For at least 35 years the position of the WT was:
*** g79 3/8 p. 12 Living with Law—Now and
Forever ***
But for handling most differences between
Christians, men well grounded in Biblical principles are available in the
congregations. They are even now helping many to resolve such matters without
the public notice and consequent reproach of court action. In some cases
Christian love may even move one to “suffer injury” rather than harm the good
name of the congregation before those outside.
But there was an adjustment in 2014:
*** lv (God's Love - 2014) p. 223 Resolving
Disputes in Business Matters (footnote)***
In rare instances, one Christian might commit a
serious crime against another—such as rape, assault, murder, or major theft. In
such cases, it would not be unchristian to report the matter to the
authorities, even though doing so might result in a court case or a criminal
there's the difference between what's written in the pages and what's said by
the elders.
would be very rare for an elder to condone going to the police. For a start he
would need the agreement and concensus of other elders, and for the majority,
contacting the police is just too shameful for the congregation.