How would a JW know if it was a false story if he didn't know the true story?
Answer: if it is a negative story it is a false story (as pointed out by sir82). There is no need to know the true story, only the story the GB is currently telling.
the manipulative use of language by the org in the upcoming circuit assembly talks is as good - or better - than any advertising conglomerate could devise.
the mind-shaping wording is clearly used in order to deter critical thinking by the sheep.. face bad reports as jesus did (9 min.
note to the speaker: explain why spiritually mature people do not become ashamed of the good news or dismayed when faced with negative propaganda.
How would a JW know if it was a false story if he didn't know the true story?
Answer: if it is a negative story it is a false story (as pointed out by sir82). There is no need to know the true story, only the story the GB is currently telling.
the word `intelligence' [from inter, “between” + legere, “ to read”] would mean ‘discern things as though reading in between the lines.
now read in between the lines of what moses wrote; his favored and frequent statement is this: ‘obedience to god means blessings, and disobedience means maledictions.’ (deut 28:1-68; 30:15-18) let us try to discern his motive behind this statement.. .
when moses wanted to present 10 commandments and other laws, he naturally wanted to prepare the israelites with a mind-set that ‘we must obey god, otherwise it is problem for us.’ the best way for this was to modify a well-known story of fall from other cultures.
For anyone interested in further research on this topic, I highly recommend the book:
Who Wrote The Bible by Richard Elliott Friedman. Very accessible to non-scholars - even the Introduction was fascinating.
melbourne international convention australia, thousands of watchtower robots and i happened to get in an elevator with viv mouritz one of the main men at bethel.
he had a young pretty sister who was escorting him around.
i stood behind them and rocognized him instantly.
I met Viv here in Poland a few years ago and was not impressed. His wife was even less impressive. They had to fill in with an interview of her during the normal baptism talk because there were no candidates (english language group) for baptism. Boring!
I also met him again in Warsaw at a Polish convention (he was making the rounds) and I was talking with him and his interpreter at lunch time. When Viv asked who gave the better talk, I told him the intepreter. It was true.
if you are, you know it is not easy to remain intimate with someone who thinks you are basically "walking dead".. any thoughts or tips to share with the board?.
what has been the greatest issue for your marriage?.
need to vent?.
Not sure it will be 'fun' but I get your point. Recently was accused of being taken over by Satan and his demons. The biggest problem for me is that she doesn't seem to be able to enjoy the moment, as in now. Why bother after all when it will be so much better in the future.... The negative attitude is a real turn off.
i was raised a jw and am currently pioneer in a foreign language congregation.
i have been unhappy on and off with my involvement in this religion and am ready to step back again.
growing up i was always active but extremely reserved and a low hour publisher.
Is it possible with your education and work experience to get a job transfer or just relocate and then just disappear?
absolutely beautiful!.
He probably got disfellowshipped again for that. Can you get a double portion of disfellowshipping? Not sequentially but additively?
absolutely beautiful!.
That was great. I'm really surprised he got that far. I'm sure other elders who had delivered that talk realized immediately he had gone 'off reservation' and started circling the wagons. It is funny that the best talk the congregation had probably heard in many years came from an apostate. At least he was polite...
greetings, word lovers:.
in my job, i work with words and wrangle them into shape, well, in a manner of speaking.
one word might be mistaken for another, a word with either a similar or identical sound.
I remember being at a dinner party long ago, and I happened to notice on the fridge, there were hundreds of small magnets, each with a single word, stuck on the front door. The 'brother' was very proud of his effort to educate his children, all girls, at every possible occasion. One of the words, caught my eye (see above). I asked him if he knew what it meant. He disappeared for a minute and when he came back, it got removed from the fridge.
"a new species combining wolves, coyotes and dogs is evolving before scientists’ eyes in the eastern united states.".
Very interesting. I read something about this recently. It seems the big advantage is the extra size. Wolves, avoid humans and urban environments, but coyotes not so much. The additional dog mix should only help in urban settings. Keep an extra eye on Fifi when you let her out at night....
what i noticed during the memorial is the over organised ritual aspect.
for a non jw is must be hard to follow.. for me, i noticed that during the memorial there is no attention for the historical jesus and the historical events.
it's all about the kingdom arrangement with it's central point, the governing body of jw.. do you noticed this also?.
I always dislked this event. It just came across as you mentioned as a ritual. If I was ever going to invite someone to a meeting, the memorial would definetly NOT be it.