I think someone needs to re-watch this and bullet point all the lies told.
Posts by Splash
ARC Live Streaming site ?
by Gayle inwhat is the exact live streaming site for the arc today in sydney?
i hope someone or more here will be watching and giving info/quips throughout the case.
also, will someone here or elsewhere be able to 'save' a video of this (all or part).
ARC Live Streaming site ?
by Gayle inwhat is the exact live streaming site for the arc today in sydney?
i hope someone or more here will be watching and giving info/quips throughout the case.
also, will someone here or elsewhere be able to 'save' a video of this (all or part).
If they removed the rule on shunning disassociated ones, within a week their membership would plummet.
It was interesting to hear that they are planning on reissuing a new elders book because of all the changes they have to make. Seems Satan's organisation is running ahead of God's organisation when it comes to kindness, justice, mercy and compassion.
Also that they are working on a letter for handling abuse cases in the UK. Maybe this is why they cut the wt and awake magazines down by 75%, for all the child abuse documents they now need to print.
ARC Live Streaming site ?
by Gayle inwhat is the exact live streaming site for the arc today in sydney?
i hope someone or more here will be watching and giving info/quips throughout the case.
also, will someone here or elsewhere be able to 'save' a video of this (all or part).
O'Brien getting to WT's main concern now, can WT reduce the number of claims against them for the purpose of redress.
It's all about the dollar.
ARC Live Streaming site ?
by Gayle inwhat is the exact live streaming site for the arc today in sydney?
i hope someone or more here will be watching and giving info/quips throughout the case.
also, will someone here or elsewhere be able to 'save' a video of this (all or part).
This doublespeak from Spinks about not shunning those who leave may work on jw's but Stewart and McClellan have seen right through it.
ARC Live Streaming site ?
by Gayle inwhat is the exact live streaming site for the arc today in sydney?
i hope someone or more here will be watching and giving info/quips throughout the case.
also, will someone here or elsewhere be able to 'save' a video of this (all or part).
Spinks will literally tell the ARC anything they want to hear.
How can something be policy if it's not in their policy?
This policy document that has taken 2 years to write and has still not been released (will it really ever be?) has been discredited as vague and factually incorrect within 30 minutes of examination. This is what happens when unqualified, insular men think they can do without true experts.
And that's before they discuss the two witness rule.......
What is the basis for advising “Don’t pursue higher studies”?
by venus intwo elders who visited my friend last week encouraged her not to pursue higher studies.
it seems they are dishing out the same old stuff: “the end is imminent, and this is the time to do more in the service; hence don’t waste your resources on higher studies.”.
i wonder whether there was some official communiqué (something that is sent out recently like letter to the elders, or kingdom ministry article …).
As OrphanCrow correctly states, the teaching stems from over one hundred years ago:
w1910 March 1, p. 84-85
"we have more than once called attention to in these columns, that the spread of education, and increase of wealth, are not tending to make mankind happier, holier or more content, but rather the reverse."It was most recently reiterated last year:
w16 June p.21 para. 14 Jehovah Our God Is One Jehovah
"Or the love of the world might involve efforts to attain "great things," such as through the pursuit of higher education."However this does not prevent the WT from reading letters to the congregations asking for highly educated and degree qualified lawyers, or from having doctors, dentists, architects, pilots and fund managers at Bethel.
March Broadcast Governing Body Truly Enjoy our new Facility Warwick
by Buster k inhello everyone first post, i will leave my whole story for another post.
but i would like to say hello to everyone and wish everyone here much love and support.
and i should also note of my self i might say things that are odd or makes no sense, but then that is my humour.
they were building a spiritual project for Jehovah
Surprising, given TM3 originally said he didn't know if this is what Jehovah wanted.
Unless "Jehovah" is the new name they use for the GB.
Looking for my little sister.
by DeadmanWalking ini have a little sister havnt seen or heard from in 20 years she was da for attending a church she was 17 at the time she moved out and lived with a family not jw's in fact they are very a posed to jw's the past 20 years i've tried to make contact she won't respond all i know is she's got kids 2 or 3 of them she lives outside charlotte nc and works for a insurance company as an underwriter.
i think her husband is a police officer ?
being back in her life having a niece or nephew to watch grow up would be nice.
Once you have declared someone as dead to you for 20 years, it's going to take an awful lot of persuading that they are miraculously alive once again.
It may be that they choose to remain that way since having to handle the distress of being cut off yet still making a success of life.
Unfortunate, but it seems remarkable to me to expect anything from her when you once supported kicking her to the curb when she was nothing but a child.
Edited to add: If I were in her position I'd ask that you DA'd yourself before I'd even consider reconnecting.
February 26, 2017 TO ALL BODIES OF ELDERS Re: Witnessing in Public Places
by wifibandit infebruary 26, 2017 to all bodies of elders re: witnessing in public places.
february 25, 2017 to all congregations re: magnetic boards and posters for public witnessing.
the letters have made it very clear that witnesses are on their own doing this work. All the org do is provide the carts and literature.
Actually the org provide all the instructions, materials, governance, qualification rules, training, dress code and time slip reporting procedures.
The only thing they don't provide is protection for their unpaid employees.
Lots Of Whining And Complaining About Us JW's
by Deaconblues1914 inin reading these posts, it sounds like a lot of you are very jealous of the wt.
society’s annual income and the money they/we have in the bank.
jehovah has indeed blessed us.
it sounds like a lot of you are very jealous of the Wt. Society’s annual income and the money they/we have in the bank. Jehovah has indeed blessed us. HIS people!
The Catholics have more money than WT does. Your logic means that Jehovah is blessing them more.
Besides, since when is money any proof of God's blessing?
Does this mean wealthy individuals are being individually blessed by God?
If so then there are many JW's who are not being blessed, having been falsely told 50 years ago that they would never grow old in this system, so skipped getting properly educated.As usual, the simple mind of a parroting JW does not stand up to any level of questioning.
The reason I no longer associate has nothing to do with the preconceived ideas you swallow from the WT.
I no longer associate because the JW teachings are based on sand, are mans philosophy, and are provably wrong.
You can ignore every single example of where the WT have got things wrong, you can excuse all their mistakes, flip flops, teaching changes, deceptive misquotes, appalling treatment of the flock, love of money and history rewriting (AKA 'lies') if you wish to remain blind. That is your choice.As for me, I've accepted that everything I was taught by JW's simply does not stand up to rational, honest, unbiased investigation, therefore the GB are not specially blessed by God, therefore I have no duty to follow them.
I suspect that you will continue to blindly believe everything you are told, even when they switch ideas 180 degrees. "It's so clear now. It just makes sense!". Until it changes again...