James I'm also sorry if my post upset you. That is most definitely not the intention. It's just that when you grow up in a society of people who are supposed to be God's chosen people and you believe it with all your heart, then you find out it was one lie after another, man that's the most traumatic thing ever. So as Tech49 said, it does take time to change the thinking. There are safe ways to do it and you are yourself new to this process. You are essentially de-programming yourself and your family from being in a doomsday cult. That is a hard pill to swallow but it is a fact. Steve Hassan has a book on the BITE method that you may want to read. There's a lot of help in this forum but we are all in different stages of our journey out. One of the most important things to do in my opinion is to teach your kids critical thinking and let them know that they can ask ANY question about doctrine or whatever without getting into trouble. My dad never allowed any questions whatsoever. He still doesn't, he's happy to have his blinders on.
As for witness kids having better morals, don't believe that for another second. Some of the worst influences were other witnesses, not all, but some. My best friend and influence was worldly. She even called me on it when I was going to eat a holiday cupcake and she meant it! Lol You have to vet all kids but don't limit them to only having witness friends.
We just want to help, you're embarking on a scary and tenuous journey, we truly do understand that.