kookie hope you don't mind Splash if I c/p your reply saves me typing.
Feel free. Be aware that I only quickly counted the figures in the pdf, not put them into a spreadsheet, so the figures may be out by one or two.
i pressed all the wrong buttons.
here it is, posted about an hour ago..
kookie hope you don't mind Splash if I c/p your reply saves me typing.
Feel free. Be aware that I only quickly counted the figures in the pdf, not put them into a spreadsheet, so the figures may be out by one or two.
i pressed all the wrong buttons.
here it is, posted about an hour ago..
Angus Stewart discredited that '300' figure.
The WT merely scanned their files for the word "police" and conveniently assumed the police had been involved each time that word was found.
Angus said that the word "police" may have been used in a sentence such as "police were not informed", but the WT counted this as an incident where the police were informed, simply because the word 'police' was used.
If any were reported to the police, then the WT's own records (linked to in the OP) show that this was not done by the JW's in any single instance.
This is a perfect example of Theocratic Warfare being used. Another term for Deception.
i pressed all the wrong buttons.
here it is, posted about an hour ago..
By the numbers:
1006 Abusers
63 Ministerial Servants
42 Elders
28 Abusers appointed at a later date
124 Not investigated because there were not 2 witnesses
128 Confessions but no JC formed
398 Disfellowshipped
236 Reinstated
1730 Victims
0 Reported to the police by JW's
as far as i can imagine, the .org is in a lose, lose, lose situation right now.
if jackson shows to the rc, and policy chages, then bible interpretation was changed sans-holy spirit.
policy change is an admission of guilt, not helpful in future civil court cases.
This organisation has more spin than a plate balancing act.
I'm expecting the rumour mill to go into action, creating more urban myths around how the RC learned so much from JW's, that the elders were commended for being ahead of even the secular experts, how every objection was overturned by the scriptures and how the conclusion of the whole Royal Commission was that JW's have the best systems they have ever seen, and oh so much better than the Catholics.
Truth counts for very little in these circumstances and JW's are desperate to hear this. When they do it will settle every concern they have and will be the go-to response to any discussion about it.
there once was a man from down under,who's speech was thought of like thunder,.
but when pops came dow ill,.
geoff flew in with a pill.
An anointed Australian called Geoffrey
Was part of a group called the GB
With lawyers and money
He thought it was funny
To avoid being seen at the RC.
But a Senior Counsel called Stewart
On a mission to expose every pervert
Thwarted all Geoffrey's plans
Put some cuffs on his hands
Brought him into the court, made him take part.
The evidence he gave was revealing
That JC's were harsh and unfeeling
From the lies which abounded
The Judge was dumb founded
And witnesses worldwide left reeling
So GB, please listen and know
There's no hiding place you can go
Thick elders cannot
Protect all you lot
In the end you will reap what you sow
They already paid $10,500,000 to protect Losche from taking the stand.
This was the punitive judgement element of a $13,500,000 abuse payout against the WTB&TS.
one of the jw high-ups questioned by the australian royal commission (i think it was o'brien) stated that those who had disassociated (as opposed to being disfellowshipped) do not have to undergo a lengthy reinstatement procedure of proving repentance over many months, but can simply ask to be reinstated immediately.
is this true?
has anyone heard of this ever happening?.
You are said to DA yourself if you do any number of things, including taking a blood transfusion.
If it were as easy as O'Brien makes out, you could DA, take a blood transfusion, then get reinstated.
That would not be allowed to happen.
this is in a statement made by the australian branch committee member o'brien, the insurance is held by the wtbts pennsylvania.
no doubt the cost of that insurance would be astronomical the more claims they are making against it but it would greatly influence the way they deal with court cases and potential court cases, including settlement.
if they are covered for these claims then their concerns would be more about publicity than the amounts awarded or paid to the victim.. although o'brien states that the cover could possibly include any australian claims he would not have said so or even thought there was a need to reveal the information if the organization hadn't already made claims under their insurance.
I wonder if those contracts and policies were dependent upon the WT giving a full and free disclosure of the risks being insured against, and the known cases at each time the policies were negotiated.
I would not be surprised if the insurance companies were deceived by withholding information, and can find clauses to exempt themselves if need be.
angus stewart's facial expression says what he thinks about rodney spink's prevarication.... .
Derrrrrr Dah!
Derrrrrr Dah!
DUN dun DUN dun DUN dun DUN dun .......
i actually started clapping at that point, as his honour explained to the wt type creep sycophantic slithery lawyer that........" i understand that we all have issues to face in life and .....that is a part of life...........however it has become obvious that this man ....is in such a position to assist with this investigation.....".
it boils down to the fact that stewart outright accused the latest witness of misleading the royal commission and this lead to some document searches which led his honour to conclude that they had been protecting mr jackson.
this was a warm and fluffy moment folks.................brilliant stuff!!!!!
Putting GJ on the stand is the JW equivalent of questioning the pope!
I hope Angus realises this is a once in a lifetime chance that anyone will ever get to ask questions directly and publicly of a GB member!!
I have to say, if I want to see anyone asking the questions then it's Angus.