Tec, I was being serious. I hope you don't think less of me now that I am not a proponent of "enlightenment" thought. Imagine the horror of non-enlightened people in our day. The application of Newton to the social order is not only anti-Christian, it is irrational. It has failed miserably, dwarfing the shortcomings of the Church over the last 2,000 years. Political correctness, liberalism has failed since at least the French Revolution.
JoinedPosts by Prognoser
By What Authority?
by Orthodox1 inthe jws, catholics, mormons, and a handful of others say they are the "true church" or what jesus originally intended.
i know jws call themselves the "true christians".
by what authority - outside of the bible, since 41,000 denominations use the bible to back up their individual beliefs - can jws make this claim?
By What Authority?
by Orthodox1 inthe jws, catholics, mormons, and a handful of others say they are the "true church" or what jesus originally intended.
i know jws call themselves the "true christians".
by what authority - outside of the bible, since 41,000 denominations use the bible to back up their individual beliefs - can jws make this claim?
tec, my two cents: there are oodles of examples in the Bible where God uses imperfect people, even corrupt kings to carry out his will. The Catholic Church is no angel, but it has more or less carried out the will of God, has it not? Give God a break. He is forced to deal with imperfect people.
By What Authority?
by Orthodox1 inthe jws, catholics, mormons, and a handful of others say they are the "true church" or what jesus originally intended.
i know jws call themselves the "true christians".
by what authority - outside of the bible, since 41,000 denominations use the bible to back up their individual beliefs - can jws make this claim?
Orthodox1, by authority of the Illuminati. I think the elite had bigger plans for the IBSA/WTBTS. I think they expected at least one among the triad of JW, Mormon, and Aventism to forge ahead and succeed in cripling, once and for all, "Christendom". All three of them failed, in a global sense. Scofieldism succeeded them, I think, as the winner. Now we see that the Illuminati has stepped back from the Watchtower, thus its current implosion. It accomplished its goal.
Sorry. Having troubles embedding. Not sure why it isn't working.
New documentary on chemtrails
The Watchtower and the Masons
by ozziepost inthe latest edition of the free in christ ministries journal contains a very interesting article entitled the watchtower and masons.. drawing upon material from the book the watchtower & the masons by fritz springmeier, it gives the following parallels between the things that c t russell believed and those taught by the masons:.
* both believe jehovah is the most important word being the basis of their dogma, and the name of their god.
* both believe god yielded power to a lesser god.
Interesting old post I found by someone named "Sebastian" who may have posted here in the past:
B.C./Yukon Masonic Lodge Caught Lying About Jehovah's Witness Founder
Charles Taze Russell, Freemason Revisited!
The Lodge says this about Miller: "Her Occult Theocrasy makes no claim to be an objective study nor representative of primary source research and a selection of her remarks easily demonstrates that she was fixated on a perceived "Jesuit-Judaic-Masonic-Gnostic-Brahmin-Illuminati" plot to overthrow Christianity."
Sebastian-----Here is page 737 from the index of mason members from the book "Occult Theocrasy" by Lady Queenborough (Edith Starr Miller) 1933, with one of the only known listings of Charles Taze Russell's name listed in it as a mason. I posted a reply to your other mason post about Russell with a little more information on it. The Grand Lodge of British Columbia and Yukon was one of the web sites that told everyone that Russell was (not) a mason, but they were cited for publishing falsehoods to the public and found to be wrong!---Scan below:
Page from Edith Starr Miller's book "Occult Theocrasy," showing that C.T. Russell was a Freemason - http://img16.imageshack.us/img16/5773/occulttheocrasycharlest.png
I truly believe that it is more important to the reader of this research to
realize that the occult associations, teachings, use of false god symbols,
practices of numerology, phrenology, and astrology should certainly over-ride
any masonic relationships or memberships that Charles Taze Russell may have
had in his day.
After all, wasn't Russell really admitting through his occult teachings and
doctrines a more sinful kind of membership? Didn't Russell show what was
really in his heart by continuously practicing occultism and that he desired to be
a devout member of Satan's Lodge, when one considers the staggering occult
evidence penned by Russell himself?
However, for the sake of having some evidence to help some folks finalize
this issue in their minds, we have revisited some of the older documents on
this topic and found some new ones. Many people have relied on several quotes
that have discredited Charles Taze Russell as a freemason, while others have
taken quotes from some of Russell's lectures to credit him as a freemason. We
hope to offer some of the research that we have found that could help others
in this debate.
Here are some quotes taken from the "Grand Lodge Of British Columbia and
Yukon," which plainly states that Charles Taze Russell was (not) a freemason.
This page also contains phrases and words that Russell spoke in one of his
discourses that others have used to (prove), that Russell (was) a freemason. The
web site writer describes how Russell's words could be taken out of context
to (prove) that Russell was a freemason.
Here is the quote that states that Russell was (not) a freemason:
"Russell was not a freemason. Neither the symbols found in the Watchtower
nor the cross and crown symbol are exclusively masonic. And the cross and crown
symbol does not appear on his gravestone in the Rosemont United Cemetery,
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania — it appears on a memorial erected some years later."
And here is the quote that states that Russell (was) a freemason:
In an address delivered in a San Francisco masonic hall in 1913, Russell
made positive use of masonic imagery by saying, "Now, I am a free and accepted
mason. I trust we all are. But not just after the style of our masonic
The Grand Lodge of British Columbia has stated that Russell's statement was
taken out of context to (prove) that he was a mason.
However, information showing that the British Grand Lodge was presenting
[false information] to the public, came from [other] Freemason Lodge members
themselves. See below:
What do [other] lodge members say about the information contained on the
Grand Lodge of British Columbia and Yukon web site?
by Wor. Bro. Dennis Stocks, Barron Barnett Lodge.
"The truth is that prior to 1984 the British Grand Lodge supported a policy
of silence on any criticism. This policy has unfortunately allowed falsehoods
to become established in the public consciousness as uncontested facts."
In dealing with the public face of Freemasonry we must remember that we are
not dealing with realities, but with received impressions. (See paragraphs
8-9 here)http://www.casebook.org/dissertations/freemasonry/anti2.html
Here is what the Grand Lodge of British Columbia and Yukon admit themselves:
We also find this statement by the Grand Lodge of British Columbia, of which
they admit themselves in the gray area to the left of your screen at the
link listed below. quote:
"Although the authors noted at the end of the list write with some authority,
they do not always provide citations. Membership therefore cannot be
considered confirmed unless a lodge name is supplied."
So the Grand Lodge of British Columbia admits that certain writers may not
give a citation or [written authority] as to the listings of famous masons,
and can not confirm all of their information. Authors providing them listings
or articles have limited qualifications and write with only some authority!
"Famous" freemasons on the British Grand Lodge web site, were later found
out to be people who were not even interested in the mason agendas.
One such person was "Francis Mawson Rattenbury". The link listed below at
the British Grand Lodge lists Rattenbury under their biographies of "Famous
Freemasons". Go here and look at the first name in the (Architecture) section:
However, the biography of "Francis Mawson Rattenbury" plainly states the
"Having arrived in Vancouver in May of 1892, Rattenbury received the
commission to design the provincial legislative buildings on March 15, 1893 and
immediately moved to Victoria. It appears that he returned to Vancouver long
enough to close his office and to be initiated into Freemasonry, but he was never
passed or raised. The record of his life would suggest that the teachings of
Fremasonry left little impression on him."
One would certainly wonder how this man could be classified as a "famous
freemason" when the Grand Lodge admits in his biography that freemasonry left
"little impression" on him!
Look at the very bottom of Rattenbury's biography, and you will see that he
never passed as a freemason and was never raised as a freemason---then look
down at the very bottom of the page and you will see that Rattenbury was even
[suspended] as a freemason, because he displayed no interest.
So how in the world could Rattenbury be classified as a [famous] freemason?
He wasn't even interested! He was not [impressed] with masons!
This shows that the British Grand Lodge [will] distort the facts about
people on their web site for their own advantage. If a person was even remotely
associated with the mason's and had a good reputation, popular, and good name,
then the British Grand Lodge would use them to glorify the freemasons
whether the person was really interested in the mason's protocols or not!
Rattenbury was certainly as successful man, smart, popular, and very good in
his architectural trades, but to claim him as a [famous] freemason when the
record clearly states he had very little interest in freemasonry, shows that
the British Grand Lodge are willing to lie to the public.
If the British Grand Lodge is willing to lie about Rattenbury, then they are
certainly willing to lie about Charles Taze Russell!
As stated above by [other] lodge members, the British Grand Lodge did not
want to have any criticism, and claiming that Charles Taze Russell who was
forever in one scandal right after another, could certainly bring a lot of
criticism to the masons if they listed him!
Anyone can see why the Grand Lodge would (not) really want to claim Russell
as a mason. Even if it were proven that Russell was a mason his name could
certainly bring criticism to the association of masons! In effect, listing
Russell as a mason could bring criticism which the British Grand Lodge worked
very hard to eliminate.
Russell's life was saturated in scandals, perjury in court, divorce, the
jelly fish case, miracle wheat, as well as other claims that could throw a dark
cloud on the mason's good name and reputation that they wanted to uphold to
the public.
So when the Grand Lodge posted the information that Russell was (not) a
mason, that information could have been based on their (impressions) and (false)
information given to the public.
The subject of the "three dots" found on page 737 to the (left) of Charles
Taze Russell's name in Lady Queenborough's book called "Occult Theocrasy, has
been researched and the information listed below would give good evidence as
to why the (context) of Russell's statements about being a mason were so
It may be beneficial to note that the very same British Grand Lodge web site
who was quoted discrediting Charles Taze Russell as a Freemason, is also the
same web site that confirms the three dots as a definite masonic symbol!
And if these three dots are on paper next to a members name, then this
identification should be considered as authentic for masonic membership.
Quote: "The Spanish authorities were also aware of the importance placed by
freemasons upon the triangle. Its discovery on any document was taken as a
dead give-away that it was masonic. (See paragraph 5 here under Triangle
section) _http://freemasonry.bcy.ca/symbolism/philippine_flag.html_
Quote: "The triangle also appeared constantly in masonic communications.
Many words frequently employed in documents, like taller, logia, hermano,
Venerable Maestro, bateria, Salud, Fuerza y Union, were abbreviated and the
abbreviations ended not with single dot but three dots arranged in a form of
triangle. " (See The triangle section here)
One of the reasons that Russell's statements have been taken out of context
is because, Russell used 2 different dialogues at the same time! It was
Russell's duty as a mason to speak to certain ones [masons present] listening to
him speak in "mason dialect," while others hearing the very same speech would
take his statements as innocent, and never catch on to what he was saying to
his fraternal brothers. Other masons sitting in the same room and listening
to the same lecture, would take Russell's statements and the words he used to
apply to masonic meanings or protocols. Please consider some of the
information listed below:
«To the Happy Few»
Domenico Ghirlandaio, The Adoration of the Magi, 1488
The initiatic monogram (or trigram), but from now on I consider it as a
symbol meant to be handled as a whole, for the monogram is unsuitable to be
intended as disaggregated) isn't but that punctiform tripartition (.·.) so
familiar to the Freemasons and by which they perform those abbreviations apparently
meant to preserve and shelter the confidential nature of initiatic
W.·.M.·. for Worshipful Master
L.·. for Lodge
G.·.L.·. for Grand Lodge
Indeed the utility of these formulations rests also on the fact they allow
Brothers to talk of masonic arguments in a crowded environment without fear
that eavesdropping ears may clearly comprehend the topic of the dialogue.
The reasons for this option do not repose on narcissism but merely denote a
preference for a reserved attitude: subjectively, such preference may well be
nothing more than a gratuitous choice, but as far as another Brother is
concerned it has to be regarded as nothing short of a duty, because our partner
may be utterly unwilling, for reasons it is not in my right even to argue let
alone contend, to allow third parts learn his masonic affiliation/status from
the context of the undertaken dialogue.
So Russell could speak to an entire crowd of people using 2 different
dialogues. One dialogue was used for [innocent] ears, to make it appear to them,
that he was [not] siding with the masons, quote: " I trust we all are. But not
just after the style of our masonic brethren," while his other dialogue to
his mason friends in the crowd, would hear him say, quote "Now, I am a free
and accepted mason."
Why did the Grand Lodge of British Columbia and Yukon fail to mention to
their readers, that the [other] words that Russell used in his speech are [also]
listed as masonic language? Why did they leave that little tidbit of
information out?
Even if you leave out the word [mason], in Russell's speech, the [other]
words Russell used also had special meaning to the masons in the room, but would
[not] be noticed by others!
Please note the words "free and accepted" used in Russell's speech. What
meaning do those words have to freemasons? Here is the meaning of those words
from the very same British Grand Lodge web site, quote:
Free and Accepted : This term was first used in 1722 in J. Roberts', The Old
Constitutions belonging to the Ancient and Honourable Society of Free and
Accepted Masons. Accepted "Acception" was an Inner Fraternity of speculative
freemasons found within the Worshipful Company of Masons of the City of
London. Operative members were "admitted" by apprenticeship, patrimony, or
redemption; speculative members were "accepted". First recorded use of the term dates
from 1620.
Using these 2 different speech dialogues in one lecture could assure Russell
that he was satisfying [both] those who were [not] masons, and those who
[were] masons listening to his discourse, without Russell giving away his
position in the freemasons. This method of communicating with a crowd of people
would give Russell a [way out], if he were confronted about his membership as a
In the book called "Occult Theocracy" written by Lady Queenborough (Edith
Starr Miller), of which the information contained in that book came from the
generous assistance of "Mme Paquita de Shishmareff," Charles Taze Russell is
listed in the index section on page 737 as a Freemason!
The British Grand Lodge paints a picture of "imagination" surrounding the
book "Occult Theocrasy" by using such words as: hoax, assumed, fixated,
imagination, and so forth, yet found the life and books of Lady Queenborough
"noteworthy" in their description of Queenborough's accomplishments!
I truly don't believe that a former "Countess" is going to just "generously"
assist some psychopath book writer that has "no" evidence, documentation, or
better yet, eye-witness accounts as to the information contained in a book
that is also going to list [Former Countess], "Mme Paquita de Shishmareff" in
the very "Forward" of the book, if the information contained in it is not
And what do other writing authorities have to say about L. Fry, ("Mme.
Paquita de Shishmareff?") who assisted Lady Queenborough in compiling the book
"Occult Theocrasy?"
Editorial Reviews
Book Description by L. Fry, ( Mme. Paquita de
Shishmareff )
The War Against the Kingship of Christ. Authoress, Fry was married to one of
the aristocrats of Czarist Russia and she suffered harrowing experiences in
the days of the Boishevist Revolution. This first hand knowledge of Communism
in action has given authority to her writings. For many years she was
associated with the work of the late French priest Monseigneur Jouln, helping him
in his research into the atheistic and Judeo-Bolshevist plot against
So here we have a writer who shows full eye-witness [authority], while the
writers on the British Grand Lodge web site are listed by their own people as
writers with only [some] authority!
Further research into this matter shows that L. Fry ("Mme Paquita de
Shishmareff"), generously assisted "Lady Queenborough!" in the writing of the book
"Occult Theocracy." Lady Queenborough received the help from Shishmareff, and
was in a "protected" position because these writings contained names of many
"Secret Society's" known at that particular time. After Lady Queenborough's
death her book was published called "Occult Theocracy" which contained names
and ranks of many of these secret societies.
In the "Forward" of the book called "Occult Theocracy" we find this
statement from Lady Queenborough about the help she received from Shishmareff:
"It is for their instruction that this book has been written. Its
compilation has taken several years and, had it not been for the generous efforts of
one of my friends, Mme de Shishmareff and of several other persons, I would
never have been able to complete the task which I set out to accomplish."
So the compilation, publishing, and information contained in the book
"Occult Theocrasy" was [not] just from the hand or imagination of Lady
Queenborough. She mentions "several others" who also assisted her. Are we to believe
that "all" of these people conspired with Lady Queenborough to just make up
fantasy stories? It might do well for us to know who Lady Queenborough was and
what kind of people she was associated with and their connections to these
"secret societies!"
Please note the names and titles of some of the people associated with Lady
Queenborough. Why don't we start with her husband. Notice the underlined
Almeric High Paget, Lord Queenborough Born one of
fourteen children in 1861, Almeric Paget left Harrow in the late 1879 with few
resources and moved to the American mid-west, herding cattle for several years
near Le Mars, Iowa, where he was befriended by Theodore Roosevelt. He later
relocated to St Paul, Minnesota where he took up real estate sales. His
brother, Arthur, introduced him into New York society where he developed further
business contacts and met his first wife, Pauline Whitney. In 1901 he
returned to England for his wife's health. Independently wealthy and politically
active after 1906, in 1920 he became treasurer of the League of Nations Union,
an office he filled for sixteen years until he became disillusioned with
the League's development and resigned. _9_
(http://freemasonry.bcy.ca/anti-masonry/miller_e/miller_e.html#9) Almeric Paget biographical notices
LORD QUEENBOROUGH Died on September 22, age eighty-eight, He was a
keen all-round sportsman and was a well-known figure in the yachting world
and on the Turf, and was President of the Royal Society of St. George and a
former President of the National Union of Conservative and Unionist
Associations. He had no son and the peerage becomes extinct._14_
http://freemasonry.bcy.ca/anti-masonry/miller_e/miller_e.html Photo also reproduced in
Heirs of Tradition,
http://freemasonry.bcy.ca/anti-masonry/miller_e/miller_e.html plate facing p. 94, credited to Lenare. QUEENBOROUGH,
BARON. (Paget.) [Baron U.K. 1918.] ALMERIC HUGH PAGET, G.B.E., 1st Baron,
son of the late Gen. Lord Alfred Henry Paget, C.B. [see M. Anglesey, colls.] ;
b. March 14th, 1861 ; is an Hon. Fellow of Corpus Christi Coll., Cambridge,
a J.P. for London and Suffolk (High Sheriff 1909), a Gov. of Guy's Hospital,
a K.J.St.J., and Pres. Miller Gen. Hospital (Greenwich) ; sometime Commodore
Roy. Thames Yacht Club ; Pres. of National Union of Conservative and
Unionist Assos. 1928-9, and has been Pres. of Eastern Provincial Div. of the Asso.
since 1909 ; sat as M.P. for Cambridge Borough (C) Jan. 1910 to July 1917,
having been defeated there Jan. 1906 ; cr. Baron Queenborough. of
Queenborough, Kent (peerage of United Kingdom) 1918, and G.B.E. (Civil) 1926 : m. 1st,
1895, Pauline, who d. 1916, dau of William C. Whitney, sometime Sec. of U.S
Navy ; 2ndly, 1921, Edith Starr, who d. 1933, dau. of William Starr Miller, of
New York, U.S.A., and has issue.(By 2nd marriage.) QUEENBOROUGH, 88, A
BARON, ONCE M.P. Former Cowpuncher Who Came to U. S. With £5 in Youth and
Made a Fortune Dies Special to the New York Times LONDON. Sept. 22—
Lord Queenborough, former president of the National Union of Conservative and
Unionist Associations, who in his youth was sent to the United States with £5
capital and later made a fortune, died today at his home in Hatfield,
Hertfordshire. He was 88 years of age The former Almeric Hugh Paget, he was the
son of Gen. Lord Alfred Henry Paget and a grandson of the first Marquess of
Anglesey, who commanded the British cavalry at Waterloo. In America Lord
Queenborough spent an adventurous period in the northwest as a cowpuncher and
farmhand. Later he went to St. Paul, Minn. where he laid the foundation of his
business career. In 1895 he married Miss. Pauline Payne Whitney, daughter of
the former United States Secretary of the Navy, William C. Whitney. They had
two daughters. Later Lord Queenborough was president of the Chihuahua &
Pacific Railroad and an officer or a director of many other companies. After
his return to Britain, he became Conservative member of Parliament for
Cambridge, a seat he held until his resignation in 1917. The next year he was made
a Baron. Lord Queenborough's wife died in 1916 and five years later he
married Edith Miller, daughter of William Starr Miller of New York. His second
wife, by whom he had three daughters, died in 1933. Lord Queenborough had
a fierce dislike for communism and the admittance of Russia to the League of
Nations in 1936 prompted his resignation as treasurer of the League of
Nations Union, a position he had filled for sixteen years._16_
How about those credentials for being able to know the inside members of
"secret societies?" Lady Queenborough was privy through her husband "Baron
Queenborough" as well as others to the inside information, names, and memberships
of many secret societies and their members.
Did you notice the name "Theodore Roosevelt" listed above? And the father
to Baron Queenborough's first wife was the "Secretary of The Navy?" How many
times do you see references to words such as: "President," "Royal Society,"
"Officer," "Director," "Gen" [for General] of this company or that company in
Baron Queenborough's history file?
I seriously do not know of any Freemason's Lodge that would not roll out the
red carpet for a visit from such individuals as Baron Queenborough or his
wife Lady Queenborough! Certainly with friendships to people such as "Theodore
Roosevelt" any freemason's lodge would feel honored with a visit from people
with these credentials!
Friends, when my wife gets home from church, she tells me everything that
went on at church and who did this, and who did that. I can tell you nearly
every name of every member of my wife's church, and the jobs they perform,
where they live, and even some of their telephone numbers, and I HAVE NEVER EVEN
I guarantee you, if I were a friend to Theodore Roosevelt as well as other
high ranking officials such as the Secretary of The Navy, it would not be any
problem at all to get the names of members of secret societies! These secret
societies would welcome me with open arms if I were walking along side of
people with credentials such as these!
The book "Occult Theocracy" was not intended for public circulation, but was
only intended for private distribution. "Occult Theocracy" was published
after Lady Queenborough died which is the way she wanted these events to occur.
And with the generous assistance Lady Queenborough received from "Mme
Paquita de Shishmareff," her book was published in 1933.
In the "Forward" of the book called "Occult Theocracy," we find these
statements by Lady Queenborough:
"THIS BOOK makes no claim to literary merit. It is simply a work of research
and documentation, giving evidence and facts which I trust will help the
reader in drawing his own conclusions."
The above statement by "Queenborough" (making no literary claim) to her book
is not at all saying that the information in the book is not accurate. It is
only a claim that she was not making book writing a profession, or that her
literature skills were not professional enough, in her opinion, that she
could make a living from her writings. We know this to be true because she goes
on to mention in her statement that her research was based on documentation
and things she "witnessed" with her own eyes, which gives her writings, and the
assistance given to her by Shishmareff more accountability! However,
Queenborough leaves the opinion of the reader up to themselves.
I would make a statement like that to, or something along the same lines, if
I were worried about my safety or the safety of my children because also
included in the "Forward" of "Occult Theocracy" we find this statement by
"As a woman of the world I have witnessed things the existence of which I
did not suspect and I have realized that, due to my "protected" position in
life, they should never have been expected to have come to my knowledge. Let me
tell every woman, how ever much "protected", whether Dairymaid or Duchess,
that the safeguards which she imagines to be thrown around herself are but a
mirage of the past. Her own and her children's future are at the mercy of those
"forces" the activities of which it has been my business for the last ten
years, to follow as one of a group of investigators."
Why did "Lady Queenborough fear having her book published while she was
alive? If the information contained in her book was a bunch of hogwash, then why
was it necessary for her to be protected? Why did "Lady Queenborough" want her
book published only "after" her death? What "forces" did Queenborough fear?
And what fear would one have for their children's future because of this
If Lady Queenborough was imagining all of these names and members of "secret
societies" then why would she fear for her children? Surely her children
would not be harmed by her imagination!
As I have stated before, I really believe that Charles Taze Russell engaged
in [other practices], that I personally believe were more condemning than
freemasonry. Just as Lady Queenborough leaves her book up to the reader, then I
also leave up to the reader of this research as to what they will believe or
will not believe. But my personal view is that when the Grand Lodge of
British Columbia and Yukon listed Charles Russell as [not] being a mason when
they can not confirm such a claim, then in view of the research that I have done
as well as others, I would take the listing of Russell's name in the book
"Occult Theocrasy" as accurate, because the very same British Grand Lodge has
already informed their readers that when the [triangular three dots] appear
beside a persons name on paper, this identification should be considered as an
authentic document to being a member of freemasonry! Here is Charles Taze
Russell's name listed with the 3 triangular identifying dots beside his name on
page 737 of "Occult Theocrasy."
Lady Queenborough with her two eldest children
Edith Starr Miller, daughter of William Starr Miller of New York and niece
of Lloyd E. Warren, married Almeric Hugh Paget (1861/03/14 -1949/09/22) —
first and only Lord Queenborough and sixth son of Lord Alfred Henry Paget
(d1888) — on July 19,1921, by whom she had three daughters. Of her parents, all
that is known is that her father William Starr Miller — a socially prominent
New York industrialist — commissioned the architects Carrere & Hastings to
design his six-storey townhouse at the corner of Fifth Avenue and 86th Street
in 1914. Although something is known of Almeric's life, and that of his
two daughters, Olive (Lady Baillie) and Dorothy, from his first marriage (New
York: 1895/11/18) to Pauline Whitney (1874-November 22, 1916), little is
known about Edith.
Noteworthy in the historiography of conspiracy theory, _Edith
Starr Miller_ http://freemasonry.bcy.ca/anti-masonry/miller_e/miller_e.html
is a widely quoted yet little known figure. Her title, Lady Queenborough, is
often misspelt "Queensborough" and sometimes referred to as a pen-name or
pseudonym. She is sometimes associated with the Order of the Golden Dawn and
the British Fascist movement. Her death in 1933 is sometimes described as
suspicious. Neither her "suspicious" death nor associations are documented. Her
Occult Theocrasy makes no claim to be an objective study nor representative
of primary source research and a _selection of her remarks_
http://freemasonry.bcy.ca/anti-masonry/miller_e/occult_theocrasy_notes.html easily
demonstrates that she was fixated on a perceived LORD QUEENBOROUGH Died on
September 22, age eighty-eight, He was a keen all-round sportsman and was a
well-known figure in the yachting world and on the Turf, and was President of
the Royal Society of St. George and a former President of the National Union
of Conservative and Unionist Associations. He had no son and the peerage
becomes extinct._14_
http://freemasonry.bcy.ca/anti-masonry/miller_e/miller_e.html#14 Photo also reproduced in _Heirs of Tradition,_
http://freemasonry.bcy.ca/anti-masonry/miller_e/miller_e.html#5 plate facing p. 94, credited to
Lenare. -
WT and the Illuminati - truth or fiction?
by SnowQueen ini've been reading around this subject of late and it seems to make a lot of sense.
i'm wondering if anyone is convinced and/or has seen anything that can substantiate or corroborate the 'facts' set out in these arguments.. http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/bloodlines/russell.htm.
i was particularly fascinated to read the following:.
Before I begin, we first need to understand what the Illuminati is.
According to Encyclopedia Britannica:
...During the 1780s Masonic lodges had begun to replace scholarly academies and agrarian societies as loci of political discussion. In the 1790s more-radical secret societies emerged, modeled after the Illuminati (“Enlightened Ones”) founded in Bavaria by Adam Weishaupt, a professor of canon law, which promoted free thought and democratic political theories... ... The political and social prerogatives of the church were also threatened by the Enlightenment, especially when it became allied with the expanding claims of an autocratic “enlightened despotism.” The brotherhood cultivated by groups such as the Freemasons and the Illuminati, a rationalist secret society, constituted a rival to the feeling of community that the church had once provided. The Masonic alternative to the Catholic mass even became the subject of an opera, The Magic Flute byMozart.
So, obviously the Illuminati weren't the only secret society, and their political theories echoed that of Freemasonry: liberty, equality, and fraternity. The Illuminati were officially formed in Bavaria in 1776, May 1 I believe, a high occult holiday.
Secondly, the Illuminati were not only a small organization; Illuminism itself is an ideology. And unlike other secret socities, the Illuminati's primary mode of influence was not organizational, but literary. The evidence suggests that even though the Illuminati organizational structure suffered from government opposition and sanctions in Bavaria and other places, Illuminism as an ideology continued to exist even to today.
Weishaupt admired Igantius of Loyola, and so the Illuminati were in many ways an imitation of the Jesuits, and their recruiting and control practices a parody of the Spiritual Exercises. Where faults are identified by the Jesuit superior through examination of conscience to be then confessed and their power over the novice thereby broken, the Illuminist parody of the examination of conscience first ferrets out dominant passions to be preserved and manipulated by the Illuminist controller, rather than extirpated through repentance and confession. Examination of conscience in the Illuminist sense of the word is used by the Illuminist confessor as an instrument of control. Once the adept had confided his vices to his superior as part of the initiation rite, his passions will be used as a way of controlling him. If he discovers the ploy and objects, his past sins will be used against him in a form of blackmail that is in many ways demonic perversion of the seal of the confessional...."
—E. Michael Jones, Libido Dominandi: Sexual Liberation and Political Control, 2000, pg. 88-89
Jones is talking about Illuminism as ideology in the above excerpt. Clearly, this is the foundation for Sigmund Freud's psychoanalysis (evidence suggests Freud was a Kabbalist, which is central to Illuminism) and, later, how so-called sex doctor Alfred Kinsey was able to secure control and funding for his corrupt sex research, by taking the sex histories of his colleagues and of Rockefeller executives and using that knowledge as a form of blackmail, which resulted in Kinsey's unfettered financial support from the Rockefeller Foundation and, ultimately, the beginnings of the modern sexual revolution as a form of political control.
Incidentally, the first sex research institute, Institut für Sexualwissenschaft, was built in the Illuminist Weimar Republic. Both Freud and Kinsey epitomize the ideology of Illuminism. Like Weishaupt, Freud and Kinsey would use the intimate knowledge of their patients—and colleagues—as a form of control over them. The ultimate end of this is political control through sexual liberation on a grand scale. Enter Freud's nephew Eddie Bernays, who engineered a way to sell products by exploiting the sexual passions of the general populations.
Fyi, bohm,
On January 2, 1785, the Prince Bishop of Eichstaett demanded that the Prince of Bavaria purge all Illuminati from the University of Ingolstadt. In spite of the secrecy of the Illuminati, Weishaupt was a prime suspect because of the radical Enlightenment books he had ordered for the University library. Weishaupt was removed from his chair of canon law at the University of Ingolstadt on February 11, 1784. Over the next year, the hue and cry against secret societies increased dramatically...when the Prince of Bavaria, Karl Theodore, issued his second edict, the Minerval lodge in INgolstadt, now without Weshaupt (he fled to Regensburg on Feb. 2, 1785) as its head, was dissolved...If the Bavarian authorities had left it at that, the Illuminati would most probably have been forgotten forever or at best rmained a minor footnote in a very small book. But the Bavarian government, after discovering the secret documents associated with the lodge in Munich, made a fateful decision; they decided to publish what they found and in so doing assured Weishaupt and his conspirators an influence they never could have achieved on their own.... —E. Michael Jones
Christ's death of the cross disproves any Issue of Universal Sovereignty
by yadda yadda 2 injohn 15:13 "greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends.".
romans 5:8 "but god demonstrates his own love for us in this: while we were still sinners, christ died for us.".
since jesus was the perfect reflection of his heavenly father, these scriptures above show that if jehovah was able, he would have given up his own life for the human race.
But if Jesus is God, as Christendom believes, then God did carry out the greatest act of love.
Bible Student Creationism at its best - how can anyone believe this?
by dropoffyourkeylee ini received the latest copy of the lhmm magazine (the laymen's home missionary movement, which is one of the bible student groups which shares a common russellite origin with the jws).
i was simply amazed by their supposedly scientific article about the deluge.
at the end of the article it says you can request a full treatise on the subject.
A Critique of Newtonian Physics
Newtonian Physics theory is based on the late 17th century notion that the Universe is made up of solid objects which are attracted towards each other by a force called 'Gravity'. This theory was extended in the 19th century to include atoms as being the fundamental building blocks of nature. Newton's Laws of Motion (Newtonian Mechanics) successfully described the motions of planets, mechanical machines and fluids and this success gave rise to the notion that the laws of Newtonian Physics were basic laws of nature and as such were immutable. (i.e. fixed) According to Newtonian Physics, the universe is a huge mechanical system of solid objects based on absolute (fixed) time and three (3) dimensional space (i.e. height, length and width) and as such is linear. (uniform)
Newtonian physics (although interestingly enough, not Newton himself) maintained that everything in existence could be described "objectively" because all phenomena were strictly a result of the physical interactions of all its physical parts. (this includes chemistry) In over words, the universe was considered strictly deterministic and causal in nature. Newtonian Physics was formulated prior to the discovery of Electricity and Field Theory 1 (i.e. the theory pertaining to Energy/Matter interactions) or Nuclear Physics as postulated by Einstein in 1905 associated with his Special Theory of Relativity. 2 As such, Newtonian Physics cannot describe either the phenomena of electricity or nuclear reactions or the recent concepts of Quantum Mechanics 3 that in essence the physical universe is just a myriad of "tendencies to exist" associated with a vast interconnected energy field.
The concept of an infinite, multi-dimensional, interconnected Universe in which experimenters affect the results of their experiments by their mere presence (i.e. the observer effect) 4 is simply beyond the paradigm of Newtonian Physics.
Despite the fundamental flaws in the theory, the Newtonian view of the universe is embraced by most humans today as 'fact' simply because it describes most day-to-day physical phenomena so well and is based upon the notion of a fixed 'solid' Universe, something that most humans find very comforting. This has led most people to subconsciously view their world, including their physical bodies, as solid mechanical objects and that all phenomena, including human consciousness, are the direct result of the interactions of the so-called separate 'mechanical' parts comprising them.
As a result of their day to day experiences, most humans interpret reality in terms of Newtonian three (3) dimensional space and linear time, in which everything is perceived as being separate from everything else. As such they are always looking out from themselves for their experiences in life, including solace and comfort, and in the process lose sight of the deeper human experience that lies within , and the essential interconnectedness (ONENESS) and multi-dimensional, infinite nature of reality.
In other words, most people today embrace an incomplete and simplistic view of reality because that is all they are aware of, or can relate to directly, much in the same way that human societies 500 years ago related to a flat earth, and anyone who had the temerity to suggest otherwise was invariably burnt at the stake.
Based in part on Barbara Brennan's 'Hands of Light' (P21)
Source: http://www.vision.net.au/~apaterson/science/physics_newtonian.htm
WT and the Illuminati - truth or fiction?
by SnowQueen ini've been reading around this subject of late and it seems to make a lot of sense.
i'm wondering if anyone is convinced and/or has seen anything that can substantiate or corroborate the 'facts' set out in these arguments.. http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/bloodlines/russell.htm.
i was particularly fascinated to read the following:.
bohm: No, I didn't go down the road. I simply asked you to provide details of your claim, which you still haven't done.
Regardless, because I don't expect much of an answer from you, I shall begin to mount my argument that the Illuminati still exist today and will provide supporting evidence. Will post later.