Excellent thread.
It becomes obvious when you look at the numbers that delaying "the end" for saving souls sake is ridiculous.
It's when "the end" teaching/doctrine contradict one another that it gets interesting (and by "interesting" I mean "come on. give me a break. make up your minds, guys...")
This is from the w06 12/15, pg 27, par 11-
"How, though, should we understand Jesus’ assurance that Jehovah will cause justice to be done “speedily”? God’s Word shows that “even though [Jehovah] is long-suffering,” he will quickly execute justice when the time is ripe. (Luke 18:7, 8; 2 Peter 3:9, 10) In Noah’s time, when the Flood arrived, the wicked were destroyed without delay. Likewise, in Lot’s day, when fire rained from heaven, the wicked perished. Jesus said: “The same way it will be on that day when the Son of man is to be revealed.” (Luke 17:27-30) Again, the wicked will experience “sudden destruction.” (1 Thessalonians 5:2, 3) Indeed, we can be fully confident that Jehovah will not allow Satan’s world to exist for one day longer than justice requires.
The comparisons to Noah's day and Lot's time are interesting (see above for use of "interesting"). In these stories, destruction was not delayed for the sake of human life. You were judged guilty based on your geography when destruction came. Period. And of the people who were deemed worthy of salavation...Noah, got drunk, passed out naked and was seen by his son or something and cursed, not Ham, but Ham's son Caanan. And Lot and his daughters...(Gen. 19:30-38) On TWO DIFFERENT NIGHTS! Lot's daughters got him drunk and they had sex with him. The Insight book explains Lots actions this way...(that Lot fell for this twice is beyond me...)
"This account enlightens us on the origin of the nations of Moab and Ammon and their relationship to Israel. Lot was evidently drunk enough to lose control of his good sense but not dead drunk, that is, not too drunk to have sexual relations. Since God’s Word so strongly condemns drunkenness, we can be sure that these righteous men were not habitual in drinking to excess, were not drunkards. But the candor of the Bible is here illustrated, in its not sparing the truth when relating events involving Bible personages for our enlightenment."
Interesting, indeed.
So, lives are being saved by delaying "the end" (sic) AND Jehovah will not allow Satan's world to exist one day longer than divine justice requires (sic)...
Ugh. The double speak is awesome. It reminded me of this gem from wo4 12/1 life story of Anna Denz Turpin: "Father used to say that we should plan ahead as if Armageddon would not come in our lifetime but lead our life as if it would come tomorrow—precious advice that I have always tried to apply."
One of the biggest frustrations one can experience is trying to make sense of senseless.