According to the trends, JW's are getting older, use less common sense and are getting poorer compared to 7 years ago. Specifically, 18-49 year olds are declining and 50+ are increasing.
As the group ages, the number of parents who have children under 18 is also reducing. This indicates the young families are drying up.
Men are on the decline, with women growing as a %ge.
As a group, the number of whites is dropping, being replaced largely by latinos.
Interestingly there continues to be an equal split between JW's who believe the Bible should be taken literally, and JW's who believe that not everything in the Bible should be taken literally. If JW's can't even agree on this basic thing then the GB have failed entirely in their role of 'steward'.
There is a slight growth in those who think homosexuality should be accepted, from 12% to 16%.