No apart from my maternal Grandmother we didn't really know them even though I can remember them dropping presents off at Xmas when I was small. Ten years after we left I met my first cousin at a funeral and she said when you visit your mother drop in and see us.
She lived in the same village as my parents but I just couldn't find the words to tell her my mother was shunning us and we didn't see her. But within the next year I managed to get hold of her phone number and we've been in touch ever since.
Years later after my parents were gone my cousin showed me photos of my mum at her brother's house at Christmas. Apparently they regularly went there for Christmas while she was a JW after we'd all left home. Just so weird when we were shunned for leaving the cult. Anyway I hope she enjoyed herself and found some joy there.
My cousin has often said she can't understand why my mother could talk to her who's never been a JW but she shunned me. I try to explain to her how cults keep the members away from those who've left but it just seems weird to her.