The power to refuse them is within you but you need to own it.
As JWs we were indoctrinated that saying No to an elder was wrong. Lose that idea. You're an adult, assert yourself and you'll feel amazing and empowered.
what can i do when elders want to poke their nose in?.
they want to have another chat with me and my wife, but we dont want to, it just gets us down..
The power to refuse them is within you but you need to own it.
As JWs we were indoctrinated that saying No to an elder was wrong. Lose that idea. You're an adult, assert yourself and you'll feel amazing and empowered.
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To make personal outside calls: Dial *88, your seven-digit personnel number, your two-digit PIN, 9, and the outside number.
The level of spying and control is so bad that you can't even make an outside call without it being logged against your name. This is authoritarian paranoia on a grand scale.
The culture of suspicion and distrust that exists in the congregations comes directly from the top. It an unhealthy organisation through and through.
i haven't stopped laughing since i heard this.
a pimo in my last congregation told me that an elder has been removed from his elder position.
apparently he grabbed another elder by the throat, put him up against a wall in the back room and punched him in on the nose... during an elders meeting on thursday evening after the meeting.. the congregation were running round like headless chickens wondering what to do?
I was once at a meeting where the WT conductor was trading personal insults with another elder in the audience, via the question/answer format.
It's not uncommon for elders to have animosity between themselves - it often involves particularly self righteous and proud elders who love to have their ego's stroked.
Jesus was right, a house divided against itself cannot stand.
We get the benefit of standing to the side and watching them devour each other.
ek johnathon has written three brilliant books and made them free for everybody to read.
I have filled out a form and hope i will be going to chelsmford in 2019 :)
Even people in the world now are saying that further education is a waste of time and money, looks like the borg were correct about that one
If not JWs then who else comes closest?
If they are not JWs then there are no Gods people on earth today, period.
Its either the Bible, then JWs are the closest to the truth, or the old 19century science theory of evolution. But 21 century science has proved the old 19 century theory wrong.
What is the other alternative to JWs?
I will never give in even on threat of death. I love Jehovah
Jesus said those who have love amongst themselves. Well that is only Jws on a world wide scale. When in war time, which other groups will never take up arms and fight, even on threat of death. Only Jws.
I deny blood on Jehovahs peoples hands, Jehovahs people never ever partake in any wars, what on earth are you referring to?
Still a lot of wishy washy answers, if not JWs then what other options? (x10)
If there is one option nearer the truth what is it? (x10)
Its all down to the increasing use of digital media. We dont need so much printing as we did before.
The more you study the more you realise just how little we know, just human wisdom can not compare with the wisdom of Jehovah the loving creator.
They are NOT discouraging having children, or spending time with them. They are praising the hard working self sacrificing brother and sisters who put Jehovah ahead of personal interests.
Think how Jehovah feels about such self sacrificing Brothers and Sisters?
The good news will be preached in ALL the nations. Matthew 24:14. It is being fulfilled, but only by Jehovahs people.
I do not believe anything gets covered over. The policy is, if a paedophile infiltrates the JWs then the police are notified right away.
I still cant find a better alternative. Until I do I will stick to JWs.
Formerbrother, are you really a Former brother?
jehovah's witnesses try to retain building by donating it to spanish fellow believers.
prosecutor's office aims to return real estate of angarsk jehovah's witnesses to state.
interfax-religiia, 25 january 2018. .
WT will soon learn that Russia does not play these games.
so we have all heard the worldwide reports about khalls being sold off and congregations being amalgamated etc.... of course, jws are being told that these actions are a sign of "just how much the work is progressing, and how jehovah is blessing the increase and expansion!".
i can share the following from my part of the world too!.
in perth, western australia the following has occurred.. three "new" congregations have been formed!
stuckinarut2 The KHall that Cong A owned outright (which had been recently renovated with the new tv screens etc also installed) is to be sold.
So which elders will soon be getting a free new TV?
has anyone tried to get their jw report cards and any other info using a freedom of information request?
would london bethel have all this information?.
This new law comes into effect from May 2018 which may help you.
since blondie seems to still be on sabbatical, i'll take the liberty of highlighting a couple of "gems" from this week's upcoming study, from the article "reject worldly thinking".. from paragraph 12:.
is it true that succeeding in a secular career that offers power and prestige leads to lasting happiness?
remember that the craving to control others and the longing to be admired are the desires that enticed satan, but he is angry, not happy.. .
In my experience, most people who try to move up the career path do so because they have become good at what they do and either want to challenge themselves with something new, or see an opportunity for them to make improvements for their company.
Managers can see through those who try to get promoted without the needed skills, and those managers are accountable for the positions they fill under them.
Power and prestige are JW tropes, demonised because so few JW's will achieve either.
what are everyone's thoughts on this, how his legs weren't broken, he was pierced with a spear and he wore a thorny crown?.
i'm pimo and very much not wanting to believe, but like the daniel statue prophecies, these ones about jesus stick in my mind and give me "hmmm, maybe" moments..
Venus Verse 20 says: “he protects all his bones, not one of them will be broken
Wouldn't the bones in his wrists be broken when the nails were driven in?
terry walstrom posted this exceptional link on another thread.
i think it so amazing that it should have a thread of its own so everyone can have clear and easy access to the document.
terry wrote:.
Thanks Vanderhoven.
I notice that document has a date of Jan 2017.
Here is the same document but dated Dec 2017. It has a bit more information and is better formatted too.