Thanks for sharing that link, the stories are awesome!
I recently got this message from an elder
"only jehovah's people could be so thoughtful..."
apparently not.
Thanks for sharing that link, the stories are awesome!
I recently got this message from an elder
"only jehovah's people could be so thoughtful..."
apparently not.
the reasoning:.
the mosaic law had to have a divine origin because it has laws in it that man could not conceive.
it is reasoned that man cannot think in terms of having a law that he cannot enforce.
The Reasoning:
The Mosaic Law had to have a divine origin because it has laws in it that man could not conceive. It is reasoned that man cannot think in terms of having a Law that he cannot enforce. For example, the law against coveting. It's secret, in your heart and head and only you and God know when you're doing it...Air tight, right? This law is so enlightened and covers a form of sin man wouldn't even be aware of, it must be from God. If this Law is from God then the rest of them must be too...
V S.
The Challenge:
Deuteronomy 19:15- The Two Witness Rule... Is this law equally enlightened, covering all the bases??? Hardly. Are child abuse and domestic violence not considered sinful, or at least sinful "enough" to require a clearly stated law or a Divinely Enlightened way to investigate such things. Anyone clever, devious or perverted enough to sin in the presense of less than 2 people (one of whom is a child, in the case of child abuse) can "get away with it". This law is so flawed it's sad. It's not perfect. Can it be considered Divine or Enlightened or even adequate? If the Bible got this wrong, it makes a thinking person wonder what else it got wrong.
Did sexual, emotional, and physical abuse of children not occur in ancient times? Did women not get beaten by their husbands? If so then the Bible really is out of date.
I mean, seriously, not muzzling the bull or boiling a baby goat in the milk of its mother are addressed specifically (the one about the baby goat is stated at least three times for crying out loud!)
Perhaps specifically protecting women and children could have been one of the Big 10 commandments...maybe replacing one of the first four detailing very specifically how God wants to be worshipped (he does a good job protecting himself here, 4 out of 10 all about him...) Or, heck, keep all ten the way they are and add two, make it the 12 commandments, like the 12 everything else in the Bible.
The most disgusting part of the whole thing is how it is handled. When the allegation is made, the "Elders" are instructed to do something truly brave and heroic. They are told to call "Legal". They make a telephone call. These men supposedly worthy of double honor and one of the stars in the right hand of Jesus (or whatever) the men in charge of souls, shepherds of men muster their courage and...MAKE A PHONE CALL. Any man who becomes aware of such a thing and does nothing to prevent or stop it is not much of a man. That's all there is to it. Now, is this fair? I mean, these men are just doing as they are told. Fine. Then the man behind this policy is not much of a man, much less a god.
I don't know the best way to handle stuff this complicated. I bet no man does. But a god should.
before the age of enlightenment the earth was filled with many nations living under vastly differing beliefs about the world.. .
tribes, nations and empires possessed fanciful superstitious beliefs about their own importance in the big picture.. .
religion helped man find a place among fearful gods and demons.
I think of "Enlightenment" as a form of awakening...
Do you wake up because the light hits you or do you notice the light when you wake up? I don't know...
I just know that it feels like waking up late, after hitting "snooze" repeatedly...Like needing to get a bunch
of stuff done now and running super late. It seems like I'm groggy still...But waking up more every day.
Terry, your use of "NOW" intrigues me.
"if it was'nt for the preaching work there would be millions more witnesses" - he was saying jehovah wants quality not quantity.. si i'm thinking, what's the difference as long as he has a people that live by bible standards and are moral.
maybe sharing their hope and faith with friends and relatives on a casual basis?
how backwards is that?.
GLADIATOR: "Sued shoes should not be allowed on the platform."
"Brothers that allow hair to cover even part of their ears are displaying homosexual tendencies."
“It’s discussing for brothers to find other woman attractive after you have got married. My wife satisfies all my needs.”
“I was in my twenties and married before I found out that homosexuals existed - and I was horrified.”
“Children that won’t pay attention at meetings should be taken out the back and spanked.”
"If you brothers think you will get through Armageddon by lying in bed on a Sunday morning you had better think again!"
Ok...So, as a representative of the all knowing WTBTS, the Circuit Overseer or District Overseer are not to be questioned...We just really have to accept these things as fact, for at least until they are reassigned. Don't worry, we'll do all your thinking for you.
And that crap about the genetic material only being passed through the fathers side...where do they get this stuff???
How stupid.
you ca'nt deny the many bible truths we have learned so how can the wt society have been so wrong about the "end"?.
one can accept the reason why it did'nt come in 1975, "jehovahs wants people to worship him out of love and not for a date".
but it should have come by the late 1980's .'re awesome. and thats the trooth!
i keep seeing posts expressing a view that 2014 is going to trigger a significant increase in unrest amongst witnesses as it's 100 years since 1914. there has also been some suggestions that the society will have to publish something to head this off at the pass.
i can understand why this might seem a reasonable view but i am not hearing any discontent about the date amongst anyone i know.. my impression is that the significance of a 100 year anniversary of 1914 is of more import to those that have left the organisation and those already questioning things than it is to the average dub.. i also suspect that the society will not do anything that may raise the profile of 100 years passing.
much more likely is more subtle messages such as the one in the jan magazine about "false alarms".
well...they are making a big enough deal out of preaching in Korea for the past 100 years that they put it on the official website and distribute a special four page tract! yippee.
can't wait till they spin one hundred years after 1914 into something positive...move the finish line and runners get tired. keep moving it and they get pissed. make it 100 YEARS and people just don't care anymore. "The End" ya say...great! At least something happened!
you ca'nt deny the many bible truths we have learned so how can the wt society have been so wrong about the "end"?.
one can accept the reason why it did'nt come in 1975, "jehovahs wants people to worship him out of love and not for a date".
but it should have come by the late 1980's .
Guys, can you please stop using logic and facts!!! Just believe, goddamit.....
seriously! you can use your facts and logic to prove anything! and Ding, thanks for the comparison. one man believed one thing, another believed another... simple as that. both were wrong.
They may be going for Nostalgia and Heritage here. If so, it's brilliant!
Connecting the past with the present, somehow linking the two with, what's the word... Ah, yes, "overlap". Overlapping the generation that saw "the sign" when it said "SQUIBB" with those who change the lightbulbs, current and perhaps future. (Quote from article accompanying this video on " The sign requires regular maintenance. Several generations of young men have worked on the sign..." Give me a break. The double-speak is genius! I was joking, but this seems almost overtly subliminal!) Seriously, exactly HOW MANY "generations" of young men have worked on that sign since 1969? Coincidentally, 1969 is the same year Awake! confidently stated 'If you are a young person, you also need to face the fact that you will never grow old in this present system of things...'
Wait. Are those incandescent? Tungsten filament? No! Good. Old lights extinguished! So glad the dim bulbs were replaced when holy spirit revealed the new fangled, cost cutting "Light-Emmitting Diode" to the GD/FBS. (According to Wikipedia, red LED's were commercially available in 1968, though, "the light output was not enough to illuminate an area". The light would have to get brighter...) Anyone not 'annointed and living at headquarters' would run the risk of out right apostasy for pointing out the obvious...Better to just wait on Jehovah. Right.
With the "WatchTower-centric" thinking on EVERYTHING (the trumpet blasts of Revelation, for example) would it really surprise anyone if the new understanding of "the sign of the conclusion of the of this system of things" is one day re-written to include the Watchtower sign? Or if Josh Groban and Prince were appointed to the GD/FBS to attract the youth (because they're soooo hip, witness-friendly and "cool"? (Prov. 17:27)) And what if college education is finally deemed acceptable if it's done in smaller increments, perhaps, fractionally (transfusion logic applied)?
That it was done by people having no experience only means that it was RE-done, RE-peatedly, until they finally got it. All the time being reminded that "the Titanic was built by professionals, Noah's ark by volunteers". An object lesson on how the Governing Body is doing its job, perhaps...? 'We have never done this before. We are inexperienced, voluntary, non-pros...Give us enough stabs at it and eventually we'll get the sign and which generation it belongs to right...'
And the background music is nauseating.
We want to leave because of lack of love, false prophecy and perpetual frustration (and hypocisy and covering over child molestation and overbearing control and...)
Maybe, just maybe, they can get us to stay with sentiment. Just seems like another form of guilt, to me.
(and it is definitely a commercial, DATA-DOG is so right! Remember: Advertise, Advertise, Advertise the Bling and his Pulp Doctrine)
That being sighed, the BEST JOB EVER at bethel would be changing those bulbs! To see that sky line from that!
Rant complete. over and out.
i know this has been discussed before but i think a fresh thread on this will be enjoyable.
Hatcet man..."Terry T." Angelokis (angelokis, greek for "little angel" or so he said)... The elders in our circuit couldn't wait for him (and his wife) to be reassigned.
i was surprised this week by calls from active jws complaining about the new magazine format, and more begging for money from the platform.. frankly i was surprized by this reaction since this is old news to jwn members.
i guess actually shuffling to the bookroom and grabbing the new "awake tracts" minus the inside cover forward ...awakened many sleepy, catatonic, bored jws who never read the things or go on the internet anyway.. any feedback from other areas?.
Jehovah's Witnesses are dismayed at the 16 page Awake magazine.
It means they will have to read for two life times for the equivalent of a four year college degree. Or, GB/FDS 2.0 realized that the 32 page Aquack magazine was making the Dubs too intelligent and well informed, thus cutting the pages in half was the only way to keep control. In all honesty, I can live without articles like "A Close Shave, How to Get One" and "Andre and his Burro, Their Search for True Freedom". For the past 10 years or so I've only thumbed through to see if I recognize anyone.
It's so stupid. The hand writing is on the wall and it's being ignored. Won't it be great when Awake starts selling advertising space? Stoops and that lady who paints the animals with the big eyes will definitely sign up. It's got to be a kick in the pants when they realize that the people who read, study and scrutinize the mags the most are apostates on this site. As for the internet, for 15 years they inextricably linked it with all things evil (porn, chat, apostasty, materialism, gadgets, calculators (please see g76 9/8)). They know they have opened a can of worms here...
Getting more and more Fed-up every day...