Hi LUHE. I don't think we should be afraid or thoughts like 'what's the point if life'?'. It doesn't necessarily mean you're depressed. Reflection is a good thing because life is complex. Deciding where you want to go next and thinking what you really want to do will generate questions about the meaning of life.
Suggestions? Well my daughter just got her masters in English literature. She just started her first job, working as a teaching assistant in September. She loves it and has been using the time to decide if she wants to get a teaching qualification.
The thing is she has long holidays working at a school but it means she can write. She has always wanted to be a writer as did her father, so she's going to give it a go. In fact she's already got a trilogy of books planned that she started when doing Alevels. Now if she becomes a teacher she will find it tricky to find time to write because they work through holidays marking books and planning next terms' lessons. So we shall have to see.
If you do want to go into teaching you could always try teaching assistant work with secondary school kids and see if you like it. Where my daughter lives there are agencies that find teaching assistants for schools. If you start and then decide to do a teaching assistant qualification online you can get about £18,000 with grade three.
Or you can do a PGCE and go into teaching. There are also schools that let you learn teaching on the job but you have to go wherever in the country they want you to go. That will start off at about £21,000 which is not bad when you're an unqualified teacher. I hope this helps.