JoinedPosts by FadeToBlack
Hey, this is me... I'm the guy on the left! =)
by Divergent in(picture taken from the wt study some weeks back).
all these years, i've always dreaded waking up early for field service.
i'm a night owl & love to sleep late, so it was excruciating for me to have to wake up early in the mornings & go door knocking.
Why in January? - It gets really cold here in Poland for a few months. Wondering if facial hair will help. I spend a lot of time outside. -
Hey, this is me... I'm the guy on the left! =)
by Divergent in(picture taken from the wt study some weeks back).
all these years, i've always dreaded waking up early for field service.
i'm a night owl & love to sleep late, so it was excruciating for me to have to wake up early in the mornings & go door knocking.
I just did the beard thing last month. Suprise! My (JW) wife loved it. She was disappointed when I shaved it off. I might start it up again in January - I hate shaving... -
How Comfortable Are The Governing Body At Headquarter After This Massive Lay Off?
by Brokeback Watchtower inthis lay off and all the child molestation lawsuits coming to a head with more lay off in the wings.
i'm sure there is a lot of concern going on among those still there.
i'm sure a lot are finding out for the first time that the governing body are all frauds by doing secure internet searches to find out just how much they been had by these villans , i think the situation could be dangerous (the possibility exist).
I've been thru a lot of layoffs in my 30+ years in the tech industry (specifically telecommunications) and it never seemed too painful for the big boys (and occasionally girls) at the top. They always seemed to find a way to land on their feet with another high paying gig in some executive position.
Unfortunately for the WT, they are not part of that club. The tech club C level exec's could reach out to their former board members/etc and find at least a temporary home that kept them living comfortably. The WT gang has only one option: circle the wagons...
Evangelicals Lag Behind Mormons and Jehovah's Witnesses
by the girl next door in.
source article: http://www.christianitytoday.com/gleanings/2015/november/evangelicals-mormons-jehovahs-witnesses-church-involvement.html.
Great catch Simon. reminds me of this:
Familiarity breeds contempt. How accurate that is. The reason we hold truth in such respect is because we have so little opportunity to get familiar with it.
- Mark Twain's Notebook -
The strange thing is that it looks like the local congregation has to come up with some way to attach info about time and place. So these are generic invites that the cong then has to make even more tacky by sticking a 'local' lable on? I would order 30,000 in Navaho, if I was the brother in charge and on the way out. -
DD, just click on the link to read it... -
The Thief of Always
by YinzerDad inprologue... .
a brief precursor about myself.
i've been lurking around for almost 2 years.
Don't be too hard on yourself. Recently, I had to deal with the same topic. A neighbor asked at a bbq - what are you passionate about? He would not take "I don't know" for an answer. That got me to thinking and I came to some of the same conclusions you did. Namely, that my involvement with JWism for 30+ years had robbed me of the opportunity to find out.
After giving it some thought, I think that some of us are just generalists. I'm very interested in a wide variety of things, but if I had to pick one to the exclusion of the others, I would be hard pressed. Just be open to new activities. Maybe one will catch on. Who knows what is could lead to. At the moment, I would have to say that my favorite activity is just wandering around in the forest seeing what I can find.
I'm a cynical, sarcastic and curmudgeonly old bastard most of the time.
by nicolaou inbut as i move into my early 50's i find i'm more and more comfortable in my thick, leathery hide.. please get it into your thick skull's that i don't insult or make snarky comments with the intent of hurting anyone's feelings.
that being said, if your precious feelings are hurt it's probably your fault for being a prissy, over sensitive drama queen who can't defend his argument.. i do actually love you all, it's just that most of the time you spineless pussies really get on my nerves!.
good god i feel better for that!
Nic, just wait until you hit late 50's... -
Warwick Project Update Email
by wifibandit infwd from anon:.
dear brothers,.
we are happy to provide you with a brief progress update on the warwick project and explain how you can assist with a major adjustment recently approved in our construction schedule.
Could be all 3 OEJ. -
Make your predictions!
by Coded Logic inthe more specific the better :) here are mine:.
i predict that within the next two to three years (2017-2018) we will start seeing negative numbers in growth.. i predict that within the next thirteen to fifteen years (2027-2030) the number of jws will be less than 4million.. and i predict that by the time the first person sets foot on mars there will already have been a major split in the organization with either one of the gb or a branch overseer starting a new religion..
I predict that when round 2 of the 'Great Recession' kicks in (you ain't seen nothing yet folks) donations will totally dry up out of necessity. The troops will muddle on with encouragement to be well fed and warm, while the GB lives comfortably in Beth Sarim II and continues to spew out occasional new light via the web.