What if the crucifixion never took place?
The Romans crucified many hundreds, possibly thousands of people to strike terror into their enemies. Why should the death of one Jewish preacher mean any more than all the rest, if it even happened.
i googled it and pretty much my understanding is the same as what i imagine.
no one really knows, your guess is as good as the next.
interesting thought to consider imo..
What if the crucifixion never took place?
The Romans crucified many hundreds, possibly thousands of people to strike terror into their enemies. Why should the death of one Jewish preacher mean any more than all the rest, if it even happened.
aside from obvious things that most people agree on, like theft being wrong and the importance of family, i can't think of a single thing i agree with the jws on, nothing that's specific to their religion anyway.
do you have any?.
I agree with the Borg that life is hard work and sometimes very difficult. I don't agree with their solution of inventing a fantasy scenario whereby a supreme being waves a wand and makes all the nastiness go away.
We and only us have the ability to make the world a better place and the whole point of this cult is a security blanket for people who can't cope with that fact.
what do you sincerely think?
do you nurture any hope?.
I would have to take the measurement myself.
So do it. Read a book, read many books. Visit a spiritualist church. Visit a medium. There is no God to disapprove of you and there are no demons to attack you. Do the research. Draw your own conclusions. Stop asking other people.
I'm still looking jrjw. I often find I read a whole book and only get one new idea from it. I'm closer to what it's all about than I ever used to be as a JW. I just don't feel the need to spread the word anymore, we all should find our own way.
Lots of reading and thinking have helped, but along the way I've learned to also enjoy the now, enjoy each day at the same time as I look for answers. Life can be so much fun.
a little advice please.. it's now 7 months since i stopped going to meetings.
we still get regular calls by elders - at least every 2 weeks.
i can handle them.
Yes, I'd DA I guess but I live in a teeny, tiny town my neighbours are JWs, I see JWs every single time I go out. I'm not sure I can handle them turning their backs on me just yet.
What else is new! They've been ignoring you for years you said. Phoebe your husband's out, your kids are out. Who cares what these stupid people in their tin-pot cult think about anything!
They think the end of the world is coming and Jesus is going to rule a world with vegetarian carnivores. They're nuts. Live your life with your wonderful, intelligent family. Those great kids you raised!
I Da'ed in a tiny village BTW. After a while I didn't even notice them ignoring me, which must have been very annoying for them. 😀
Yes of course, I'm always looking for facts and trying to understand reality. Never stop doing that. Question everything.
synonyms: | veracity, truthfulness, verity, sincerity, candour, honesty, genuineness; More |
synonyms: | the fact of the matter, what actually/really happened, the case, so; More |
i have friends who are called "worldly people" by jws.
these people are actively involved in feeding the homeless over christmas.
managing thrift shops so they can send financial aid overseas to poorer children.
I love having the choice now to give to people in need. I can't give to everyone, nobody can but I like the food banks and Crisis at Christmas for homeless people. It seems awful not having enough to eat or a roof over your head.
Unicef are brilliant for getting vaccines to far-flung places. Amnesty do great work for prisoners of conscience and people suffering injustices. WWF have worked to get tiger numbers up and it's worked!
Like Snare I'm not proud of what I can do now, I'm just sad and amazed that I didn't do it before. Cults really mess with your head! To make ordinary people so uncaring takes a huge amount of brainwashing.
I can't get back with him even though we have a son coz I'll end up having a break down or having my own mental health problems in the future coz of him and I won't put my kids through all the mental torture off him again.
My mother was persuaded by elders to stay with my dad inspite of his mental health problems. She spent her entire married life having depression. Mine was not a happy family. I'm glad you don't want to do that to your kids.
There are other doctrines that have nn's questioning the truth too especially Deuteronomy 18:20-22.
Exactly if this religion has been a false prophet God says not to fear them. In fact the Bible says they should be put to death! Perhaps just leave instead! You have your nonJW family to go back to, you can build a new support system starting with them.
the report is finally out.......... ————————.
recommendations to the jehovah’s witness organisation.
recommendation 16.27. the jehovah’s witness organisation should abandon its application of the two-witness rule in cases involving complaints of child sexual abuse.. recommendation 16.28. the jehovah’s witness organisation on should revise its policies so that women are involved in processes related to invesation and determining allegations of child sexual abuse.. recommendation 16.29. the jehovah’s witness organisation should no longer require its members to shun those who disassociate from the organisation in cases where the reason for disassocia on is related to a person being a victim of child sexual abuse..
It was just on the BBC radio news about the ARC. I wonder if the JWs that most of us have told about it will hear it and start connecting the dots. This is real, it's not just what 'bitter' exJWs are saying, it's not all lies.