after the daniel book came out, nothing has ben said about it in at least 10 years. did that prohecy get thrown out the window when the soviet union fell?
what ever happened to the king of the north and king of south?
by nowwhat? 60 Replies latest watchtower bible
Las Malvinas son Argentinas
That's exactly what happened. The time remaining was so short and the Soviet Union didn't look like it was going anywhere without a nuclear conflict, so at the time the prophecy must have made perfect sense both to the originator and to the people reading it. During the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991-1992, my mother was going on and on about how Armageddon was happening soon since the King of the North was dissolving. I think by the mid-Nineties when it was obvious that the world was moving on, they put that prophecy on the failed shelf in Brooklyn.
We'll just have to wait and see.
*** Daniel's Prophecy chap. 16 p. 281 par. 21 The Contending Kings Near Their End ***
"Who will be this king [of the north] when Daniel 11:44, 45 is fulfilled? . . . Only time will provide answers to these questions. We are wise not to speculate. When the king of the north embarks on his final campaign, the fulfillment of prophecy will be clearly discerned by all who have Bible-based insight."Often prophecies are not fully understood until AFTER they are fulfilled.
*** Insight -Vol 2 p. 1141 Understanding ***
". . . full discernment of the prophecy’s application may have to await God’s due time for its being carried out."So what do we gain from the phophecies if we don't understand anything from them until after they are fulfilled?
wha happened?
classic WT antics. Just stop talking about it and the dubs follow
Think About It
The King of the North & King of the South was a big prophecy when I was in. I thought it made sense up into the early 90's, and probably helped contribute to keeping many people in the JW religion. The fact it's not mentioned anymore by the Watchtower is just another line of evidence that the WTS is just another false prophet of a religion.
I think by the mid-Nineties when it was obvious that the world was moving on, they put that prophecy on the failed shelf in Brooklyn.
They'll dust it off again if:
- China ever asserts itself militarily against the US/NATO. Especially if conflict ever reignited between North and South Korea. China would support (the King of the) North Korea, and the US would support (the King of the) South Korea. (Anyone for a proxy war??)
- or if the non-Christian states ever united militarily against the (traditionally Christian) Western powers.
Billy the Ex-Bethelite
They've swept it under the rug AND thrown it out the window. It used to be of huge importance, now it gets no mention. It was thrown out with:
- All the hoopla about the cry of "peace and security". During the 80s, JWs would wet their pants whenever they heard either of those words in the news. But "the end" certainly didn't come "instantly" after any of that excitement.
- The "drying up" and destruction of false religion. No talk of that. Christianity may be fading in Europe, but Islam isn't going away any time soon.
- The UN acting decisively. It was supposed to become the 8th king that would grow teeth to organize resistance against "God's Kindgom". Haven't heard about that in a long time, like since the 80s.
- They still point to "conditions getting worse", but not like they used to. I don't think they made a very big deal about the financial meltdown because they realized a recovery would follow... not armageddon. And they don't talk about the famine horsemen since so many JWs are suffering from obesity, not starvation.
When it comes down to it, they don't point to any proof that the end is near... other than that the GB says so.
They left it that we were waiting..............then they just left it........................
I'm sure they've left a few things hanging and trying to distance themselves from them and they have success. It's lost in all the other bullschlaken they utter.
JWs have the attention span of goldfish. They can't remember the title or the theme of last week's Watchtower study (for fun, ask one tne next you see them).
The GB is quite aware of this. Not mentioning "the king of the north" for more than a decade is quite intentional - it is completely gone from the minds of virtually all JWs.
As noted, it was one of the cornerstone "proofs" that the WTS was on the right track - the USSR vs. USA cold war was "spot on" for their interpretation of Daniel.
The cold war has been over for 20+ years. Seems more than a little odd, if we are so "close to the end", that there is no "king of the north" on the scene. Better if JWs just don't think of that - so no mention of it any more.