What do you replace it with?

by konceptual99 64 Replies latest jw friends

  • konceptual99

    So... I am coming to the conclusion that pretty much all of the doctrinal stuff that I have believed for 25/30 years is built on a house of cards and it's about to come crashing down. Question is what do I replace it with?

    My intellectual head says that that whole thing is junk and there is almost certainly no God at all. If there were then all the questions that "the truth" is meant to answer is there like what's God's plan, why is there so much suffering in the world etc.

    If there is no God however it's quite a mind bend to get your head from a place of hope/expectation to a place of this world is what it is and the best thing we can do is try and be nice people.

    I know some people seem to have found a middle ground where the focus is on the compassionate nature of the Christ but I don't think you can really seperate Christ from the rest of the Bible and, by implication, his father and the wider picture. Sure, Jesus set a pretty nice pattern to follow in many ways but I see people all around me being nice people without any kind of faith. If you bring it down to a philisophical base then there is very little to raise Jesus above many other good people through history. If you keep the aspect of a divine relationship in there then you're back to questions about the point of creation - something that the "truth" had a pretty decent story for.

    Talking with a trusted friend they were trying to reason that ones we had known that had drifted away were not significantly happier or less confused but that's not the point. It's not about finding another meaning to life. Don't get me wrong, I feel no burning need to replace the "truth" with anything at all. It's just I can't quite get my head round all the implications of there being no God at all yet it actually feels like the most logical conclusion.

  • Fernando

    Our family's experience:

    Religion is always a map leading to the god of religion - along with fear, shame, guilt, control, propaganda and manipulation.

    The real, full and true "good news" (especially according to Paul) is a map leading to the God of Abraham - along with increasing peace, happiness and contentment.

  • cedars

    I understand your dilemma konceptual99, however, I personally do not feel any pressing need to replace my former JW beliefs with anything at this particular stage of my life. I am happy to keep the canvas blank, to be filled only with facts as these unveil themselves in due course. I'm a firm believer that, in the absence of answers, it's good to have questions. In the absence of complete truth, it's good to at least identify the untruths (or lies) and make these known to others. That way, even if our generation is not the one to uncover absolute truth, we make the journey that little bit easier for the next generation (kind of like a relay race). At least, that's my philosophy.


  • Joe Grundy
    Joe Grundy

    "I feel no burning need to replace the "truth" with anything at all."

    That's probably the best place to be. Question, question everything - you owe it to yourself as a sentient being. Good luck.

  • Scully

    Try reading The God Delusion by Richard Dawkins. He'll give you plenty of food for thought.

  • konceptual99

    Hi @scully - I've read it and "The Greatest Show on Earth". Dawkins has very convincing arguments but he also has a very specific agenda which I think sometimes gets in the way of his objectivity.

    Interestingly enough, however, it does raise a side point that has contributed to my lack of confidence in the WTS. The fact that arguments that did seem to deflect evolutionary thinking 30 years ago are all but useless against the weight of modern science means that belief in the Genesis account requires even more blind faith than previously required. The WTS has not responded to this. All the current series of articles on amazing functions in nature along with all the recent creation literature has simply said "here's a really amazing and complex system in nature - don't you think this can only have come about through creation?". The WTS has not presented any quality scientifically based argument against evolution for years. I can only assume that this is because the only "scientific" evidence against common evolutionary science is presented by quacks and frauds.

    It's all about blind faith now....

  • leavingwt

    konceptual99: I sent you a PM yesterday.

    What do you replace it with?

    I would suggest that you eliminate any sense of urgency that you may have regarding finding an answer. Let's suppose there is a God and he has a purpose for you as an individual. Guess what? He allowed you to be in a cult for more than 20 years. "Evidently", he has a sense of humor, but more importantly, he's not in a big hurry.

    Why do I say this? In my own experience, looking back, I was a different person after 24 months or so after leaving the WT. My perspective at the time that I left was so limited, because I was so ignorant of the world outside the organization. I was also very ignorant about the history of the organization. It takes time to sort things out and place your experience in the proper perspective. A year from now, you'll understand what I'm talking about.

    Keep your eyes open and take your time. It's not a race.

  • leavingwt

    Happiness and Truth are not necessarily related. In many cases, ignorance is bliss -- for some personality types.


  • Guest with Questions
    Guest with Questions

    I'm sure this won't be a popular answer on this board but maybe it's time to stop relying on man for the answers and instead rely on Jesus. It always saddens me when a witness looses faith in the organization they loose faith in God as well. Could it be that the organization has given you a warped sense of who God is?

    Intellectually I can't fathom that there is no God; that ultimately there is no purpose to our existence; that morality is subjective. I may not see God but I sense Him all around me, through people, nature, music, and how lives are changed.

    Our pastor is friends with an atheist. During a conversation the college professor admitted that he didn't know how the universe started or why we are here. He had made up his mind at the age of 6 that there was no God. Personally I feel that it isn't an intellectual decision but an emotional one.

  • Scully

    Hi konceptual99

    I agree that Dawkins has an agenda. Is there anybody who writes a book that doesn't have an agenda? Creationists (including the WTS) have their agenda, Dawkins and other evolutionists have theirs. The trick is to weed through it all and see what is supported by scientific evidence, and set aside the rest until the evidence is in one way or the other.

    Another book I recommend is called Why Evolution is True by Jerry A Coyne. This book succinctly explores the best examples of evolutionary development. He's not condescending. He just shows the evidence. And while his agenda is clearly stated in the title, he meets the standard of the scientific method.

    The WTS treatise called Creation is one of the most heinous examples of quoting scientific experts out of context - including Dawkins. A long-time member of JWN and an even older friend of mine, alanf, wrote an exposé of each quote that the WTS had in its list of references, and how each had - in a succession of deliberate acts of academic dishonesty - been taken out of context from the original scholarly work. That is one for the ages.


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