I seethed at the "guilt" portion of this weeks WT. Firstly the use of "excessive", implying that there is a level of guilt that is acceptable to motivate actions. Secondly, the guilt only refers to feeling unworthy due to wrong doing. What about feeling unworthy because of not being able to do as much as you think you should be doing? The mental pressure on people to conform and "do more", to keep up with everything a good dub has to do is just getting worse. It's this guilt that is the worst guilt and I hate the fact so many in the org are driven by it.
JoinedPosts by konceptual99
We want you to feel guilty!
by solomon inthis is another fine spiritual gem from the january 2013 study edition.. .
as the great tribulation nears, we do not want to be plagued with such anxious thoughts as these:'could i have done more in god's service?
didn't i pioneer when i had the opportunity?
Flawed Science? Say it ain't so..................
by Night Owl inhttp://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-2217286/global-warming-stopped-16-years-ago-reveals-met-office-report-quietly-released--chart-prove-it.html.
Check out the Met Office response http://metofficenews.wordpress.com/
The Daily Mail is possibly the worst newspaper after The Sun for poor journalism.
Cue 10 pages...
Weird stuff that only an exJW would know
by biblecheck ini was thinking tonight about all the wierd stuff that i viewed as totally normal being brought up as a jw.... here's my list.... - eating broken easter eggs after easter was not a sin.
- your car always had to be clean in time for the co visit.
- being assigned to the car park at a convention, with a walkie talkie, meant you had powerful connections.. - the amount of lines and hand writing on your sunday watchtower, spoke volumes of your spirituality.
- eating birthday cake brought in by someone in the office is OK if no one sees you. And you are hungry.
- using highlighter pen to mark your WT and waving it around in a Mr. Bean style makes you more of a spiritual person
- answering up more than once makes you more of a spiritual person
- having your kids answer up makes you more of a spiritual parent
- coming up with a point in the bible highlights makes you more of a spiritual person. Even if anyone could have got the point in 2 mins off the CD ROM
- recounting an experience/illustration used by the CO/DO at a convention or previous visit makes you a more spiritual person
- laughing at all the child abuse cases in the Catholic church makes you feel warm and cosy inside about being in the right religion
- walking through a city wearing a suit, carrying a briefcase and monster cool bag is normal if you are attending an assembly
- as is wearing a name badge in the evening to go out for a meal
....ad infinitum....
Notes from Safeguard Your Mind assembly - day 1
by raxxxx init was an entertaining and incredibly sad experience... anyway!
here are some notes i have managed to take in between all of the crying and laughing as well as occasional mental breakdown.
Hi raxxxx
Was this assembly at Haysbridge? It was not our CA this weekend but friends of ours in Hampshire had theirs. I know there is more than one CA going on in the world at any one time (!) but the timings of your messages suggest you might be in the UK.
Sounds like the usual tripe coming out. Can't wait for ours in a few weeks. Honestly.
The WT Encourages JWs to learn about the early history of the organization! - 8/15/12 WT
by 00DAD inironically, in today's wt, jws are encouraged to study the early history of the "earthly organization".
like them [the sons of korah], do you have a desire to study and recount the history of the earthly part of jehovahs organization?
the more you learn about gods organization and how jehovah supports his people, the more real gods kingdom will be to you.
You try looking at the early history using just WT pubs available now. It's sanitised. You have to be directed via sites like JWfacts which are are control via the thought control gatekeeper. "Wise Christians" will only use sanitised versions. Honest hearted ones will be labelled apostates.
Is annual meeting F&DS change a troll?
by EndofMysteries ini went to the reddit site supposedly where the rumor started.
anybody know that guy?
unless i see notes, and how they explained it, if it was an hour long, or hear it, it's a troll for the moment.
Actually, re-reading this it seems that I have misunderstood things. They were appointed over domestics in 1919 but will be examined at the GT and appointed over belongings as part of heavenly reward. The vagueness of the "small group" allows for all versions of WT leadership over the past decades.
Makes perfect sense!
Is annual meeting F&DS change a troll?
by EndofMysteries ini went to the reddit site supposedly where the rumor started.
anybody know that guy?
unless i see notes, and how they explained it, if it was an hour long, or hear it, it's a troll for the moment.
I see they have tried to deflect the obvious point about the F&DS in times past is the change that the examination is yet to come. This on the face of it may seem to make the new light more logical but surely there must be implications for teachings about what other things happened 1914-19 related to the timings of Christ's presence and arrival (distinction noted). It would take some research but this seems a fundamental difference that must have an impact elsewhere.
2012 annual meeting notes
by lostinthought insorry for the wait guys.... .
part one.
moorse had the opening comments talked about historic annual meetings.. .
Mentioned the new light to a trusted friend at the meeting this am. He said "hang on, the GB are the F&DS. Aren't they?". Maybe the new light will not appear to be new light for many...
We will decide who is a predator! New Watchtower Instructions to Elders on Child Abuse
by Jaime l de Aragon inmust read on jehovahs witnesses watchtower arrogance in failure to warn of congregation pedophiles.. http://jwsurvey.org/cedars-blog/we-will-decide-who-is-a-predator-new-watchtower-instructions-to-elders-on-child-abuse?fb_action_ids=10151270345663993&fb_action_types=og.likes&fb_source=aggregation&fb_aggregation_id=288381481237582.
Yet more legalistic ducking and diving. However, if I was trying to be absolutely objective about this I would suggest that some of the distinctions they are implying are there to give them a route to allowing someone in very particular circumstances to avoid being labelled a molester. For example, in the UK it is possible for an 18 yr old to have consensual sex with a 15 year old and be convicted as a sex offender on the basis the legal age of consent in the uk is 16. They would be placed on the sex offenders register. Situations like this already are a matter of debate in secular society. I think the WT are trying to leave room for "discretion" in cases like this. Of course the risk is that much more could go under the radar.
Not condoning it - just saying like...
2012 annual meeting notes
by lostinthought insorry for the wait guys.... .
part one.
moorse had the opening comments talked about historic annual meetings.. .
The whole point about the F&DS is what they are doing WHEN the master arrives. Their (or his/her) actions BEFORE the master arrives are the critical ones. So to say it was just taking shape in Russell's day and then to quite happily accept that no one got who the slave was for 94 years, not even the slave it/her/himself, who is handing out food at the proper time, is NONSENSE. I can't even think of an analogy or illustration on this one - it's not possible.