I never understood why people are so anthropocentric and stingy with souls.
Why cant everyone have one.
after leaving, i still couldn't wrap my head around evolution (after the years of seing "intelligent design" in everything around me).. there's a series of videos that give a good intro to evolution and critical thinking.
they've probably been posted here before, but, for any new members, these are worth watching.. evolution: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xdddbyilel0.
critical thinking: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6olpl5p0fmg.
I never understood why people are so anthropocentric and stingy with souls.
Why cant everyone have one.
the worst thing an "elder" ever did to me was in 2008. i was in one congregation, but i wanted to return to my home congregation because i've been reproved there twice ( once private and the last one public ).
when i came into this congregation in 2007 i thought i was going to move up the food chain ( this congregation was full of older people, so i thought i would move up faster ).
but i got into some trouble in the congregation.
i've had a rough time lately with my jw relatives.
they are aware of my spiritually weakened condition and have known about my doubts for some time.
i would like to hear your experiences about "coming out" to your loved ones.
I said this to someone else, recently.
Avoid the strange JW impule of letter writing.
Yes, you want to lay out an argument, a detailed, nuanced argument explaining yourself.
buy a journal.
then continue to have face to face conversations with your doubting family.
Letter writing and giving does nothing but produce evidence against you. The cult mentality can snap back on again at any moment, and the person may feel the need to report you or burn it or you name it to your letter. In the present moment, when things come up, you can draw them out and try to share these taboo ideas. There are small windows where a believer has doubts. Most people cannot live in a state of uncertainty and close their minds back up to something more comfortable- in this case the lies and tragic message of the WTS.
I believe letter writing must come out of the JW mindset that you are the speaker and your audience needs to listen, and you will line up your points and scriptures like giving a talk.
This is really not effective communication, iit is one sided. Trying engaging in a conversation, where there is an exchange and you listen and respond to the person and what they need from you rather than presenting your case, as you say.
the worst thing an "elder" ever did to me was in 2008. i was in one congregation, but i wanted to return to my home congregation because i've been reproved there twice ( once private and the last one public ).
when i came into this congregation in 2007 i thought i was going to move up the food chain ( this congregation was full of older people, so i thought i would move up faster ).
but i got into some trouble in the congregation.
a- based on what you are saying it sounds like their idea of why you did what you did is accurate
my answer is: The worst thing an elder ever did to me was pinch me very, very hard.
30 that seems to put jw's at a cross-roads?
i've known so many who have decided to abandon ship at either the age of 30 or either after 30 years of being baptized.
i fall into the former category.
Sky Green, you are not stuck! I hope you find your way to freedom!
to the household of god, israel, and those who go with... may you all have peace!.
from time to time the issue of how to fulfill the "form of worship that is acceptable to god," mentioned by james in his letter, namely, looking after widows and orphans "in their tribulation"... comes up.
given the issue of tithing, the plethora of institutionalized charity choices, and the existence of ones in need, perhaps in our own households and families... but certainly in our towns, countries... and around the world... how does one fulfill this requirement?
goodbye thread.
to the household of god, israel, and those who go with... may you all have peace!.
from time to time the issue of how to fulfill the "form of worship that is acceptable to god," mentioned by james in his letter, namely, looking after widows and orphans "in their tribulation"... comes up.
given the issue of tithing, the plethora of institutionalized charity choices, and the existence of ones in need, perhaps in our own households and families... but certainly in our towns, countries... and around the world... how does one fulfill this requirement?
Yes, Ziddina!!!
now that I see where tec gets her yall and peace to you from, I am a little creeped out.
this is baffling me...someone suggested a day or so ago that outlaw is female?
and what about bandontherun ?
is that a lady too?.
i have been inactice now for about 4 months.
i keep getting visit from elders and well meaning ministerial servants.
i went back to two meetings about two weeks ago.
I am sure you will figure this out. School is your priority, just focus on that.
Im not sure what you are referrng to about non-witness moral standards- but college is a time for young people to try out new identities, behaviors, and lifestyles, styles. Dont judge people around you for doing so. Give yourself more room to explore who you are and who you can be. Stay safe but let yourself have some new experiences and spend time with other people. Try to focus on your commonalities, and dont be judgemental. (speaking from experience here) its best to lose your JW naivete as quick as you can. You will wise up, and that is a good thing.
remember that JWs compare higher education to shooting yourself in the head. When you are there acing your exams high on knowledge remember there are 8 men in Brooklyn who would rather you were not getting an education, and ask yourself why that can be, given your experience.
You dont have to go to anyones family worship night.
And one more thing, honey- there is no SAFE IN
its not safe in there. its a delusion.