Xanthippe stated she worked part time to support herself - so she worked part time but was financially independent? ... i.e. her part time job paid all her bills and allowed her to be independent?
You'll have to forgive me because it was unclear from her post. -LUHE
LUHE I don't understand why you're asking Diogenesister to forgive you when you were extremely rude to me. You said my husband or parents supported me pioneering when I'd stated I worked part time to pay my rent, food and clothing bills. It's clearly in my post, Diogenesister got it, why didn't you?
Yes I was poor after only working part time from 16 - 22 while pioneering. I left home at nineteen and obviously paid my own bills. Before that I paid my parents board, I had to, my dad was not a JW. My parents didn't pay my way pioneering.
When I got married at 22 we both worked and both pioneered. On this thread about treating women with respect and gallantry you assumed I'd lied about my life and called me princess as if I was a pampered kid. I wasn't, my family were poor, living in a council house and I remained poor until I left the evil cult and got my degree.
I think you owe me an apology, what do all these gallant lovely men on here think?