Probably would make a great wedding present... Instructions included...
JoinedPosts by FadeToBlack
Cooking With Cast Iron
by Simon ini can't even remember what got me interested in pans, probably wanting to try cooking more and watching some cooking videos on youtube, but i kind of started wanting to get a cast-iron skillet specifically so started reading up on them.
hey, if you're going to spend $50 on something you need to study them and create a comparison spreadsheet ... right?.
not only did cast-iron look great for cooking but there are some studies that show risks to aluminium / teflon cookware ... not that the wts was "right" about aluminium, but teflon can give off carcinogenic chemicals if overheated (so what if it chips off into your food?).
The Polish Effect on JW Europe statics
by Viva la Vida inaccording to the 2017 yearbook there was an important reduction of publishers in poland (over 2,000) and small increases in countries like uk, ireland, germany and norway.
i thought that there might be something more than just people leaving jw in eastern europe and joining in western europe, so i checked in the number of polish language congregations outside of poland.
as you can see below germany, the uk, ireland and norway have a lot of polish congregations.
From my own recent experience - I have seen several families move to Scotland from my wife's congregation. I was also happy to see a young couple from the English-speaking congregation move to Norway (wife was Norwegian). It mostly seems to be for economic reasons (or in a few cases, a chance to fade away and try to live a normal life).
Wolves in Paris
by LoveUniHateExams inright, this is from the daily mail so i don't know if it's supposed to be a scare story but i find it great news, if correct.. wolves are making a comeback in france and tracks and droppings have been spotted on the outskirts of paris.. i hope this is correct.. vive le loup!.
Where I live in Poland (backyard is Kampinos National Park) the boars are viewed as a nuisance by the local farmers. They can tear up some ground. Apparently, we have re-introduced lynx to deal with the problem of too many deer. And, it appears we once again have wolves living in the park, not just migratory. Have not seen them yet (just pictures) or the lynx, but it would be nice. I spend a lot of time in the forest mostly following deer and moose trails. I have quite a nice collection of discarded antlers....
Fade Advice Please
by Zeds Dead ini got reinstated in the last month and had my record cards sent to a new congregation.
i went to a few meetings until i heard the cards had been sent and now i am looking to do a complete fade, no longer go at all.
the new congregation does not know me well and further away from where i live so i am hoping they will give up trying to make contact quickly.. any advice on do's and dont's and what to expect?.
You could also consider getting a job/pretending to have a job that requires lots of travel. I fondly remember a couple of years of bliss where I didn't attend any meetings during my fade. I had an apartment at the remote location and simply told the nice people at the remote location I would be at home this weekend. When I was home, I told the locals I had to go back for work.
Don't cause trouble and you will be home free. Live your life...
Elders and CO visit to your home ... Let's Be More CREATIVE !!!
by RubaDub income on people, there can be a lot more interesting ways of handling the elder and co visits to your home than stated in some other threads.
i will give some here but want your input.. for example:.
-- if the elders/co want to visit, graciously offer them to come on your family worship night.
@RubaDub: I like how you think.... There is so much OT material that would make for interesting re-enactments during (the mythical) Family Worship night when the CO comes a calling.
How Jehovah’s Witnesses leaders hide child abuse secrets at all costs - Reveal News - December 10, 2016
by jwleaks inhow jehovah's witnesses leaders hide child abuse secrets at all costs.
by trey bundy.
reveal news.
Maybe we should ask the 'Russians' to get it for us. They seem to be able to get any and all info from the US despite our stepped up HS/NSA/CIA/FBI/whatever protection racket. Who are they protecting?
WRT to an earlier post, I don't think the GB has any friends, anywhere - certainly not in high places. The situation in the UK is much different and it is not just limited to football teams.
Elder wants to stop by with the CO for a visit .
by NikL inso i got a text from an elder who i consider one of the good guys and a friend in his own way.. he asked if he could bring the co by for a visit.
he said it would be "just a pleasant call and visit and will hopefully encourage my wife".
he says that "he knows she is dealing with a ton of pressure".. in all my years around the organization, i never had a visit from the circuit overseer.
I was in a similar situation. My wife had her mother in our home after a stroke, and it was very tough on her. We did have a few visits from Elders to encourage her. Even a CO (but he was one of the very few good ones). I think your wife is sending strong hints that you decline. Listen to her.
As others have suggested, just thank them for the interest shown, and let them know that you will get back to them 'soon'.
4 million year old superbug in a cave in New Mexico
by schnell in
this is pretty fascinating.
paenibacillum is not pathogenic, but is absolutely battle-hardened as far as bacteria go, having spent 4 million years in a 1600' deep cave that takes 10,000 years to get water from the surface and never sees sunlight..
And they will still be here long after we are gone.
A curious and genuine question for Rebel and other art people: do you do it for your own enjoyment or do other people need to see it? And a second: if other people see it, does it matter if they like it?
I prefer the first work you displayed.
Video of my stand up comedy
by usualusername1 inone part of me is petrified of showing this video.
on the one hand my comedy is not very funny yet.
i also have not let people know who i am.. on the other hand this website has been the most important even after attempting suicide.. ladies and gents i give you my stand up comedy routine..
Nothing to be ashamed of there Paul. I didn't think the delivery was too quick. Remember your KM school talking points - perhaps, pause for emphasis. Follow your passion...