everyone that pushes ahead and does not remain in the teaching of the christ does not have god.
he that does remain in this teaching is the one that has both the father and the son.
10 if anyone comes to you and does not bring this teaching, never receive him into your homes or say a greeting to him.. .
It's a tough one alright. Someone quoted this to me today as we discussed shunning. I was hoping to have some conclusive Greek meaning or parallel account to explain it away.
Seems this will always be their trump card.
(2 john 9,10) 9 everyone that pushes ahead and does not remain in the teaching of the christ does not have god.
he that does remain in this teaching is the one that has both the father and the son.
10 if anyone comes to you and does not bring this teaching, never receive him into your homes or say a greeting to him.. .
If someone doesnt "remain" in the teaching do not say a greeting to them.
If someone "leaves" the teaching do not say a greeting to them.
Its very simple and clear: those that leave are to be shunned.