Rubadub: " But he would probably have to stop wearing the hat and robe before he would be considered an "approved associate.""
Why? They didn't make Prince change his clothes.
wouldn't that be something if you heard the witnesses saying that?
Rubadub: " But he would probably have to stop wearing the hat and robe before he would be considered an "approved associate.""
Why? They didn't make Prince change his clothes.
after the daniel book came out, nothing has ben said about it in at least 10 years.
did that prohecy get thrown out the window when the soviet union fell?.
Isn't the King of the North a fragile amalgam of Wal-mart, Ji-had Terrorists and Social Networking?
just flipped through the feb awake and the feb 1 public wat.
first time since they went to 16 pages.
my first impression was the large amount of blank space in both mags, really wasted space.
Or a couple of blank pages at the back of the Tract-, Rag-, Pulp-, Mag- znie, like on the convention programs, "Points I Plan to use" Which could have just read, "Please Doodle here, Keep your snoring to a minimum and Donate"
one thing should be brought forward in all respect to truthful honesty is that the wts.
self proclaimed doctrines were fraudulently devised and created to attract the attention from the public eyes and mind.
in a way the wts.
Finkelstein: "They still do to this day. Just recently GB member Gerrit Lösch gave a talk stating that pursuing higher education is like putting
a gun to your head, a purported act of Russian roulette. "
My opinion: This is exactly like saying to a child "get down from there, you'll fall!" Maybe, maybe not. You may be telling them that for their protection, but all they hear is "you'll fall". If a JW parent can't trust thier training or the direction from the "slave" enough to send thier child to college (hahaha, many don't even trust thier training or the training of the "slave" to send thier kid to middle or high school! JW's in Home School, what a joke) how inadequate is the training. If you can't deal with real life as a JW something is missing.
Mr. Losch, I'd suggest that not preparing for a future where your child will need to nourish, shelter and insure himself is like putting a gun to his head.
i know that what counts as swearing differs alot from region to region, amongst the words i heard used were "crap, bloody, shit, git, bastard, bitch" and the dubs who used these words would say that they didn't belive they were swear words at all!.
Blondie: "It's not that jws cuss, is that they pretend they don't." exactly!
and you can Fill in the blank "It's not that jws ________, is that they pretend they don't". Just fill in the blank. Guaranteed there are a bunch out there pretending not to!
something i came to understand that the worldwide church of god did effectively was to cut people off from from their feelings and intellect in favor of the "appropriate" thoughts and feelings.. how they did this was by frequently emphasizing these two verses:.
proverbs 3:5 - trust in the lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.. jeremiah 17:9 - the heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?.
by means of these two verses i was taught not to trust myself with regards to either my ability to reason or if my gut was telling me something was wrong.. i was wondering if these two verses were emphasized for jws as well..
to those i'd only add hebrews 10;24, 25 (group control)
Psalm 119:105 ("your word" being whatever the WTB&TS said "your word" is)
and the two verses you mentioned are certainly over used. Totally agree, i've been told what to do, think and wear for so long I don't even know what I like!
one thing should be brought forward in all respect to truthful honesty is that the wts.
self proclaimed doctrines were fraudulently devised and created to attract the attention from the public eyes and mind.
in a way the wts.
"pandered to the naive, the poorly educated, the insecure and coercively exploited these people to their own means..."
and they need to keep people naive, poorly educated and insecure to keep the followers.
i was reading this thread from six years ago by m.j..
it's a great topic and well worth a read.
the existence of dinosaurs has long vexed the wts, i believe.
It won't belong before The Corporation claims responsibility for the internet. I'm serious. It's being used by the holy spirit to spread the good news to china and cuba and afganistan and a hundred people a day are requesting bible must be from Jehovah.
I'd love to hear someday that Jehovah's Witnesses are Twittering (just because it sounds so accurate!)
what if there was a universal law, only one law?.
the law would be that each mother and father must be loving toward their children.
no abuse of any kind.
"Look! Here comes that dreamer. And now come let us kill him..." -Genesis 37:18,19
Well, they caught sight of him from a distance, and before he could get close by them they began plotting cunningly against him to put him to death. So they said to one another: “Look! Here comes that dreamer. And now come and let us kill him and pitch him into one of the waterpits; and we must say a vicious wild beast devoured him. Then let us see what will become of his dreams.” When Reu′ben heard this he tried to deliver him out of their hand. So he said: “Let us not strike his soul fatally.” And Reu′ben went on to say to them: “Do not spill blood. Pitch him into this waterpit which is in the wilderness and do not lay a violent hand upon him.” His purpose was to deliver him out of their hand in order to return him to his father.
So it came about that as soon as Joseph came to his brothers, they went stripping Joseph of his long garment, even the long striped garment that was upon him; after which they took him and pitched him into the waterpit. At the time the pit was empty; there was no water in it. -Genesis 37:18-24
i haven't shared this experience on here before (at least i don't think i have).
as many of you have gathered from my avatar (and from my big fat mouth that won't shut up), i am gay.
i do have an interesting gay experience right outside of the worldwide borg headquarters of the watchtower corp from about 17 years ago.. i'd just started graduate school -- had just finished my first year.
the term used often at bethel was NPG, Non Practicing Gay. Because being gay takes practice or something?
Seriously though, try being raised afraid of sex, vaginas, boobs, masturbation, naked bodies, clothed bodies, etc. and act like a red blooded hetero male. It ain't easy. Seriously, re read the Youth book (i hate that book)...What planet were these guys from?