That's tragic! Stay safe, be sensible about lonely places after dark!
JoinedPosts by Xanthippe
Scary Experience
by ZindagiNaMilegiDobaara insomething weird and scary happened to us last nihgt.
we had a few friends over for the weekend.
we love to go hiking and long walks wherever and whenever we can.
I want to delete an account
by Sergey Antonov inhello !
please tell me how can i delete my account?.
You need to message Simon.
Don't give them 2019
by snare&racket ini am writing the post i have wanted to write for some time.
it's a heartfelt note to those still attending meetings, still caught between the lines of watchtower and the world.
those with kids or a spouse in the society..... despite being mentally out....those who have weighed up that there is too much to lose in leaving.
Franz memoirs 'A crisis of conscience'.... hands shaking as I began to read, I realised I had been manipulated. I had been brainwashed! Here I was with a book in my hands, having a physical reaction due to fear. Why was i so scared to read something negative about Watchtower???...because i personally 100% wanted to read it! Why would a man fear a book? What had they done to me?
Well said. Why be afraid of any book? I remember the fear I felt when I read this book. To me this is the true mark of a cult that people are made to feel terrified of ideas that contradict it.
Merry Christmas π
by snare&racket initβs that awesome time of year again...... food.
Happy Christmas Snare, you're an inspiration ππΉπ°ππΎ
Scary Experience
by ZindagiNaMilegiDobaara insomething weird and scary happened to us last nihgt.
we had a few friends over for the weekend.
we love to go hiking and long walks wherever and whenever we can.
Why the heck are you walking in a country park at 11pm? Are you crazy? Think you're safe because there's five of you and two men? Oh God please be careful. There are some very dangerous people around.
Memories from the Edge
by neat blue dog inwhen waking up it often isn't an instant switch, there's a period of time when your conflicted feelings are heightened and most uncomfortable.
can anyone remember specific instances in the time before you fully woke up that made you uncomfortable or guilty, despite you still being a 'believer'?.
i can think of two right now, both about a year or two before i woke up:.
Still, I wasn't fully convinced and chalked it up to that maybe there was something I was missing or just didn't understand. - NBD
Yeah I remember that feeling. I never understood the ransom sacrifice but everyone seemed to be fine with it. I understood the internal logic of it but objectively sacrifice has always seemed wrong to me. When I asked others what they thought they looked at me as if I was stupid.
I struggled when they said we couldn't just study the Bible with people it had to be a WTS publication. Asked my friend in another circuit to tell me exactly what they said at her assembly. She treated me like a full-blown apostate, 'but it's from Jehovah!'.
Surely the point was to teach people about the Bible? It just felt wrong to refuse to do that if they wanted it. Bells really went off in my head when that idea came out, but still I stayed!
All the child abuse lawsuits are just a hiccup in the bigger picture.
by I believe in overlapping inone of my uncles who has never been a jw is visiting for christmas.
my dad who has stopped being an elder and has stopped going to meetings started explaining to my uncle why he finally left the watchtower religion.
my dad had tried for years to convert my uncle but never succeeded.
Interesting, I will say that the difference is the WTS does not have 1.2 billion members nor anywhere near the wealth of the Catholic Church to pay for many, many lawsuits. Has your uncle been to the Vatican?
What JW Beliefs Did You Find Difficult To Explain?
by minimus inthere are a lot.
anything blood related was difficult to reasonably prove from a witness perspective.. 1914 was another one.
what can you add to the list?
God allowing his son to be tortured to death because two naked people ate some fruit and we lost eternal life. Struggled with that as a teenager.
Chaos at Gatwick Airport
by The Fall Guy in
perhaps all major airports will eventually employ their own industrial sized drone, operated by a trained/authorised pilot who can track and pinpoint the nut-jobs who cause such disruption and possible catastrophe..
Wow Amelia you really went for it! Much admiration.
Chaos at Gatwick Airport
by The Fall Guy in
perhaps all major airports will eventually employ their own industrial sized drone, operated by a trained/authorised pilot who can track and pinpoint the nut-jobs who cause such disruption and possible catastrophe..
I feel really sorry for all the people whose travel plans have been ruined. People trying to get to family and friends they're desperate to see or a much needed holiday.