Thanks for the info and for all of the hard work that you and Bill do on behalf of victims. Having been a victim myself, I know how validating this victory must be for Erica.
Wendy, as a comment on your post, many, if not most, pedophiles are considered to not be good candidates for rehabilitation by the mental health community. While I agree with you that we need to give up our judgemental WTS attitudes, and lean towards being forgiving wherever possible, I also think that a person who is likely to prey on innocent children needs to be locked up. And I'm afraid, perhaps due to my own childhood experiences, that I have no sympathy for a person who has hurt a child in this manner. I echo my sister...I hope in prison he learns what it feels like to be powerless and forced to participate in sexual acts that he would not otherwise choose to be a part of.
Roaring a bit myself today,
Dana (showing a bit of her not-so-nice side)
"I undid his head collar and took him outside for a drink, and felt, if not exactly a communion with him, at least an awareness of being a fellow creature on a lonely planet."
Dick Francis in "To The Hilt"