If you are interested in personal stories, I might recommend the personals page off "all forums". Lots of LONG stories in there.
Thanks for the advice. I am new here and haven't done much exploring. I will check those out.
the subject is pretty cut and dry:.
---why did you leave the society??---.
was it one thing or several?
If you are interested in personal stories, I might recommend the personals page off "all forums". Lots of LONG stories in there.
Thanks for the advice. I am new here and haven't done much exploring. I will check those out.
the subject is pretty cut and dry:.
---why did you leave the society??---.
was it one thing or several?
The subject is pretty cut and dry:
---Why did you leave the society??---
Was it one thing or several?
Was it a problem with their doctrine?
I am currently a "householder" (at least I think that is what I am called). I've been studying (for those of you who didn't read my last post) for almost 4 yrs now. I have read several replies by those who say many things don't surface until after baptism.
What are these things?
I would like to hear of your experiences. Lengthy stories are fine .
I am genuinely curious.
Many thanks....
this post is triggered by freepeace's post on alcoholic relationships.
i'd like to share a story of a friend of mine with the hopes that you can provide some advice or insight.
he knows i'm a part of this board and understands how much support/encouragement/advice i get here.
I haven't been here long so I feel kinda funny giving advice. But I will take a stab at this because it is something to which I can somewhat relate.
IMO, Kammy is feeling "controlled" by Dave. Apparently her way of feeling like her life is "her" life has been through her "freedom" to do drugs...despite the consequences or the affects that it has had and has on those who care about her. I don't think this makes her a bad person nor do I think this is something she is doing intentionally to hurt your friend. It is something that she thinks she needs. Something that she can do because she wants to do it. Telling her she can't or threatening her or ultimatums will only prove to her the one thing that she is trying to escape by doing this. And that is that someone else, besides herself, has some control over her life.
The best way, IMO, that Dave can help her is to let her do it. In time, perhaps she will realize what she is doing and how silly it is. In the meantime, he should encourage her to seek counseling. It sounds to me as if her problem is far more deep rooted than just "drug abuse". He does need to remind her that the substance IS illegal. He also needs to assure her that his pleads with her to discontinue using isn't that he is trying to "control" her or that he is trying to boss her around but that he cares about her mental and physical health and...not to mention, marijuana is illegal. If she gets caught (or if he is with her) she/they will be in a great deal of trouble.
Good luck to you and your friend(s),
i've been raised a witness, and i've been spoon-fed.
all that stuff about 1914, no facial hair, and every other jw teaching that they talk about.
i've been a bit disillusioned lately with the stuff i've found out about the society, with some research of my own and other research from sites or sources like these.
Hi Davey!!
Welcome. I'm new here too...trying to sort through the truth. I'm afraid I don't have any "words of wisdom" to share with you. Unbiased opinions are next to impossible to find. We are but people and most of us have a difficult time being completely "unbiased" . What has been brought to your attention that is making you so distraught? My advice would be go directly to the source (if that is possible). If it is the doctrine you question, look into your bible...and not just at what someone has TOLD you to read but really investigate. The facial hair thing really gets me...not that I have facial hair...LOL. It's just where is that in your bible? Perhaps, I have difficulty understanding that one because I came from a very "relaxed" pentecostal background. We actually wore jeans to church...AND (on Weds nite to youth services) shorts ...LOL.
Good luck to ya, Davey!!!
i am curious.
does anyone really believe the dateline show will make very many current dubs "wake up" and leave?
do you think it will bring the organization down?
I apologize, as I realize this question has probably been asked and answered already. I didn't have time to read all of the responses. What exactly is DATELINE going to uncover?? And when is this show supposed to air? Thanks in advance for the info.
i came here by chance...looking for none other than jw material:) i am currently studying with jw's and attend the kh but am not baptized, as are none of the members of my fam...yet.
i've been studying for almost 4 years with the witnesses.
i am confused...that's the simplest way of putting it.
Hi Marilyn,
Thanks for your honesty. Um...is there anything else I should know? I'm trying to discuss this with my hub and keeps asking me, "well, what exactly is it that they do after you are baptised that they don't tell you about before?" And I don't know. Why did you leave??
Thanks again
i came here by chance...looking for none other than jw material:) i am currently studying with jw's and attend the kh but am not baptized, as are none of the members of my fam...yet.
i've been studying for almost 4 years with the witnesses.
i am confused...that's the simplest way of putting it.
Hello. It is nice to see so many concerned and helpful folks around here. Thank you all.
David:: Thank you for making yourself known for me. I am guilty of hanging about here and not registering but just reading comments and such, as well. So, I like yourself feel like I know many who haven't a clue as to who I am. I am sorry for the challenges you (and many others here) faced growing up. A point my hub tries to make with me is that...he says (about the kids) "they have to take a stand on something...and kids will ALWAYS make fun of one another, for some reason or another. At least this is nobel...It is for Jehovah." Which is fine and dandy if this is REALLY what Jehovah wants us to do as christians. But is it?? I start reading scriptures such as those found in Romans 14 and Colossian 2 and I think...maybe this isn't necessary. Why would I want to make my kids make a stand for something that isn't even REQUIRED of us...you know?? Why would I unnecessarily put them through that heartache? Won't they already have enough problems to deal with, without me adding one more to the list?? Do you see where I am coming from?? I think my husband thinks I'm just trying to find a reason to be able to celebrate again...and maybe I am. But I don't think so. I brought these scriptures to the attention of our study partners (months ago) and they explained them by saying that these scriptures only apply to the sabbath. But can I see where the application could go so much farther than that. Maybe they are seeing what they want to see...and I am seeing what I want to see. Anyway, thank you so much for revealing yourself and for sharing yourself with us.
Hey JBean:: Good to see you again!!
Utopian Reformist:: Thank you for commending me on my "quest" for knowledge and understanding. I, like my husband, was attracted to the WTS because of "their knowledge, their organized way of doing everything, their cleanliness, their authority"...and the way they seem to be doing all of the things that the bible tells us to do. Things that other churches do not do. The field ministry really impressed me and the wealth of publications to aide their congregations in learning about the bible and the different prophecies...and also the breakdown of individual books of the bible such as the Daniel book and the Isaiah book. I came from a pentecostal background. Lots of hollering, not much educating...LOL. So, this is one of the reasons why they have appealed to me and my hub. The backbone scriptures always used by our study partners is "you know a tree by it's fruit", "you'll know them by the love among them". When I found out the info about the NGO and read into silentlambs.org...I was shocked; hardly fitting of an organization who claims to "have love among them". And what about knowing a tree by it's fruit??? They cover up abuse, molestation, and lie and hypocritically join up with the UN through the NGO without the knowledge of it's members...and then lie about that too. Some fruit!!! Not to mention the fact that, although I agree with a lot of their basic doctrine, I don't agree with their "rule making" on the "gray" things. The things that aren't in black in white...the things that, honestly, should be left up to individual conscience. These are the primary reasons I am seriously "rethinking" my involvement with the JWs.
Hi Waiting::
Not terribly bad is done ok............but there are women here whose jw's husbands beat them & their kids, etc. - and again, it is for the most part, covered over by the WTBTS.
Lisa:: Thanks for the advice. I know that I am fortunate that I have a choice. I'm sorry for all of you that never had that luxury. I am here because I want to make a sound and informed choice. And I LOVE Indiana Jones . Thanks again!!
I have a question for you all. Many have said that I won't know what it's all really like until after I am baptised...could you let me in on it??? What happens after you are baptised?? What is it that they don't tell while you study?? Since the chances of me getting baptised are slim to none...please enlighten me. I jokingly told my hub to get baptised just to see...relax...it was a joke . I'm just curious. I have been over a lot of the things that have been mentioned here with these people (the JWs). Things such as:
Q:Can I ever disagree with the WTS once inside?
Their answer: Yes.
Q: If I do disagree am I free to voice that opinion to the elders without reprimand??
Their answer: Yes. Exception: Cannot spread my beliefs into the ministry...must keep teaching what the "faithful and discreet slave" teaches and leave my own "opinions" out of it.
Q: Are you allowed to speak to "unsaved" relatives or are you required to disassociate yourself with them?
Their answer: You are allowed to associate with relatives.
They seem truthful in their responses. On second thought, perhaps I should start a separate thread for this. Thank you all for all of your stories and advice. You just don't know how much you guys have and are really helping me. Thank you all so much.
Sorry so long...
i came here by chance...looking for none other than jw material:) i am currently studying with jw's and attend the kh but am not baptized, as are none of the members of my fam...yet.
i've been studying for almost 4 years with the witnesses.
i am confused...that's the simplest way of putting it.
That is true JBean. Jesus came for EVERYONE..not just the Jews, or for this person or that...but for EVERYONE. Making an open relationship with his father, Jehovah God, possible for ALL of mankind. Thank you for reminding us
i came here by chance...looking for none other than jw material:) i am currently studying with jw's and attend the kh but am not baptized, as are none of the members of my fam...yet.
i've been studying for almost 4 years with the witnesses.
i am confused...that's the simplest way of putting it.
PathofThorns:: Thank you for the reference to Ray Franz. I will have to read that.
YoYoMama. I try my best to reach my OWN conclusions when reading the bible but it becomes very difficult when every time I come across something that in some way doesn't "click" with what I'm being taught by the JWs, my hub always suggest that we ask them about it. I hate that...because even if *I* am not completely satisfied with the explanation they give, DH laps it up. Thanks for your advice
......knows about this site??
and do you think they know about the un fiasco?
how can we even mention the un without them knowing we've been searching the web for info against the wts?
No. The average Witness and the typical elder know almost nothing about UN/pedophile issues/significance of blood changes/significance of organizational changes/ etc.
And this is absolutely true. The witnesses that I am currently studying with were completely oblivious to this, especially the WTS's involvement with the UN. I haven't even mentioned the pedophilia to them. I don't really know that it would matter. When I spoke with them about the UN thing they pretty much brushed it off, as if it were either not true, a "one man" thing, or just some kind of misunderstanding. *chants*..."Jehovah will work it out"...