There's no such position.
If he's an elder then he's a trustee.
I think he covets having a meaningful job, and feels the need to sound important.
i googled my childhood best friend that i grew up with in the cult.
he's my age and has shunned me for the past 4 years despite my efforts to reach out to, i noticed a listing online that states he is a director of his congregation.
i suppose only elders can fill this position (he wasn't an elder when i was a jw).
There's no such position.
If he's an elder then he's a trustee.
I think he covets having a meaningful job, and feels the need to sound important.
Jesus was NOT talking to ANOINTED people when he said these words. Asshole!
02:05 - "Who was he talking to? He was still talking to his disciples. So the WT made clear it was not the wicked, it was the anointed who saw the sign that would make up This Generation."
No wonder he was so nervous, trying to sneak this through!
Bad helper!
this is becoming more common.
this is from the last part of the article: .
"this was about sexual gratification and you are a hypocrite because you became an elder and you investigated a sexual matter even with this in your sexual background.".
It surprises me that he was df'd.
Clearly this wasn't a religious decision but a PR one, since he does not fulfill the criteria for getting df'd.
Like all of these cases it would have been referred to the Legal department, so it seems the instructions they give are now more about damage limitation than 'helping an erring one return to the flock'.
Forget about the elders guidebook, legal are calling the shots.
Canned laughter at 08:40!!!!!
What have they become????
my middle brother called me a couple of hours ago.
our youngest brother, josh, who was 38, was found by his friends in his apartment.
he hung himself.
I've experienced suicide in my family too.
It raises so many questions.
So sorry to hear this, and I hope you'll all be ok.
i saw this on ex jw reddit:"this may not be news to you but it was to me.
forgive me if this has already been posted before.
it came from a reliable source working on the warwick project.. wallkill bethel had broken ground and laid the foundation for a new recreation building.
information just passed to me.
let's hope this becomes even more widespread.
i wonder if the britain branch suspects a conspiracy?
the disbanding of the Portishead congregation and the closure of the hall they shared with Clevedon.
I'm wondering why this congregation is disbanded. Is it due to lack of attendance, merging congregations to sell a hall, or something else?
this lay off and all the child molestation lawsuits coming to a head with more lay off in the wings.
i'm sure there is a lot of concern going on among those still there.
i'm sure a lot are finding out for the first time that the governing body are all frauds by doing secure internet searches to find out just how much they been had by these villans , i think the situation could be dangerous (the possibility exist).
Jesus said in Mt 25:41 "Go away from me, you who have been cursed, into the everlasting fire prepared for the Devil."
What would cause Jesus to issue such a strong condemnation? The following verses explain "You gave me nothing to eat or drink, you did not show hospitality to me or take care of me."
By saying "me" Jesus explained that doing things to his brothers is the same as doing things to him.
If the GB kick out any old anointed from any bethel, they fulfil Jesus description perfectly and are cursed in his eyes.
various posters have apparently concluded that the wt society is wrong by quoting hebrews 13.17 as a reason for christians to submit to, and be "obedient" to those taking the lead among them.
they have pointed out that the greek word for obedience is "hypakouo" or some other, not "pei'tho" which is the one that appears in the beginning of verse 17 at hebrews ch.
their motive for their objections may be one of rancor brought about by the extreme authoritative measures the society have imposed on the brotherhood.
Good topic Wonderment.
If the English word doesn't exist to accurately translate this type of 'obey' then a phrase should be used to maintain the meaning, such as 'become convinced to believe and follow' (which is pretty clumsy).
There is a difference between these two 'obeys', but how best to represent that?
mans requirements are limited which can be satisfied with a little and tension-free endeavor..
however man attempts not only to collect but also to grab and amass everything to the excess.
somehow he feels that he can be happy only when he has in abundance whereas others have nothingwhich seems to be the thread that runs throughout the history.
JW message becoming more and more relevant
Which one, there are so many to choose from?