Whether it's true or not, the fact remains that JW's will believe whatever they're told.
Literally anything.
No questions asked.
this appeared on my facebook today.
can anyone confirm if this has official gb bullshit approval?.
Whether it's true or not, the fact remains that JW's will believe whatever they're told.
Literally anything.
No questions asked.
this week all congregations in australia have been instructed to make the following announcement:.
if a member of the congregation would like a copy of the child safeguarding policy of jehovah’s witnesses in australia, please see the coordinator of the body of elders or the secretary.. .
Once the dust settles there will be a new instruction from the GB to destroy this policy and adopt a new one, more in tune with their medieval views.
hello folks.
you might have seen me here once before - im as new as it most likely gets to this place and the thoughts accompanied with it.
ive seen the expression ttatt several times, and i now know it means "the truth about the truth".
Hi fellow Citizen of Earth!
The most recommended place to look is JWFacts.com.
TTATT isn't a document, but rather the unravelling of the things WT teach as true, but they aren't.
It's the way the GB try to present one thing as true or accurate, but facts will tell you otherwise.
It's how the JW's phrase something so you are lead to a conclusion, but the reasoning they use is false and deceptive.
It is the partial and selective quoting of people and publications to take words out of context, to make it seem it supports JW dogma.
It's the way WT have changed their teachings time and again, but pretend they have always taught the same things.
It's an emotional journey which will cause you to have a sharp intake of breath, shake your head and occasionally feel angry.
At least you know you will be sharing those feelings with thousands of others, since we've also traveled that road.
this week all congregations in australia have been instructed to make the following announcement:.
if a member of the congregation would like a copy of the child safeguarding policy of jehovah’s witnesses in australia, please see the coordinator of the body of elders or the secretary.. .
If a member of the congregation would like a copy of the Child Safeguarding Policy of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Australia, please see the coordinator of the body of elders or the secretary.
What about if a non-congregation member wants to see the policy?
This policy should be a yearly topic they cover in a mid-week meeting, complete with questions and answers.
shocking video from jw.org shows the "new light" that there was no slave class handing out spiritual food for 1900 years!!
so the original governing body became apostate and fell apart.
charles russell re-started the faithful slave even though the watchtower admits he learned everything he ever knew from the "second adventists".
C.T.Russell died in 1916 so missed being appointed as part of the Faithful Slave in 1919.
He proclaimed himself as THE faithful slave but the current GB have tossed him aside as nothing more than a wannabe.
the jehovah’s witnesses leadership (in northern spain) requested that a local material supplier (owned by rank-and file jws) not divulge that a million euros are unaccounted for.
the cult leadership requested peace from the congregation so as to put pressure on the material company’s owners (who are jws) and thereby avoid any possible litigation.. this case affects a well-known construction supply company with its headquarters in a large northern city.
WT pressuring a victim to not seek legal redress but rather take it on the chin and cover up a possible crime?
There's nothing new under the sun.
It's a different story when WT are owed money. They'd stampede over their own grandmothers to get the creditors into court.
all exhibits for case study 54, jehovah's witnesses and watchtower, have been released by the arc.. http://www.childabuseroyalcommission.gov.au/exhibits/10908a67-70c5-4103-94cc-dac096fdb585/case-study-54,-march-2017,-sydney.
exhibit list.
joint statement of o'brien and spinks.
"viewing child pornography is not considered to be child abuse"
That is just the most insane, reprehensible and indefensible statement i have ever seen from the WT.
To even think it's something suitable to be put down in writing shows how far from human compassion and good sense the WT has fallen, in its deluded and arrogant attempt to micro manage people's consciences on something so dangerous.
I am honestly dumbfounded.
what is the exact live streaming site for the arc today in sydney?
i hope someone or more here will be watching and giving info/quips throughout the case.
also, will someone here or elsewhere be able to 'save' a video of this (all or part).
I'd also like to see a bulletted list of all the things Spinks said he appreciated being pointed out, will take onboard, take note of, make sure to add etc.
Essentially this would be a list of all the areas even their latest (2 day old) policy document fails to be sufficient.
what is the exact live streaming site for the arc today in sydney?
i hope someone or more here will be watching and giving info/quips throughout the case.
also, will someone here or elsewhere be able to 'save' a video of this (all or part).
I think someone needs to re-watch this and bullet point all the lies told.
what is the exact live streaming site for the arc today in sydney?
i hope someone or more here will be watching and giving info/quips throughout the case.
also, will someone here or elsewhere be able to 'save' a video of this (all or part).
If they removed the rule on shunning disassociated ones, within a week their membership would plummet.
It was interesting to hear that they are planning on reissuing a new elders book because of all the changes they have to make. Seems Satan's organisation is running ahead of God's organisation when it comes to kindness, justice, mercy and compassion.
Also that they are working on a letter for handling abuse cases in the UK. Maybe this is why they cut the wt and awake magazines down by 75%, for all the child abuse documents they now need to print.