Here's a comment from a friend of mine, I e-mailed him the quote from the WT article:
"...It is nausseating! That borderlines on the perverse.
It is not like they are advising families to be wary of people who have left, and that they may tell you how much they enjoy their lives, but they are robbing them of their free will, and their choice of how to associate with their family members. The arrogance to force a mother to not speak with her children or for a son to disown his father that raised him...have they no conscience? This is nothing more than blatant manipulation...really angers me for some reason. Even as an agnostic secular person, I find it highly insulting and offensive. They seem to want to enslave people...they dont want faith or fellowship, but servitude." In the past months we talked a lot about TTATT, he always had a listening ear, despite knowing little about JWs he was very understanding. I'm glad he never got into a cult like this. Yesterday I thought about making an advert in the local newspaper with parts of this quote from the Article, perhaps adding a short comment that exposes the coldheartedness in these policies. It might keep people away from the Witnesses and might make them more careful to not listen to the Witnesses when they come knocking the next time.