I've been fully out for 18 years now but this week that old wound got ripped open again when my brother shunned me over trying to friend him on Instagram of all things. He shut his account down which I think is a bit drastic and childish. Two brothers and a half sister are very much in, I'm losing hope. So I go for months being strong, no major problems and then you get hurt all over again.
JoinedPosts by earthfire
What stage are you in after leaving or waking up to TTATT?
by suavojr ini can honestly say that although still in, i have lost the fear of wts dooms day version and in all sincerity i don't care what others inside the cult think of me.
at first i was mad of being lied to, i was sad that paradise is not coming, and i felt fear of death.
i happy to report, that i am now at peace with my eventual mortality and i am enjoying every second i have while i am alive.. .
Involved with a JW woman
by jonza inokay so i'm dating a born-in jw woman, she's younger than me and has no kids.
i'm a christian man whos divorced with 2 kids.
we're in love and seriously want to be together.
I hope everything works out for you both
Has anyone ever saved another persons life?
by LogCon ini don't mean you advised them and they changed their lives around, kind of saving a life.. i mean right before your eyes, right now, you had to do something to save a person or they would be dead.. how did it make you feel?
did it have any affect on you?.
forty years ago i was working on a construction site and a back-hoe had loosened a large boulder.
Cool thread. When I was 16 I saved my little brother from choking on candy. Poor little guy was blue, scared me to death and humbled me. If I hadn't been on the phone he never would have gotten into the candy in the first place. But I remember it was like someone tapped on my shoulder and alerted me that Ryan wasn't making any noise in the next room. I feel like there was an angel watching over us.
Another time we were at the beach (in Florida) and for some odd reason my cousin Louie and I swam out really far from shore. Something we never did. But we were the farthest people out. We were just hanging out when out of no where come three little kids floating passed us screaming for help. Two girls were on a giant inner tube and one of the girls was holding on to one of those tiny rafts that her little brother was on. These kids were only about 5-7 years old. They were scared to death and it took everything Louie and I had to haul them back to shore. We got after them so that they wouldn't take inflatable's on the water again. But they were safe and that's all that really mattered. I don't know for sure if we saved their lives but it always felt like we we're put there for that reason on that day. I was always so wary of sharks that I never went out that deep but on that day I wasn't scared at all. :-)
by The Searcher inhow much did your congregation and its bank account get taken for?
share your horror story!.
I heard that the payments were to be lowered but instead of a pay off date they will go on indefinitely. Is this true?
As Dubbie reply I got when I mentioned about the conti case
by joe134cd ini'm going to share with you all a reply i got from a witnesses after i sent an article from nbc news regarding the conti sex abuse case.
in many ways i think it's quite telling and revealing into the mind of a dubbie.
this is the actuall reply .
I've come to believe that they don't want to know the truth. If they accept that these things are happening in "their true religion" and they whole heartedly believe and devote their entire lives to it, then what does that say about them? Some of them just can't handle it.
Murder since he basically hunted Trayvon down. But he'll probably get manslaughter. I feel the same about the situation as Finklelstein.
Animal Magic
by JamesThomas inin the past there were horses here.. .
i could gently lay my head up against them and breath in the delicious unique fragrance that subtly drifts from a horse.. as the warm pleasant sent entered me it immediately calmed my nerves, stopped my mind, and carried me along into a sense of unmoving unity.
there was no longer a me and a horse; there was just pure presence/life/being.. no words can explain.. .
I love that.
Unintended fallout from July 15 WT on "Anointed & Generation"?
by prologos injesus, as reported in math 24:34 said: "--this generation --will by no means pass away until all these things occur.".
the 'all' in the jesus quotation above would include the biggest all of them all,.
Assuming the flood story was true , did humans eat meat before the flood ?
by smiddy inor did the slaughtering of animals as sacrificed to god from abel`s time on , just appease his blood lust.. smiddy.
No, they were vegetarians. But of course after the flood they wouldn't have had meat or vegetation to eat. You can't eat of the animals when they are all breeding pairs and all the vegetables were saturated flood waters.
Introducing Myself
by DilloTrace ini'm new to this forum and wanted to give everyone a shout out.
i've been a silent observer of this forum for a long time, but now i feel it's time for me to break the silence and get involved.
i've been inactive since november of last year.
Welcome, welcome! It's wonderful having so many new members!