This is a fulfillment of Daniels image, the feet of iron and clay.
It can only mean one thing - Armageddon is close!
it's a deja vu from matthew..."for nation shall rise against nation.....".
it seem that periods of instability occur around the world periodically.
since the arab spring to brexit and trumpism people want change.
This is a fulfillment of Daniels image, the feet of iron and clay.
It can only mean one thing - Armageddon is close!
my spies tell me that the attendance for hellaby this last sunday was only 600.. that's all i know.
i imagine some on here have perhaps some more insights into why.
however, it seems rather low, don't you think?.
I heard from an RBC relative up that way that it was this assembly hall that did a roof repair recently, the volunteers did it wrong and it had to be done again at a cost of £300,000.
How comes Jehovah blessed Warwick but not Hellaby?
our co-ordinator put his hand up and commented saying that people who go on about how depressed or anxious they are just need to stop giving in to impulses and show more self control without letting their emotions rule their lives.. if anyone from the media, a government agency or some other public body heard a comment like that, they'd have a hard time exercising self control over the rubbish this elder spouted, which my friends and family with genuine depression found insulting..
That elders comment is like telling someone with a cold to stop having a cold, or telling someone with a broken arm that they shouldn't let their arm be broken.
And I bet he was very proud of his assertive and insightful comment.
My old congregation had dolt elders like this guy. They are not uncommon.
bless you, that was a big sneeze you let out sister.. sister- ah, what does "bless you" mean?.
oh, it's pagan.
because people bless the soul of the person so they don't escape from their physical bodies.. sister- right, it is difficult to change the little things, but we can please jehovah by staying away from those things.. .... this is a scenario that happened when i accidentally (naturally) said "bless you" to the jw sister.
Sister- Ah, what does "bless you" mean?
You- It doesn't mean anything anymore, it's polite social etiquette
Sister- Ah, but it has pagan origins!
You- What's that ring on your index finger?
Sister- But no-one associates that ring with paganism today
You- A bit like saying "Bless you" you mean. I've heard you say "Goodbye". Did you know that means "God be with you", another form of blessing?
Sister- I'm just trying to help you.
You- Bless you. Goodbye.
my spies tell me that the jobos recently had a broadcast where 2 scriptures have been changed.. luke 22.26you, though, are not to be that way.
but let the one who is the greatest among you become as the youngest, and the one taking the lead as the one ministering.. 1 tim 3:1this statement is trustworthy: if a man is reaching out to be an overseer,+ he is desirous of a fine work.
i don't have the tech to locate the broadcast right now.
But let the one who is the greatest among you become as the youngest
The Geneva Bible (1599) and King James (1604) both use 'youngest/younger'.
i was just thinking about the account of adam and eve, and how they both attempted to 'pass the buck', or shift the blame to someone else.
eve to the snake, and adam to eve.... does that sound familiar??.
the society has never taken ownership of its mistakes!
Adam blames Eve, and every JW believes that Eve ate the fruit and later gave some to Adam.
This is not exactly what the Bible says in Gen 3:6:
(NWT) "So she began taking of its fruit and eating it. Afterward she gave some also to her husband when with her and he began eating it."
(Every other Bible in the world) "So she took some of the fruit and ate it. She also gave some to her husband, who was with her, and he ate it."
It seems that Adam was right there with Eve, watching what was going on and being a direct accomplice in this eating, but the WT want you to think that it was all Eve's fault.
a man can be a father .
a man can be a son.
a man can be a husband.
Why stop at three?
A man can also be a manager, worker, thief, doctor, brother, cousin, asleep, dead, happy, rich...
Everyone a different aspect of him.
on saturday, october 7.. any chance to get user name and password for stream?.
Making Our Blows Count "For many years, people read our mags but have done nothing to make progress. We need to refocus."
If this means the end of cosy chats with long time return visits I can see the field service losing one of its only plus points.
Can you imagine pioneers with 20 such calls telling them they're not coming anymore because they're a waste of time?
They will lose places to go when it's cold or raining, toilet stops, placements, return visits or studies on their report card, and easy time.
Well done WT!
“october 1, 1914, on taking his place at the breakfast table in the brooklyn bethel dining-room, he in a strong voice denoting conviction announced: “the gentile times have ended!” “ – watchtower july 15, 1950 page 216 paragraph 1. .
Ding Anyone who is tempted to think the WT is "the truth" should read The Finished Mystery.
And today's publications are tomorrow's Finished Mystery.
the uk are tightening up their data protection laws to make it easier for individuals to get hold of the information organisations hold on them and to get it deleted.. i think paul grundy (jwfacts) went through this with wt once and found it very time consuming and difficult.. will wt now abide by the law and hand over or permanently delete the records it keeps when requested?it would mean every uk exjw could have their report card info, personal file with age, sex, baptism date, judicial information, appointment/deletion/disfellowshipping dates, letters of disassociation, letters of recommendation when you move, phone number and address permanently removed.
anyone acting for the wt (elders) who retain this information, eg your phone number in their phone or the secretary keeping your historical monthly report details, will be in violation.
failure to comply will incur a fine.. expect a letter to all boe's any time soon explaining why this does not apply to them..
AverageJoe1 you would know for sure if you turned up at a new congregation, said you're a witness and just give them your name and baptism date.
I agree.
If you've requested your files be deleted and they come back with information about you, they have proven they did not delete the files as mandated by law.
Same as if they come shepherding you after you've requested to be removed from their files. They should not act on personal information (like your address) that they should no longer know.