Dario does this mean after your smurf sashayed out the door it was waiting for you outside so you could put it in the attic? You kept a smurf for 30 years, only to be influenced by sparlock? :)
JoinedPosts by perfect1
demon posession?
by perfect1 inmy gradmother used to tell me about a catholic icon at her aunt's house which was demon possesed and once blinked at her.
any other good stories of possession from people you know?.
demon posession?
by perfect1 inmy gradmother used to tell me about a catholic icon at her aunt's house which was demon possesed and once blinked at her.
any other good stories of possession from people you know?.
My gradmother used to tell me about a catholic icon at her Aunt's house which was demon possesed and once blinked at her.
Any other good stories of possession from people you know?
Born-ins (childhood memories)
by tornapart inas a born in, or in at a very young age, what were your worst memories as a young jw child?.
i remember not being allowed to go to sleep in the meetings when i was tired.
not being allowed to do lots of things at school other kids could do.
I remember being read to at night from my book of bible stories. Not fun to fall asleep to the Rape of Dinah.
As the daughter of an elder who traveled to give talks on Sundays, I was told to be a good example, which meant I had to sit very still in my lacey frou frou dresses, and of course, keep my knees together. Bonus was eating out for lunch. I felt proud of my dad and better than everyone.
Bonus for attending conventions was the hotel swimming pool- the only vacation we ever took. It was always very hot and miserable.
everyday having to stand up in class and NOT salute the flag.
holidays were "just another day" except everything was closed.
having no friends my own age and hanging out w weird older JWs.
All the being different made me so wrongfully arrogant.
At a certain point, maybe 12, sitting at the meetings began to cause me terrible back pain and I started to fill up notebooks with what looked like notes but were actually reasoned arguments against the point being presented. My mom was furious when she realized what I had been doing.
She looked at me with so much fear and hatred when I said I didn't believe.
What do you replace it with?
by konceptual99 inso... i am coming to the conclusion that pretty much all of the doctrinal stuff that i have believed for 25/30 years is built on a house of cards and it's about to come crashing down.
question is what do i replace it with?.
my intellectual head says that that whole thing is junk and there is almost certainly no god at all.
Hey konceptual:
I have been thinking about your post- and I think your question is right on esp. w regards to time. If you fade you will find a whole new 30 hours in your week free with nothing to do!
I would consider replacing with:
a class- any kind at all
developing a talent you may have snuffed
going to a bar and practicing the art of conversation w no religious agenda.
Sometimes normal life can give you the answers, better than finding another belief system.
just my experience.
What do you replace it with?
by konceptual99 inso... i am coming to the conclusion that pretty much all of the doctrinal stuff that i have believed for 25/30 years is built on a house of cards and it's about to come crashing down.
question is what do i replace it with?.
my intellectual head says that that whole thing is junk and there is almost certainly no god at all.
Even compasses shift to point in different directions.
But seriously, If god put a moral compass in me, why?
A) Did God create good and evil? If yes, then evil must have come from God along with goodness. So Garden of Eden was a set up, and God is not All Good.
B) Are good and evil external to God? If yes, then they are abstract categories out of His control- he is not omnipotent- since morality is outside of him.
if A), then good an evil are essentially arbitray as they are invented and created by God, only having validity through his authority which we are free to accept or reject- i.e. your moral compass.
if B) , then we don't really need him to tell us right and wrong, we will just sense it through our compass.
If you are going to look at the world in black and white, I think its nice to at least consider where black and white came from.
What do you replace it with?
by konceptual99 inso... i am coming to the conclusion that pretty much all of the doctrinal stuff that i have believed for 25/30 years is built on a house of cards and it's about to come crashing down.
question is what do i replace it with?.
my intellectual head says that that whole thing is junk and there is almost certainly no god at all.
I disagree with the conclusion of Guest that if there is no god there is no morality, no purpose, no explanation.
If you open it up that the WTS may be incorrect, you have every shade of ethics, morality, and religious and spiritual truth available for examination by your own critical intelligence.
JWS operate under some serious fear that without "the truth" everything is meaningless and everyone is violent, chaotic, immoral. I have observed that people internalize this and end up fearing themselves, what they would do and who they will become without the authority of WTS.
Yet, most of "the world" operates and functions because of sheer common sense and human decency, not because of a unified religious mission.
It is healthy to "fathom that there is no god" - give it a try.
At a young age in my JW upbringing- I made the decision to fathom anything I wanted.
I thinik the first step to freedom is allowing oneself to the freedom to think, and especially to think without fear of some peeping tom god listening in all the time and disapproving.
How many gods do we worship?
by XPeterX inisaiah 9:6 says: "for to us a child is born,to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders.
and he will be called wonderful counselor, mighty god,everlasting father, prince of peace.
"(new international version).this verse refers to jesus.now, genesis 17:6 mentions: "when abram was ninety-nine years old, the lord appeared to him and said, i am god almighty; walk before me faithfully and be blameless.
Exodus 20:3
3 “You must not have any other god but me.
4 “You must not make for yourself an idol of any kind or an image of anything in the heavens or on the earth or in the sea. 5 You must not bow down to them or worship them, for I, the L ORD your God, am a jealous God who will not tolerate your affection for any other gods. I lay the sins of the parents upon their children; the entire family is affected—even children in the third and fourth generations of those who reject me. 6 But I lavish unfailing love for a thousand generations on those b who love me and obey my commands.
Why would god be all jealous if there weren't other god options?
This idea of an omnicient omnipresent white bearded guy doesn't match up with the insecure, vengeful, jealous god of the old Testament, who is scripture acknowledges the competition.
So XPeterX- maybe the word god doesn't always mean GOD.
Plurality is not a problem until you git smote.
To me, this exodus god sounds like this:
What Watchtower Got Wrong with Their Child Molestation Policy
by Billy the Ex-Bethelite inin the style of stephen lett, i'm trying to come up with an exhaustive, enumerated list (without his crazy eyebrows, goofy facial expressions, and nutty voice).
what watchtower has gotten wrong isn't just their 2 witness rule.
it goes much deeper into other failures of jw dogma that has allowed this injustice and others to flourish in their organization.
Billy I like your style.
My first convention in 20+ years - observations
by jws inwell, got this brochure inviting me to a district convention to the public talk.
oddly, the time for the public talk was nowhere on the invite, instead they had a location and the start/end times for all 3 days.
Thanks for clearing up the generation light business. what a crock.
My first convention in 20+ years - observations
by jws inwell, got this brochure inviting me to a district convention to the public talk.
oddly, the time for the public talk was nowhere on the invite, instead they had a location and the start/end times for all 3 days.
"I think that maybe it was last year's announcement of the overlapping generations. Somehow I can't believe people sat through that without jaws wide open. "
I am out of the loop as far as the generations and the light. Can anyone fill me in on the current edition?
Last time I was involved this generation was almost over.