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JoinedPosts by Elijehovah
THREE BASICS of Jehovah-dumb
by Terry inkeep this one fact in mind about jehovah's witnesses.
they exist in three dumb categories throughout their history.. 1. honest bible students attracted to the gimmicks of russell (charts, graphs, chronologies, pyramid inches, etc.
) expected the end of the world to come and they wanted to know more.. 2.contrarian hard heads under rutherford wanted to prove everybody was wrong about everything except themselves.
THREE BASICS of Jehovah-dumb
by Terry inkeep this one fact in mind about jehovah's witnesses.
they exist in three dumb categories throughout their history.. 1. honest bible students attracted to the gimmicks of russell (charts, graphs, chronologies, pyramid inches, etc.
) expected the end of the world to come and they wanted to know more.. 2.contrarian hard heads under rutherford wanted to prove everybody was wrong about everything except themselves.
OK. Clarified. Terry. Yes, Terry. TEST ME. YOU said JWs do not know their own religion. That in my experience man, has been a growing process over 30 years, seeing each year people knew less, especially with know-it-alls who dominate. And my advice got seen as apostate, when my zeal enraged me that top district assembly elders would teach that pyramids were built by angels before the Flood. My worship of Jehovah does not require Christendom nor WatchTowerdom. And in reading line for line what you Terry wrote i can give personal life experiences and examples of year by year process in a Hall, (not Terry's one WT President to the next synopsis). So now I presented my own synopsis of that same timeline Russell to Rutherford to me because I am the incarnate of those two. I am Elijahovah, and whether I like it or not, Jehovah doesnt let me out of it, no matter how much I think it makes my life worse not better.
So now you ask a little about myself. Do you mean the 10 years mom and dad did not speak to me, or do you mean mom's bypass last year and depsite elders and sisters on her card, it was I who asked what was in the IV and they told me blood plasma. Mene Tekel Parsin (from Daniel it means incompetent, negligent, erring, and it will destroy you. Daniel said this very day.) Ask. I am an open book. I do not mind being identified. I gladly die in court for Jehovah be it a battle of insulted tantum Judas, or against Peter who thinks pulling his sword is to save Jesus.
THREE BASICS of Jehovah-dumb
by Terry inkeep this one fact in mind about jehovah's witnesses.
they exist in three dumb categories throughout their history.. 1. honest bible students attracted to the gimmicks of russell (charts, graphs, chronologies, pyramid inches, etc.
) expected the end of the world to come and they wanted to know more.. 2.contrarian hard heads under rutherford wanted to prove everybody was wrong about everything except themselves.
No English is my only language. Peter said to Jesus, Please Lord do not speak in riddles, I don't understand you. But if you go read that story, do YOU think Peter understood when Jesus said In a little while you will see me no more, never again, but I tell you I will come back and you will see me, and then you will know I will always be with you. I speak the same way. And I find if I explain, you won't understand either because you will think it too wordy. Words have changed since I was born. Going dutch means Pay your own way instead of split down the middle so the Dutch get the better deal. My friend in 1982 gave me an 1889 dictionary and looking up ejaculation it had only one definition "a short prayer". People say ironic means weird, and it doesnt, it means to be opposite. Plumbers with clogged sinks, painters with unpainted or peeling houses, or people thinking that pitch is a level (the pitch of a sound) so that if their is pitch black, there must be pitch white. Pitch is tar, it doesnt come in white and so the phrase is ironic. I am awareof these things, and since i speak to foreignors with hand gestures and defining english words of them, i find that the "norm" for americans has changed meanings of words in 50 years. The blame is all on you people of this country, not me. My mom is italian and she taught me Arivederci is broken down into I will see you again. It does not mean Goodbye which is a permanent go away, and means God Be (with you). No one in this forum will learn anything form me, by reading me, unless they have humility to ask me specifically what any particular specific thing means that i said. I regard myself as Baptizer John and accept (bitterly) the fact that all I know will vanish at death, and that is because no one understands all that i say. Perhaps this is why I am best at drawing charts and tables and timelines. BUT i do not know how to post them here. I had a biblical archeological site close up because i posted 3 to 4 a day, and I became 90% of it. Charts all over, including cool animated GIF charts. Timelines proving Peleg's son Reu was Chinese Yu the Great in the city of Ur. So ask or ignore. It is inevitable I'll be pushed out again. Wasnt John? The one question i want to ask the GB is should the great crowd excommunicate John for not following Jesus? And what kept Jesus from abide in whatever the apostles wanted, and rid John if they thought he should do so. Did Jesus respect John for the truth he was, or just because this is his cousin? because I am no cousin to anyone in you GB list of 8. And I will warn them that the 8 spies of Canaan will bring 7 million deaths to wandering in Sinai when Armageddon strikes.
PS. I am a very fast two-fnger typer. So it was nice that the BAS forum (biblical archeology society) had an edit button to revise within 3 days. Lots of typos, I type form instead of from, etc. Lots of time i type won instead of own, and i wish i did, win that is.
Spell checks dont work because i use 100s of names not in dictionaries. Peleg Mes.Anipada the father of Reu A.Anipada the grandfather of Nahor Mes.Kalumdug whose grandson is Haran A.Kalumdug. I also contract names such as Mesanipada instead of Messannepadda. Not to mention many spellings such as Egyptian Christmas month Choiak (British), Kyak (Arabic), Kayak (my choice because it defines the boat of Noah's ark versus the one-man boat of Noah's death) - - however Kayak is the month of Peleg's death not Noah's So with all the red spell-check lines in what i write then i dont catch the real errors, not to mention when meaning FROM my typo FORM is not questioned as an error.
THREE BASICS of Jehovah-dumb
by Terry inkeep this one fact in mind about jehovah's witnesses.
they exist in three dumb categories throughout their history.. 1. honest bible students attracted to the gimmicks of russell (charts, graphs, chronologies, pyramid inches, etc.
) expected the end of the world to come and they wanted to know more.. 2.contrarian hard heads under rutherford wanted to prove everybody was wrong about everything except themselves.
Russell died the first 2 years of God's kingdom. (I refer to 537-535bc, not 1914-1916)
Rutherford was part of the problem Cambyses and Smyrdis and Gaumata put on the temple. They stopped the work in 1926-1928, but Darius stood up and declared the Name Jehovah on it in his 2nd year and 4 years later all 144,000 stones were counted. The bride Esther was taken in the 1960s and Haman tried to kill her in 1976 in the 12th year of Xerxes. I was chosen in the 7th year of Artaxerxes, and like Nehemiah a wall went up do to my presence on the internet in 1996. Needless to say a wall went up between WT and temple, (one that I thought would be spiritual ascent ot heaven), but instead it was legal. They dissolved 1914 Birtish license which leaves the religious license in the USA vulnerable to same accusation as in 1918. This does create a wall, because now protection of communion partakers is now strictly only by hand of God and not legal protection. Like Jesus saved by God 3rd day after death, but not saved by legal law as he was saved by legal laws at birth, just like the British 1918 laws. So the WT is now nothing more than the clothing of Jesus stripped off before torns are placed as a crown upon the bride's head, and she is executed (stripped of WT) and saves not with books, and not with KH, and not with COs or DAs nor by elders or MS, but by her blood which gives the whole 144,000 (134,000 in heaven) the ability to become flesh for 40 days on earth. Of course you will think her disciple children crazy if like Jesus she appears only to them and not YOU. Damn it, if you were Jesus would you not have appeared to Herod and to Pontius and the high priest, some Pharisees? This is MY APOSTACY that MY JEHOVAH GAVE ME.... but elders lied and they told other meetings that they never said i had to drop my research to prove repentant. Scripture holds true. ALL men are liars, but Jehovah will be proved true.
THREE BASICS of Jehovah-dumb
by Terry inkeep this one fact in mind about jehovah's witnesses.
they exist in three dumb categories throughout their history.. 1. honest bible students attracted to the gimmicks of russell (charts, graphs, chronologies, pyramid inches, etc.
) expected the end of the world to come and they wanted to know more.. 2.contrarian hard heads under rutherford wanted to prove everybody was wrong about everything except themselves.
Terry. Yes, Terry. TEST ME. My worship of Jehovah does not require Christendom nor WatchTowerdom. And in reading line for line what you wrote i can give personal life experiences and examples of year by year process in a Hall, not one WT President to the next.
Family worship Ideas
by DS211 inok guys im getting sick of sitting around.. i read an article submitted on freeminds called .
how i helped my family leave jehovah's witnesses.
ok so in light of this i need some advice.
Family worship is about teaching your family. You dont draw lines between whether the kids learning math is a bible thing or not. In the days of ancient gods they regarded math and writing as gifts from God, and they were selective as the Catholic Church was not letting the little guy learn it. The temples of old did this too, it is commercialism, dont share unless you get paid. So if you wish to not be part of church nor state by living this way of do nothing except for money, you instead tend to your family by sharing everything free to lift your family above the people outside your home. In ancient days though they kept it all to the family (because outside uses it against you to burn you), and the family would become a city where someone then is on top and just as corrupt by keeping secrets.
What you need to do is analyze why Moses says there was no patriarchal days until Peleg, and that a man and wife taught their son and daughter to grow up and leave to become on their own a man and wife. No off to wife's parents or off to husband's parents to be owned by their parental religious expectations. This means help your son and daughter find their mates, (mates that dont make out of parental holidays) and help them build their house to start the same for their own kids. NOW that is Genesis. Moving on, All that was destroyed will return. Jesus didnt go to heaven to lead YOUR way there, but because that was his home. Coming back home exists even in Mayan religion of flesh back to life on earth. In fact the original india reincarnation is not cycles of punishment before you get to go to heaven, it was the belief the future will be owned by the innocent who have died. So family study includes the intent to make valuable to your family the values of morality not material things. Share what is material, don’t seek it in greed, and seek the better for and with all you meet and know each day. YOU will find all these things in the Bible. The crap in the Bible is to show you what resulted to those people. Stories of real families who faced crap are better then Hollywood false drama whose intent isn’t to tell you they know someone got sick and died from a 3-way marriage but rather to entice you on some plot about having one. Look for how and why in anything and you will see that computers and games and all things new on the market to sell are written into a story so that you go buy it. They get paid as actors to produce a story with those things in it. And those who are selfish are all about corrupt behavior. I proudly do not celebrate Halloween nor Christmas. BUT it is not because I believe evangelical born-again church raptures who say it is pagan. To me it is like a mother who calls daughter whore (the mother catholic church snubbing its free-daughter churches of America, while the daughter churches point at mom Catholicism as whoring with pagan gods of holidays). Well guess what. Halloween is the new year of Noah’s 360-day(year 944) when Peleg died because he was 700 years younger than Noah. It wishes dead back to life, not walking corpses. (600+340 = 600+344) And guess what, Christmas is Noah’s death 2021bc Dec 25 because those who kept saying he would never die were wrong, son instead they said he didn’t die, he went to heaven. They had a 40-day séance at Babel talking to a spirit. So truth sets you free. Study it. Pick up books together and say to your family We are going to read, and decide what is truth and what is not. The Bible says ALL men are liars BUT Jehovah will be found true. Jehovah means the effect is proven by the cause. Que Sera Que Sera. Don’t ever let anyone tell you, and they will tell you, but what will be is changeable. It is not bound tight without give. The right wings and you fly, the wrong wings you die. The right water you drink and live, the wrong you die. What will be, will always be provable. Go for it, go for it together. Sit your family down with MY words, and decide what is true I said, and what is not.
Conti v Watchtower - Court Denies Watchtower Motion re: Substituting Bond - November 16 court documents in pdf
by jwleaks injw leaks has published the latest court documents, in pdf, relating to "candace conti v the watchtower bible and tract society of new york" as filed on november 16, 2012.. the watchtower society motion to substitute or reduce bond on appeal is denied.. www.jwleaks.org.
Interesting that there are 40 days because my own religious beliefs is that Jesus has a bride on earth, and to complete her she must die like Jesus before an Armageddon asteroid strikes. This puts a deadline on their trial and death to join him if that asteroid is found and its date of impact announced to the world. BUT to be effective as Jesus was proving himself alive for 40 days, this requires four truths. One that 144,000 do go to heaven. Two, that they are incomplete and will become complete. Three, that they can become flesh on earth (not just ghosts) for 40 days after that complete number has died. Four, that they die before the impact in order to warn their disciples on earth where to go and how to survive it. There was an alignment of those December-January 40 days in the four years 2009 thru 2012 (every 1460 years). Jesus was on those 40 days in April but the 2400 years aligns Venus (1200+1200), and not the dates since his 2400 is 1460 +940 which is then why his 40 days are in Easter April instead of Noah's December. In either case, the passing of the exact dates doesnt remove the belief status of the doctrine tactics. Afterall, we are coming up on 100 years of God's Kingdom and the 1914 June 1 global license was merged with America in 1996 to defy my internet posts that the anointed are destine to be stripped naked and die whether wicked by Esther not complying to the king's call like Vashti wouldnt, or by being righteous dying like Jesus who was also stripped naked, Either way the true kingdom loses everything before Armageddon because she has gone to heaven, or failed Jehovah. BUT Mordecai says there is no failure, he says Esther if you dont comply bitch, Jehovah will replace you and save his children by giving the king (Jesus) yet another last moment wife.... any contenders? Anyone out there willing to die for truth, to finish that number of 144,000. I say that because 10 men (today maybe its 8) caused 600,000 to die in Sina; hate to see 7 million die because of 8 men. AND hate to see Noah die, so 7 decide not to get on the ark. This is why i am watching this case. And this is why i am attempting to dig up my cassette tape of three elders in 1982 who intruded on an unbaptized 13 year old Sonya to make sex accusations of me, because their homo claims didnt stick. She cried so hard on the phone at their tactics, that Kathy my third listener on the phone while i taped it, found it hard to keep silent. I had the 3rd listener because elders dont accept cassette tapes. GRIN But YouTube does !
Conti v Watchtower - Court Denies Watchtower Motion re: Substituting Bond - November 16 court documents in pdf
by jwleaks injw leaks has published the latest court documents, in pdf, relating to "candace conti v the watchtower bible and tract society of new york" as filed on november 16, 2012.. the watchtower society motion to substitute or reduce bond on appeal is denied.. www.jwleaks.org.
Nothing wrong with an accepted settlement in something already public, BUT the settlement should not buy silence. The right to speak out and expose should not be denied, since Jesus died for this right to speak out (when other's silence you), or the right to choose silence (when others try to force you to reply with only yes or no). Anyone who forces you to proclaim a 5th amendment right has denied you that right until you demanded it. That crime should be punished upon every USA Judge who demands you answer a yes or no to a question when you have the right to be silent for THE ONE QUESTION (not the whole case), or the right to expound because the answer is neither yes nor no. Coersion is not the right of a judge.
Gerrit Loesch was at our DC today!
by goatshapeddemon inso, unexpectedly, the final talk was announced today and to my surprise and evil glee, they announced gerrit loesch as the speaker!
first off, at the beginning of his talk, he interrupted himself in the middle of his sentence to scold the microphone brother to lower my mike it's right in my face.. anyway, it was the talk on inspired truth, vs. inspired falsehoods.
he went through 6 expressions inspired by the demons.
The once-a-child-abuser always a child-abuser, could have been advertisement paid for by the MJ estate. Personally Jehovah made it very clear in the 1960s and 1970s that he could look down with all the righteous angels and all the wicked angels watching the WatchTower masturbation circles. This word of Jehovah was clear and evident by the fact they made so much issue about whether petting (which at my age of 13, i had no idea what it meant, or heavy-petting). It means petting like your pet or animal... which goes into working a girl's breasts, or rubbing each other's clothing in the crotch with your hand. Stupid people (adults) told me it was heavy kissing, like open-mouth make-out. I had a mom who thought menstruation was in women who couldnt rid bad old blood with their liver like men can. Not that college teaches anyone better than her 10th grade class. BUT point is that obviously since petting was borderline loose conduct which chooses and decides if to DF or not, this clearly made it Jehovah's voice unveling baptized people down their in the org are masturbating other baptized people, and its just a loose conduct, maybe DF issue. SURPRISE lets say its brothers uncovered in Bethel and not expose the Leader in charge. NOW you read about what really happened. Sort of like Bible books writing about it 40 years later. The rapes, the sex, and you wonder why nations didnt join the Jews. At least when Moses wrote Genesis, he said Jacob was disgraced and shamed by his sons murdering the newly Baptized men of Shechem as they came up from the water. They didnt blame it all on Dinah as WT great crowd writers do when writing for their discreet GB. In fact i would say that Jesus not being a writer, but trusting his disciples after his death has less trash between those apostles than the trash 7 million people have who accredited what they do to the GB, but when it becomes trash then it will be blamed on GB.
Gerrit Loesch was at our DC today!
by goatshapeddemon inso, unexpectedly, the final talk was announced today and to my surprise and evil glee, they announced gerrit loesch as the speaker!
first off, at the beginning of his talk, he interrupted himself in the middle of his sentence to scold the microphone brother to lower my mike it's right in my face.. anyway, it was the talk on inspired truth, vs. inspired falsehoods.
he went through 6 expressions inspired by the demons.
I would like to address the demonic-expressions. Moses was schooled for 40 years by the schools of Egypt (the same school concepts that the whole world's 1000s of cities have for their schools), and then schooled 40 years by Jehovah in the farm-life, nature-life, realities by experience instead of a textbook picture of a cow or cornfield. We all know these two schools exist, the one you pay for, and the one you experience. Was the city schooling all of demonic lies? If so, then how did Moses know more than both the Egyptians and his own people the ungrateful Jews. Who makes the printing presses? the WT websites? the MP3 files of their books? their cars? their planes? Do they cut their own trees for the paper? This is all done by the cities, not the farms. Is this doctrine like airport Asian religions who keep your change because they have taken the money away from Satan and given it to God. So thus i dont think you can claim Jehovah taught Moses nothing from city schools. Schools have 50% truth like the WT has 50% truth, and schools have 50% lies like the WT has 50% lies. Neither hold themselves accountable for not having 95% truth. Neither heed the corruption entering into them. This is like the politics of who claims who is involved and who denies they are. Joseph not refusing Pharaoh's throne? Joseph not refusing a pagan Egyptian priestest daughter of a pagan Egyptian priest as wife? Joseph having two mixed-sons like discarded Ishmael? Nehemiah accepts governor seat by Persia? is this not politics. And he is accused of seeking to be the Christ-king. Daniel did not accept nor get the seat third in the kingdom. Daniel prayed in the window and was punished, his three brothers did not. The issue of college should be not the accusation that greed to get money is in the heart of a college student, but rather is it worth $60,000 to pay a school to get a job that 2000 other people got rejected for and collapses our economy because they owe for school loans with no job, no high pay if they have job. I recall the KH takes the worldly pagan building inspector out to eat so he ignores the lose electrical boxes because Brother idiot cant cut plaster. Sounds political to me. And Elder gifts of theatre-copied VHS movies also had sons playing at the city park festivals, another political handshake, and praise themselves for having such friends (as if they are Nehemiah restoring Jerusalem).
College education DOES make you look down on people. If college feels they know what unschooled people dont know. BUT that isnt college education that does that, it is the paper degree diploma. Knowledge PUFF UP? isnt that on both sides, Does not any JW who knows so much from so many of their books get all puffed up just as much as any college school. Let me tell you about a guy who was a know-it-all, his name was Jesus, and his knowledge did not puff him up. It was just demons who claimed he was puffed up from it. So too it is like saying ALL that you know puffs YOU up, but ALL that i know does not puff me up. I think Loesch is puffed up.
Saving the system! Now that's hypocricy. WHY? Because think about it. Yes if the world is destroyed by man, then is it not like Nineveh who was on a path of destruction and despite being pagans which Jonah should not be in contact with, he goes to warn them. They dont listen, so Jonah is a typical self-pity JW and runs in fear they'll kill him. BUT the city finds the destruct path they are on, they listen to those facts, and change it so that their destruction does not come in their lifetime. THEY POSTPONED THEIR END, as the Bible says they did. So too the prophets kept warning Jerusalem to postpone their end by behaving. Does Armageddon come from man bringing his own END. Does that mean man can delay his end by a clean-up? That is different in this way. Some disasters do not come from man. Let the WT answer this one: earthquakes can be made by man, but they seldom do life-killing damage. When God makes an earthquake to build the Earth because like procreation it is a rolling process thru this 7th day of rest, not an issue of is now God resting not working, or like Jesus says my Father has not stopped working. And when this power shakes the earth, you comply or you die, that simple. So armageddon has always been here, over and over, from one individual to a whole city, or whole island, etc. The issue is that you can extent life by change, but that change must survive other natural disasters like astral impact by knowing how to pass thru it be it Katrina or Sandy. Know this, that angels on earth told men not to build arks. Know this, they said the thin water canopy if it came down could not cover mountains. These angels said God would not baptize tectonic continents to erase man, as he had before man and erased animals that even preFlood Noah saw as fossils up in mountains. (Hello, this was Gods voice, dead fish bones talking to Noah.) So too neither the WT nor the world's schools seem to be hearing Jehovah's voice. No the END cannot be postponed by cleaning-up Earth because the asteroid results are not amplified by Man's tampering. Nor does extending society delay it. YES those who care for animals prevent them from being made extinct before they too have to make their escape to mountains as Christians will. BUT the announcement of this rock impact date coming will drive the spirit of wicked selfish man into worse evil than you hear of in the Middle East, or to Bangkok children (whatever). So that makes his statement irrelevent, because love and caring is just that, no cold heart. What the Bible says isnt have no warmth and love now. What it says is when all this starts, then dont die by feeling sorry for those who dont wish to come and be saved because those think you dont know the way. May I point out that the volcano in Peru exploded and the elders thought the way was to the KH in the valley burying the JWs alive for having followed those elders to the Hall which is worship of Hall and worship of elders. May I give an experience of mine. I was exausted, fell asleep, a friend had lit 420 pot beside me. I woke up, eyes dilated, room dimlight appeared glaring as with those doctor eye-drops, and a ghost trying to enter me. I called to Jehovah, and he did not make it go away. I called again. Then I recalled it is not the name, it is him, knowing him, as a WT article once said newly-baptized folk came home and said now lets see what Satan can do, and the books went flying thrown at them. So what did i know about Jehovah. I knew if this ectoplasm is real, not a dream, that someone is asleep and it is drawn from their body. I called out to Randy 3 times and he answered, and my eyes undilated as if i awoke, and room went dark. I said Randy why didnt you answer, and he said, i came in the living room to watch TV and i fell asleep. I sighed. Thank You Jehovah, it is a good thing to know YOU. Jehovah is application of truth, not mere words or supposed ownership by name. So you see, he that knows Jehovah can explain him, not just mock those who say jehova jehova jehova.