My brain won't shut up if that's what you mean Terry. It makes it difficult to relax or leave something alone that's bothering me.
I'm okay with it now, it saved me from a crazy cult and it's helped me learn about reality.
there is a snapping vicious junkyard dog in my head.
a dog constantly barking, hungry, terrifyingly intimidating, and above all...relentless!.
unless i feed it a constant stream of input - it threatens to eat me alive.. (it is that monster from the id in forbidden planet.).
My brain won't shut up if that's what you mean Terry. It makes it difficult to relax or leave something alone that's bothering me.
I'm okay with it now, it saved me from a crazy cult and it's helped me learn about reality.
has anyone ever shown a jw that came to your door the bite model of a cult?
what happened?
i am thinking of using that strategy if one comes a' knocking..
At a meeting once a speaker said people say we're in a cult, so to prove it he asked the audience to give a scripture about the new system. About ten people gave a different scripture
There, he said, we're not in a cult because we have minds of our own! Sad and pathetic.
seriously, it’s getting to a point that you can’t make a negative comment about someone without being charged as a racist, homophobe or sexist!
if you criticize a female, you are obviously sexist.
if you criticize someone who happens to be gay, you must hate homosexuals.
If you criticize a person of colour are you a racist?
Maybe, maybe not. It depends on the circumstances - obviously. I'm ready for the nect deliberately inflammatory question.
half your children are dead and your still happy?
i have/had a jw friend who has five daughters.. she was a born in as her daughters were also.
two of the daughters are out and have waken up.
So tell me the part again about how happy you are living in this paradise picking up the bones if not yours other people's dead children?
Honestly some parents are so controlling they would rather see their kids dead than choose a life different to their own. Whether it's a different belief system, political ideology, sexual orientation, moral code or whatever. It's do exactly as I say or you're dead to me.
Of course people like that are attracted to controlling cults but they would make their kid's lives hell whatever their choices if they weren't identical to their own.
what would it be?.
mine would be "rocket man" by elton john.
'It's been a long long road getting from there to here.'
Someone's going to tell me that's not the title, but 'Faith of the Heart' is a bit naff. That first line better describes my life. Great song (Star Trek Enterprise theme).
i have tried a couple times to revive an old thread by posting a new comment.
for a short time is appears in the "latest" section but soon disappears again.
why, what i am doing incorrectly?.
Pete it will disappear if no one else posts on it because other threads that people are posting on will move up the line to latest.
hi simon i have just noticed my old avtar is starting to appear when i now post sometimes ?.
my newer one marvin the martian is the one i`m supposed to be using now .
smiddy 3.
Someday I'll figure out how to upload one that I choose.
Stillin, so funny. I like your posts. You're obviously intelligent. Are you a technophobe? Blondie has set it all out for you.
comment in today's wt, was about dr spock, and his book "that every parent in the world read" apparently (!).
if it wasn't for the wt's obsessions with the guy i would have no idea who he was, neither i suspect would the vast majority of the congregation.
there has been a mass of parenting books written since and yet they keep harking back to this one.. do they have no idea how out of touch this makes them seem?.
Wasn't it Spock who said babies mustn't be picked up if they cry? They must be fed every four hours like clockwork and not picked up in between because that will spoil them.
Figures if it is, cold, heartless, out of date. WTS all over.
i live in the usa.
is it perfect!
I love England, free healthcare, some of the oldest universities in the world although government investment in science could be a lot better.
The lake district, beaches and castles. Hundreds of beautiful old buildings most of which were given up by aristos who couldn't afford the death duties. I love the national trust.
People here complain about the weather but if you've been in New York when it rains you'd know about it! Rivers of water running down he streets! We have a gentle climate, mild winters, lovely varied summers and no mosquitos.
apparently, according to my mother, the worst thing that could happen to me is not dying in a car crash or getting cancer but instead would be me leaving jehovah and his organization.
i of course realize this is the position of jws but to hear my own mother verbalize it on a gentle walk in the woods was painful to say the least.
needless to say, i cannot tell her i am mentally out..
When your own mother says things like that you know you're in a cult. I'm so sorry, I know it hurts. When I wanted to get pregnant I phoned my mother to see if I'd had the Rubella jab and asked her if she was happy about the prospect. She said she wouldn't get close to any child of mine because it didn't have any future.