Hi fellow Citizen of Earth!
The most recommended place to look is JWFacts.com.
TTATT isn't a document, but rather the unravelling of the things WT teach as true, but they aren't.
It's the way the GB try to present one thing as true or accurate, but facts will tell you otherwise.
It's how the JW's phrase something so you are lead to a conclusion, but the reasoning they use is false and deceptive.
It is the partial and selective quoting of people and publications to take words out of context, to make it seem it supports JW dogma.
It's the way WT have changed their teachings time and again, but pretend they have always taught the same things.
It's an emotional journey which will cause you to have a sharp intake of breath, shake your head and occasionally feel angry.
At least you know you will be sharing those feelings with thousands of others, since we've also traveled that road.