"Elders and servants who have a jw org login will have access to all recordings."
latest boe letter:.
october 22, 2015. to all bodies of eldersre: use of jw stream.
dear brothers:we are writing to inform you that arrangements are being made for video recordings ofcongregation meetings, circuit assemblies, and conventions to be uploaded to jw stream (accessibleat http://stream.jw.org) in various languages.
"Elders and servants who have a jw org login will have access to all recordings."
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2015 10/10/ field service report slips-s-4-e. .. click the green download button.. http://wwwb.fileflyer.com/view/kpifhby.
.. .. wtunderground!.
BluesBrother Isn't this a godsend for dub parents. If they set their 3 Yr old down to watch Caleb & Sophia ,does that count as time & a video showing?
What a great comment!
Parents can email a Caleb cartoon to their kids iPad and count one electronic placement, one hour ministry, a return visit, a study and a video showing!
Hilarious, thanks BB!
the more specific the better :) here are mine:.
i predict that within the next two to three years (2017-2018) we will start seeing negative numbers in growth.. i predict that within the next thirteen to fifteen years (2027-2030) the number of jws will be less than 4million.. and i predict that by the time the first person sets foot on mars there will already have been a major split in the organization with either one of the gb or a branch overseer starting a new religion..
Old JW's will get older and die off.
Young JW's will either see it for the nonsense it has become and leave, or just use the KHall as a place to socialise.
The public will become more aware of the harmfulness and the stupidity of JWism.
End result - falling attendance and reduced ministry hours, despite the WT trying to fudge the report to allow more stuff to be counted.
Elders will get overworked and quit, and newer elders will be of a lower calibre in order to fill the gaps. For these low achievers, being appointed will be the most impressive thing they will have ever accomplished.
The public WT and Awake magazines will be stopped, and f.service will be about tracts and tablets.
The study WT will be tablet only, so print one yourself if you need to.
They will keep asking for more money under the guise of new and creative schemes until even the die-hards are asking WTH?
The GB will expand in size to 12, adding more middle aged, western, white men.
There will be one massive legal defeat for the WT somewhere that gets lots of publicity.
I can see nothing positive in the WT future.
They will say something stupid to get everyone excited about persecution or Armageddon, but like all their other attempts it will be short lived and disappointing.
if this has already been posted just delete this post!.
2015 10/10/ field service report slips-s-4-e. .. click the green download button.. http://wwwb.fileflyer.com/view/kpifhby.
.. .. wtunderground!.
As reported elsewhere, the top two items, Placements and Video Showings, are not sent to the branch.
These figures are only recorded so the local elders can monitor you and have a reason to give you some shepherding when you aren't doing what they consider to be enough.
i was having dinner at olive garden with my cousin who was disfellowshipped for apostacy.
a holier than thou pioneer couple saw us.
if that was not enough i saw her take a picture of me with my cousin.
Like oubliette said, private, necessary business.
No need to answer any more questions.
those of you who read my last post, about two weeks ago, know i'm in a dilemma.
i did not run like some posts suggested.
i truly believe i found my soulmate.
Luge62 he has an app that sees all her calls, texts and emails.
Isn't this illegal? Could she press charges?
i heard form a reliable source that a kingdom hall consolidation is going to be happening in the us.
currently they are looking at every kingdom hall to see if they could and should sell it.
any kingdom hall that has not been updated and is in a bad location (long driveway, not in a visible location etc...) will be sold.
it is time for christians to accept evolution, in my opinion.. there are many reasons why i think it is long overdue for all christians to finally accept what science says about evolution.
below i will show these reasons.. .
the bible tells people to pay attention to nature to see the glory of god (psalm 19; romans 1:19-20).
I found a pretty simple resource that describes the consequences of evolution.
I enjoyed it anyway.
i've just spent a big part of today watching interviews, debates etc with richard dawkins.
when i was a jw i used to hate this man with all my energy, i looked on him as the devil's offspring, he represented an idea that totally terrified me.
today i found myself saying i love the man.
at the agm this year geoffrey jackson identified the "man with a secretary's inkhorn," of ezekiel chapter 9 as being jesus christ.
this was declared an "adjustment" from the previous understanding that the organisation used to believe that this "man" was "the annointed.".
has the society always taught that the "man with the secretary's inkhorn" was someone other than jesus - or is this a situation where back in the mists of time the bible students understood him to be jesus, and then rutherford (or someone) identified him as "the annointed," and now they have reverted back to their initial belief?.
In addition to this false teaching change, considering the public WT printing has been cut in half yet again, this quote from one older WT is a bit of a double whammy for them.
*** w04 11/15 p. 20
par. 24 Jehovah’s Judgment Will Come Against the Wicked ***
is blessing us with overflowing spiritual prosperity! We enjoy a way of worship
that is free of the lies and distortions that have resulted from Christendom’s
false teachings. Jehovah has also blessed us with spiritual food in abundance.