For me its psychological, and it's all about the "Long Term Effect"...
"It's like throwing mud at a white fence, it may not stick, but it does leave a mark..."
The white washed image of Watchtower is getting very, very stained. More and more people have reason to throw something at the perfect white picket fence surrounding the WT. It was the policy of the organization for years to pretend this stuff didn't happen, "not in our religion" and if it did, "wait on Jehovah" and "don't bring reproach on Jehovah's name"...
It happened so many times. I don't care what the testimony of WT service dept. heavies say...The policy was to cover it up. The pretense will undermine them, NOW THEY ARE THE ONES BRINGING AMPLIFIED REPROACH ON JEHOVAH'S NAME...Who want's to worship a god whose policy it is to ignore the abuse of children so his name doesn't get reproached? A god who seems to be more concerned with is reputation than a childs present welfare and future mental and emotional stability... That's a very selfish, insecure god. Or, its men who wanted Armegeddon to come before they had to deal with it. Its so stupid.
The decline will be in the alleginece the rank and file have for the organization. What was once infallible is obviously not. What was once unquestioned is now under suspicion. Any witness who has to answer for this at the door is going to be embarrassed and ashamed. They can spin it however they want, but everyone abhors child abuse. Anyone who knows about it, and does nothing is so grossly irresponsible it makes me want to vomit. Elders who just followed the direction of "the Society" need to have their "qualifications" questioned. I don't care if you lose your "position of privilege" in the congregation, BE A MAN AND PROTECT THE CHILD! How does a man look him self in the mirror if he is aware of a child getting sexually, physically or in any other way abused and all he did about it was bravely MAKE A PHONE CALL TO BROOKLYN, N.Y.?
This is just one of many things coming down. The doctrine changes (overlapping generations, the Sleek new GB/FDS, a GB member in his 40's hahaha! Using Satan's Internet for Good News) are being questioned, openly. This NEVER happened in the past, that I know of. People want answers. Many have figured out that "The End" is not likely coming tomorrow. And are looking at life differently. It makes me wonder if they got this SO wrong for SO long what else do they have wrong?
When the people leave the money dries up. Whether it's mentally checking out (which many have done) or physically not showing up.
Candace, you are a hero. You have been fighting for a long time and will continue to fight. Thank You. No one will understand what you went through unless they have to endure it. That this was taken to court, and you had to relive your tragedy in front of so many people is deplorable. That the 'compassionate, loving shepherds' of the WT did not say "We are so sorry. We can't change it, but what can we do to help you now?" but fought you in court is, well, what happened and it exposes this organization for what it is. Very imperfect men, pretending God is behind their every move.
The WTS will likely never dry up completely. Too many people need the illusion. But for those with enough insight and thinking ability left to question, the decline has already happened. The Governing Body are no longer the enlightened, spirit directed group they said they were, the Elders are just men following orders and the rest have been lulled to stupor because someone else has done all the thinking for them for so long.
Think of it this way: Does an elder who doesn't care enough to ignore the wrong direction from Brooklyn in order to protect an innocent child really care when making shepherding call? He's just going through the motions. Just like the rest of them. Gnawing on their ball of Prozac, waiting for a future life instead of living the one they have.
When the seed of doubt starts to grow, it's hard to kill.