Dont stick you head in the sand!
If he wouldve said that to me I might not have been able to resist saying Dont stick your head up your ass, brother doom.
i guess the stars aligned for this one.
this morning i dropped my car off to get it fixed and the shop i always go to is a lot closer to my mom's house than mine so i asked her if i could stay at her house while it got fixed.
she was out in service doing returns at the time and offered to ride me to her house.
Dont stick you head in the sand!
If he wouldve said that to me I might not have been able to resist saying Dont stick your head up your ass, brother doom.
MC rubber mallet, thank you for the proposal. I am flattered that you would like to marry me based soley on my words and not my stunning good looks, effervescent personality, and dazzling intellect.
Let me check with my current spouse but this should not be a problem, as we are very open minded.
By the way, I never got your PM.
LOL cobalt-
and 00D, very nice. I think I know what you mean. Thank you.
remember when we used to have thanksgiving, under the guise of "the turkey was on sale...."?
this year, i'm going to dress up as a pilgrim.
what are you doing for thanksgiving?.
Yesterday I asked me mom if she had plans for thxgvng just to be provocative.
She then felt obligated to ask me- and I told her- and told her her its my favorite holiday.
Seriously, what can JWs really have against a holiday thats NOT pagan- too recent- 300 yrs old- and there is nothing religious about it- you are just supposed to spend time with your family and reflect on what you are grateful for.
I love it- but its so sad I cant share times like this with my family.
i do not wish to debate anything here like i have said in the past i have much respect for most on this forum (believers and non believers) i am simply wondering if the atheist or non god believers every worry about what if your wrong?
it seems that many who were jw for so many years attach jehovah/yahweh with the watchtower and since the wt is wrong than god does not exist.
i ask this question only because i care about people and salvation thats why i want to help as many as possable come out of this cult,and since i truly believe in god i dont know what is in the cinscience of those who dont.
I respect Unstoppable for saying, I dont have all the answers, but thats OK, thats where I am at, for now.
That seems like such an honest statement.
I can relate to the wonder of life- but to me, it doesnt require a God.
Could you ever look at your baby, UR- and say, what if- there is no God.
Your question brings me to think a bit about fear- like your OP seems to suggest we all might get blasted by the Big G- and then wont we sorry- The amazing thing is living life without fear.
just found out that the australian governong body member known as geoffrey jackson got engaged to a sister about two weeks ago.
it really shocked me at first but then i remembered how other members of the gb have remarried in the past like daniel sidlik.
what made me say "woah" was hearing that the holy bride to be is really young!
Maybe she is desperately poor.
The sign is in Tagalog.
how does a person (non-jw) outside the organization get this cd the wt publishes?
how much does it cost?.
note: i'm not asking how much it's worth.
You could also a ttend a service meeting to get a taste of them rehearsing their pat answers.
how does a person (non-jw) outside the organization get this cd the wt publishes?
how much does it cost?.
note: i'm not asking how much it's worth.
i do not wish to debate anything here like i have said in the past i have much respect for most on this forum (believers and non believers) i am simply wondering if the atheist or non god believers every worry about what if your wrong?
it seems that many who were jw for so many years attach jehovah/yahweh with the watchtower and since the wt is wrong than god does not exist.
i ask this question only because i care about people and salvation thats why i want to help as many as possable come out of this cult,and since i truly believe in god i dont know what is in the cinscience of those who dont.
Sure God can be a psychopath.
Ok with me.
i do not wish to debate anything here like i have said in the past i have much respect for most on this forum (believers and non believers) i am simply wondering if the atheist or non god believers every worry about what if your wrong?
it seems that many who were jw for so many years attach jehovah/yahweh with the watchtower and since the wt is wrong than god does not exist.
i ask this question only because i care about people and salvation thats why i want to help as many as possable come out of this cult,and since i truly believe in god i dont know what is in the cinscience of those who dont.
Their are plenty of moral systems without God.
Take Utilitarianism, for example. The Greatest Good for the greatest number.
Also, those lacking empathy are considered psychopaths.